Ko Wen-je supports new laws to prevent power abuse in Taiwan

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/05/30 14:06
Ko Wen-je supports new laws to prevent power abuse in Taiwan (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Legislative Yuan has recently passed amendments to the Law Governing the Legislative Yuan's Power, introducing measures such as defining contempt of parliament, normalizing the president's state of the nation address, and mandating truthful statements during hearings. The amendments, passed on Wednesday (May 29), aim to balance the powers between the government and its watchdogs without allowing either to overstep its bounds.

Taiwan People's Party (民眾黨, TPP) leader Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) expressed his views on the matter Wednesday night, stating that the new laws would prevent the abuse of power by the ruling party while ensuring that oversight by the opposition parties is not taken to extremes.


Ko, through a Facebook post, acknowledged the possibility of the Executive Yuan (行政院) challenging the amendments or the Democratic Progressive Party (民進黨, DPP) seeking a constitutional interpretation. He respects these constitutional mechanisms and believes in the maturity of Taiwan's democratic system to lead to the best outcomes.

Legislative Collaboration and Judicial Consistency

Ko emphasized the TPP's commitment to achieving a balance between the executive and legislative branches, indicating a need for collaboration with the Kuomintang (國民黨, KMT) at this stage. However, he voiced opposition to the establishment of a special parliamentary investigation unit, arguing for consistency in the judiciary. Ko believes that creating special prosecutors for high-ranking officials could undermine trust in the judicial system, advocating instead for a unified approach to justice.

更新時間:2024/05/30 14:06
