Premier to push for anti-fraud laws in legislative meeting

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/05/22 14:28
Premier Cho to push for new anti-fraud laws (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a significant move to bolster the fight against fraud, Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) met with Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) at the Legislative Yuan on Wednesday (May 22).


Accompanied by Deputy Premier Cheng Li-chun (鄭麗君), Cho's visit aimed to strengthen communication between the executive and legislative branches and to promote the passage of bills that benefit the nation.


Cho was expected to seek legislative support to pass four new anti-fraud laws, collectively known as the "New Four Anti-Fraud Laws." These laws are designed to enhance the capabilities of law enforcement agencies in combating fraud.


The Executive Yuan recently approved the draft bills, which include the Cyber Security Management Act and the Fraud Crime Prevention Act (詐欺犯罪危害防制條例), amendments to the Communication Security and Surveillance Act (通訊保障及監察法), and the Money Laundering Control Act (洗錢防制法). These measures are now under legislative review.


The proposed legislation aims to increase the responsibilities of Internet advertising platforms and financial institutions and impose harsher penalties for fraud. Under the new laws, individuals convicted of fraud involving amounts over NT$10 million could face up to 10 years in prison. Repeat offenders would not be eligible for parole, and the use of technology in investigations would be legally sanctioned.

更新時間:2024/05/22 14:52
