Legislative Yuan gains power of parliamentary investigation

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/05/22 08:58
Legislative Yuan gains power of parliamentary investigation (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a significant move to enhance transparency and accountability, the Legislative Yuan (立法院) passed the second reading of amendments to the Law Governing the Legislative Yuan`s Power on Tuesday (May 21), introducing the power of parliamentary investigation.

This landmark decision allows the Legislative Yuan to demand information from government agencies, military units, legal entities, groups, or related individuals.


The amendments stipulate that those who fail to comply with the Legislative Yuan's requests for information can face fines up to NT$100,000.

Furthermore, the Legislative Yuan now has the authority to establish investigative committees or special project teams to exercise this investigative power, including the ability to request specific reference materials and hold hearings.

However, the exercise of this investigative power is not without limits. It must not exceed the purpose, matters, and scope of the investigation, respecting the independence of other state organs.

The Legislative Yuan is prohibited from exercising this power in cases of litigation or appeals that have not yet been resolved. If government officials or entities refuse to provide documents, they can be referred to the Control Yuan (監察院) for legal action.

Similarly, legal entities, groups, or related individuals refusing to provide the requested documents can incur fines ranging from NT$10,000 to NT$100,000.

This development marks a pivotal step towards strengthening the Legislative Yuan's oversight of government operations. By setting clear boundaries and penalties for non-compliance, the amendments aim to ensure that the legislative body can effectively hold other branches of government and related entities accountable.

As the Legislative Yuan prepares for the third reading, primarily focused on textual amendments, the impact of these changes on Taiwan's political landscape remains to be seen.

更新時間:2024/05/22 09:47
