KMT, TPP face DPP filibuster in legislative battle

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/05/21 18:06
KMT, TPP face DPP filibuster in legislative battle (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a significant move to push through legislative reforms, the Kuomintang (國民黨, KMT) announced plans on Tuesday (May 21) to extend the parliamentary session until midnight if necessary. This decision comes in response to the Democratic Progressive Party's (民進黨, DPP) delay tactics, which have hindered the progress of crucial parliamentary reform bills.

Legislative Standoff


Caucus Secretary-General Hung Mong-kai (洪孟楷) of the KMT criticized the DPP for employing delay tactics during Tuesday's legislative session, which aimed to address reforms proposed by both the KMT and the Taiwan People's Party (民眾黨, TPP). Despite some proposals having bipartisan support, the DPP's insistence on voting and then supporting the same bills they delayed highlights a strategy of obstruction, according to Hung. He stated that the DPP was filibustering to waste time.

Calls for Restraint

Hung also emphasized the KMT's stance against violence, urging all parties to take full responsibility for their actions and adhere to procedural rules. He revealed that earlier attempts at cross-party communication proposed a mutual agreement to prevent attacks on Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜). Unfortunately, the DPP's refusal to agree has stalled any consensus.

Since the three parties have yet to reach a consensus, the fate of these reforms remains uncertain. The next sessions on May 24 and May 28 will be critical in determining whether the parties can overcome their differences for the sake of Taiwan's legislative future.





更新時間:2024/05/21 18:06
