MOA to launch voucher program to boost Hualien’s economy

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/05/15 12:05
MOA to launch voucher program to boost Hualien‘s economy (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News)—The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) on Wednesday (May 15) revealed the plans for the voucher program slated to start on July 1 to revitalize tourism and agricultural development in Hualien following the recent earthquake. 

With an initial budget of NT$183 million, the vouchers will be available until the end of October, with a redemption deadline set for the end of November.


Voucher Details and Distribution

Yang Hsin-chia (楊欣佳), an official from the Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation (農業部農村發展及水土保持署) stated that the vouchers, valued at NT$250 each, will be restricted for use in specific stores within the Hualien region. 

This strategy ensures that the subsidy budget directly benefits the local area, stimulating the growth of the tourism industry. Furthermore, each voucher is designed for one-time use and must be redeemed within the specified period.

Implementation and Coordination

Acting Minister of Agriculture Chen Junne-jih (陳駿季) highlighted that the actual issuance of the vouchers might face adjustments depending on the recovery of transportation in Hualien and the willingness of the public to travel. 

Chen emphasized the necessity of further discussions with the Tourism Administration under the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to maximize the program's benefits and effectively attract tourists back to Hualien. 

The MOA hopes the voucher initiative will play a crucial role in reviving Hualien's tourism and agricultural economy, aiding the local industry in recovering swiftly from the disaster's aftermath.

The vouchers represent a targeted effort to support Hualien's recovery, promising a boost to the region's agricultural and tourism sectors. As the program's launch approaches, the MOA continues to fine-tune its strategies to ensure the initiative's success and the swift revitalization of Hualien.





更新時間:2024/05/15 12:05