Live-fire exercises enhance Taiwan’s military readiness

記者 Amy Hsin-Hsiang Chen 報導

2024/05/08 17:11

KAOHSIUNG (TVBS News) — To familiarize troops with battlefield conditions, the 117th Army Infantry Brigade conducted a live-fire exercise on the Kaohsiung Linyuan District waterfront on Tuesday (May 7). 

Soldiers used M249 squad machine guns and T91 rifles during the training. Despite some weapons jamming, instructors were on hand to assist, enhancing the Taiwan Army's real-world combat capabilities.


"Line up the sights. Fire the gun!" commanded the officer. Soldiers synchronized their breathing with their trigger pulls, aiming directly at the target area. They also managed their own ammunition and magazine replacements, with instructors providing support.

Su Tzu-yun, head of the Division of Defense Strategy and Resources at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research, stated that live-fire training aims to simulate an enemy's beach approach and prepare troops for a counterattack or interception.

Unlike target shooting, live-fire exercises improve soldiers' reflexes by forcing them to navigate environmental obstacles and adjust their targeting under time constraints, effectively enhancing their combat readiness.


更新時間:2024/05/08 17:11
