Premier criticizes legislator over leaked documents

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/05/06 17:38
Premier criticizes legislator over leaked documents (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Chen Chien-jen criticized Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Hsu Chiao-hsin on Monday (May 6) for publicly disclosing confidential documents and spreading false news about Taiwan's aid project for Ukraine. Chen said such actions could significantly harm Taiwan's sovereignty and international diplomacy.

Hsu had claimed the day before that Taiwan had signed a US$10 million (approximately NT$322.65 million) aid project for Ukraine with the Czech Republic. The project, to be executed by the Czech Health Technology Institute (CHTI), could potentially involve Taiwan indirectly in Czech domestic politics, Hsu said, calling on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to clarify the situation.


In response, Chen said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had already explained the situation and that the confidential documents were available for review at the Legislative Yuan. Legislators could access them if they wished, he added.

Chen emphasized that Taiwan's diplomatic situation is extremely challenging and that it is crucial to maintain good diplomatic affairs and avoid malicious interference from third parties that could undermine Taiwan's efforts in foreign relations. He pointed out that Hsu, as a member of the Legislative Yuan's Foreign and National Defense Committee, should be well aware that these documents are available for review and that the relevant departments can provide explanations when necessary.

Chen urged legislators from all parties and all sectors of society to work together to develop foreign relations with countries that share the same values of freedom and democracy, contributing to the world.

更新時間:2024/05/06 17:38
