Premier Chen vows to overhaul foster care after abuse case

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/03/14 15:14
Premier Chen vows to overhaul foster care after abuse case (Courtesy of Executive Yuan)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In response to a nationwide focus on a deadly child abuse case involving a babysitter, Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasized Thursday (March 14) that he would instruct relevant departments to review and improve areas of deficiency jointly.

During his tenure at the Executive Yuan meeting, Chen represented the government in expressing an apology to the family of the deceased child, stating that the incident had led to the loss of an innocent life, which he found heart-wrenching and difficult to let go.


Chen underscored that both central and local governments should jointly conduct a review and strive to improve the related shortcomings to perfect the social safety net.

The Premier emphasized the necessity of scrutinizing the foster care system, including its selection and supervision mechanisms for babysitters or institutions. Chen highlighted the importance of reviewing and improving any negligence found in the execution of visits by local governments and in the follow-up reporting and investigation processes.

更新時間:2024/03/14 15:14
