Taiwan calls for goodwill from China to resume tourism

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/02/22 12:01
Taiwan calls for goodwill from China to resume tourism (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kuo-tsai urged China on Thursday (Feb. 22) to demonstrate goodwill towards resuming tourism and travel between the two countries.

This appeal follows the Ministry of Transport and Communications' (MOTC) decree in early 2024 to ban local travel agencies from arranging tours to China, effective from June. This policy resulted in backlash from the tourism sector.


Wang reemphasized that the government, including the president, places priority on healthy and orderly interactions between China and Taiwan. And also hope that Chinese tourists will continue to come to Taiwan.

Wangsaid that the goal of attracting 12 million international tourists to Taiwan this year remains unchanged, with hopes that normal levels can be restored depending on the pandemic's control. He is optimistic that there can be two million visits from China. However, if this goal cannot be met, the Tourism Administration will look for visitors from other countries.

In light of issues raised by travel agencies due to the ban on group tours to China, the MOTC will evaluate the situation and discuss possible solutions with each agency. Decisions will be made based on the circumstances of each respective travel agency, according to Wang.

In response to the concerns over the difficulty of booking flights and ticket issues raised by the travel industry ahead of the summer vacation, Wang said that the MOTC will discuss the with the Civil Aeronautics Administration and related airlines to ensure affected travel agencies can fully refund their clients.

更新時間:2024/02/22 12:01
