KMT pushes for urgent food safety report in Legislative Yuan

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/02/20 11:27
KMT pushes for urgent food safety report in Legislative Yuan (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — On Tuesday morning (Feb. 20) Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Wu Tsung-hsien arrived at the Legislative Yuan and began queuing to propose an alteration to the day's agenda to conduct a special report on food safety.

Today marks the opening of the first session of the new Legislative Yuan. Yesterday's cross-party consultations hosted by Legislative Yuan Speaker Han Kuo-yu broke down, resulting in the postponement of the special report. Premier Chen Chien-jen is expected to report on his administration's policies today.


KMT had proposed a day ago that Chen present the special report, and though it seemed a consensus had emerged among the three main parties, the talks fell apart.

This was because a proposal by Taiwan People's Party (TPP) convener Huang Kuo-chang to hold an extra legislative meeting on Wednesday (Feb. 21) failed to gain the support of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and KMT camps.

For the special report on food safety, the KMT proposes that Chen and the heads of relevant departments conduct a comprehensive review before questioning the implementation of policies.

The discussion of the proposal will be delegated among seven committee members from the KMT, seven from the DPP and one from the TPP.

DPP caucus whip Wu Si-yao believes the proposals put forward by KMT and TPP will consume a lot of procedural time and further politicize the issue of food safety.

Wu stated that even though she hasn't seen KMT’s proposal, preparations for a special food safety report are underway in various departments. Once a consensus is reached, the report can begin.



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更新時間:2024/02/20 11:27
