Taiwan impresses at Dublin’s Holiday World Show

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/01/30 13:11
Taiwan shines at Dublin‘s Holiday World Show (Courtesy of Taipei Representative Office in Ireland)

DUBLIN (TVBS News) — Taiwan showcased its diverse tourism potential at the Holiday World Show Dublin held on Jan. 26-28, attracting notable visitors including Irish senators and the Lithuanian ambassador to Ireland.

Taiwan Pavilion was established with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and the Tourism Administration. Representative to Ireland Pierre Yang was present where he engaged with Jack Chambers, Irish Minister of State, at the opening ceremony and extended an invitation to him to visit Taiwan.


During the exhibition, Mr. Yang highlighted Taiwan's cultural and natural geographical landscape at the Taiwanese Pavilion, later getting an interview with the Irish podcast 'Perspectives with Neilo.'

In its promotion, Taiwan Pavilion not only endorsed the "Story Taiwan" and "Accelerate the Attraction of International Visitors" programs but also shared information about holiday work in Taiwan and Taiwanese scholarships. It further committed to promoting traditional Chinese characters and Taiwanese Chinese literature, leading to a cultural blend among its guests.

Visitors had a chance to enjoy Taiwanese snacks, Kavalan whiskey and even got to make small lanterns with Lunar New Year features. Cloud Gate Dance Theater's upcoming performance in Ireland in May 2024, including their participation in the Dublin Dance Festival on May 14-15, was also highlighted, providing further opportunities to appreciate Taiwanese culture.

The Dublin International Travel Show had a total of approximately 30,000 visitors, providing a platform to raise the visibility of Taiwanese tourism.





更新時間:2024/01/30 13:11
