Taoyuan legislator candidate detained for alleged China ties

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/01/05 22:04
Taoyuan legislator candidate detained for alleged China ties (Courtesy of Ma Chih-wei)

TAOYUAN (TVBS News) — An independent legislative candidate from Taoyuan City was detained on Friday (Jan. 5) under suspicion of violating Taiwan's"Anti-Infiltration Act," as stated by the Taoyuan District Court. The Act, introduced to counter China's influence, aims to protect the island's democracy.

Ma Chih-wei is accused of receiving financial support from pro-unification groups in mainland China last year. Following a search of Ma's residence and office on Thursday, the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office brought her and eight others in for questioning. The prosecutors sought detention due to concerns of a significant offense, potential collusion, evidence tampering, and risk of escape.


After a court session on Friday afternoon, the Taoyuan District Court found evidence suggesting Ma had accepted funding from mainland Chinese sources for her election campaign and had shared election-related information with them. Considering the gravity of the offenses and the ongoing investigation into her election funding sources, the court decided to detain Ma, prohibiting visitors in accordance with the law, due to risks of collusion and evidence tampering.





更新時間:2024/01/05 22:04