Experience the ’Love the Philippines’ Christmas celebration

記者 Huang-Chi Ho 報導

2023/12/24 16:41

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Philippines Department of Tourism-Taiwan is hosting the 'Love the Philippines' Christmas celebration at Breeze Song Gao from Dec. 22 to Jan. 2. This event, showcasing Filipino delicacies and offering exciting prize draws, invites everyone to enjoy the holiday season.

Tourism Director Hazel Javier, in an exclusive interview, provided a tour of the event, emphasizing the country's highlights to foreign visitors. She explained how the Philippines celebrates the world's longest Christmas season, starting in September and continuing until the new year. "Filipinos from different parts of the world go back to the Philippines to be with their families," Javier said.


Javier also introduced traditional Filipino dishes available at the event, including Bibingka and Puto Bumbong sticky rice, roasted Lechon, and Pancit noodles. These foods represent family unity, prosperity, and gratitude during the festive season.

She further discussed the growing tourism and educational exchange between Taiwan and the Philippines, noting Taiwan as a key market. "The tourism between Taiwan and the Philippines has been proactive and robust," Javier commented, highlighting the business potential.

Javier pointed out cultural similarities between the two countries, such as their love for festivals and friendly nature. "I think the similarities between Taiwan and the Philippines, we particularly celebrate a lot of festivities, like a fiesta," she remarked. She also noted their shared passion for diverse cuisines.

The event features a Christmas installation for selfies, with chances to win Bibingka and round-trip tickets to the Philippines. A musical celebration with The Scam Band, saxophone, and violin performances is scheduled for New Year's Eve.

Javier concluded by expressing her hope that the event would inspire more Taiwanese to explore the rich culture of the Philippines.

The celebration is held at No. 16, Songgao Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City (台北市信義區松高路16號)



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更新時間:2023/12/24 16:41
