Children critical after school bus crash in Changhua County

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/11/22 16:58

CHANGHUA (TVBS News) — Two children remain in critical care following a school bus and car collision on Tuesday (Nov. 21). 

The collision unfolded at an uncontrolled intersection in Changhua County with only one road reflective mirror.  


Local residents have reported frequent crashes at this location, attributing them to the obstructive tall trees at the corner. The township office has previously requested the property owner to trim these trees.

In the aftermath of the crash, 20 workers from a nearby factory rushed to the scene, helping to evacuate the injured children from the bus.

Police are investigating the accident's cause and awaiting statements from the drivers involved.

This incident has reignited debate over seatbelt regulations for school buses. Children are not required to wear seat belts on these buses due to concerns that they may be unable to unfasten them in emergencies.  



👉12位女星減重菜單 小嫻吃澱粉沒復胖


更新時間:2023/11/22 17:37
