Taichung mini hydroelectric plant to complete by year’s end

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2023/10/26 11:27
Taichung mini hydroelectric plant to complete by year’s end (Courtesy of Taichung City Gov’t)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Director Fan Shih-yi of Taichung City's Water Resources Bureau released a statement on Thursday (Oct. 26) that the "Taichung City Mini Hydroelectric Development Plan" has signed a partnership, 20-year contract with the collaborating companies responsible for total funding. 

The bureau statement read that future revenue will benefit the city government based on the contract ratio in exchange for public sector resources.


Fong He Green Energy & Environment Co. and JetPro will lead the development project and create a mini hydroelectric facility inside the city's jurisdiction. 

The first facility, the Shishuike Creek mini hydroelectric power plant, is marked for completion by year-end. It was developed with an installation capacity of 185KW and can generate about 1,000 green certificates under the nation's renewable energy certification center.

Private companies will purchase power generated in the form of green energy certificates.

Fong He Green Energy & Environment Co. President Tsai Meng-hsun pointed out that the development is the first to introduce a siphon-type mini hydropower set in Taiwan. The innovation minimizes pressure jacket and excavation work, reducing the impact on existing water resources facilities.

Fan added that hydroelectric power generated from the plant offers 24-hour operation, with high stability and typically more efficient energy conversion.



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更新時間:2023/10/26 11:27
