Government reassures support for TSMC’s Longtan expansion

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2023/10/16 21:55
Government reassures support for TSMC’s Longtan expansion (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) board member and National Development Council (NDC) Minister Kung Ming-hsin stated on Monday (Oct. 16) that the government will support TSMC's expansion plans in Longtan District, even if it may face relocation

The Hsinchu Science Park Administration is working on the expansion at Longtan Science Park for TSMC to build fabs to produce under 2-nanometer chips. However, the opposition from local residents may impact the efforts.


Residents opposing the third phase of the Longtan Science Park shared on Facebook that during a three-way dialogue with the Hsinchu Science Park Administration, TSMC expressed concerns about the societal controversy triggered by the park expansion, leading to the company allegedly abandoning its plans for the factory.

TSMC did not directly respond to the resident group's post. 

I​​​​​n response to Kuomintang (KMT) Legislator Tseng Ming-chung's query about TSMC's abandonment of the Longtan factory expansion, Kung said he was not aware given that TSMC never presented the proposal to the board. 

However, NDC officials added that TSMC's actions imply an undecided stance.

If TSMC does abandon the Lung-tan expansion, Kung said the Central Taiwan Science Park and Kaohsiung could also be potential locations for the expansion developments. He reassured that the government will provide necessary assistance, regardless of TSMC's current construction plans.



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更新時間:2023/10/16 21:55
