Demand for rainy-day gadgets rises amid typhoon season

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/08/29 18:33

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Rainy-day gadget sales have grown 20% since July amid the typhoon and monsoon seasons, according to a group-buying, e-commerce public relations publicist.

During the summer season, staying dry has become a challenge for many living in Taiwan. Due to this, TVBS conducted an interview, with many responses showing having "dry shoes in the rain" as an impossible challenge. 


Businesses have since rolled out waterproof shoe covers, shoe dryers, portable dryers, etc., for customers to combat the rain and stay dry or help dry consumers' items faster after being soaked in the rain.

As Typhoon Saola nears, these businesses are seeing a rise in demand for rainy-day gadgets. 

The Central Weather Bureau forecasts the typhoon to be the closest to Taiwan on Wednesday (Aug. 30), bringing heavy rain and strong winds to the island. 


更新時間:2023/08/29 18:33
