Taiwanese students’ college placement results announced

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/08/15 20:46

TAIPEI(TVBS News) — The University Admission Committee unveiled the outcomes of Taiwanese students' college placements on Tuesday (Aug. 15), revealing an overall acceptance rate of 96.14% for college admissions through the examination and placement process.

In accordance with the data provided by the Joint Board of College Recruitment Commission, a total of 37,797 students submitted applications for college admission via examination and placement, representing an increase of 12,500 students compared to the previous year.


However, despite the high number of applicants, a total of 6,464 vacancies remain due to Taiwan's declining birth rate. Hsuan Chuang University stands out with a staggering 96.96% vacancy rate, while Aletheia University and Dayeh University report vacancy rates exceeding 80%.

Chen Sheng-chih, Executive Secretary of the University Admission Committee, emphasized the importance for each university to establish distinct academic offerings to attract students with varying areas of expertise or to entice international students.

The Joint Board of College Recruitment Commission underscored that students harboring uncertainties about their placement results have the option to apply for a review, ensuring their rights are safeguarded. The deadline for review applications is 5 p.m. on Aug. 18






更新時間:2023/08/15 20:46