Expert dives deep into Vietnam’s education success

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/07/24 16:16

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — According to the latest data from the World Bank, Vietnam's education ranks among the best in the world.

The data reveals that Vietnamese students outperform their peers from Malaysia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Canada in aggregate learning scores.


Experts attribute Vietnam's education success to various early-stage learning fields and the government's significant investments in compulsory education.

For instance, Vietnam's provinces must allocate a fifth of the budget to education, while in Taiwan, funds for education account for only 12.2% of the entire country's GDP, according to the Lin Yung-Neng, the Director of the Master's Program of Business Administration in Southeast Asia at National Taipei University of Education.

Professor Lin also highlights the similarities between Vietnam's education system and Taiwan's. At the same time, Vietnam has 12 years of compulsory education and a comprehensive teacher training system. 

Vietnamese families also prioritize early learning and focus on providing their children with a strong educational background to secure jobs in local international companies. 

However, Vietnam's higher education level still lags behind that of developed countries, despite having a 30% of university enrollment rate, according to Lin. 

Experts point out that Vietnam faces a shortage of technological and management talents required by current industrial trends. Vietnam must invest more in its higher education system to enhance economic growth.





更新時間:2023/07/24 16:16