Special dragon boat race unfolds in Tanzi District, Taichung

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/06/20 12:19

TAICHUNG (TVBS News) — The Tanzi District Office in Taichung City organized an onshore dragon boat race on Sunday, June 18, to celebrate the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival.

Each team consisted of eight members who held onto an inflatable dragon boat and raced across the basketball court without falling off.


A total of twenty teams competed for the dragon boat race championship. Sixteen teams represented the villages in Tanzi District, one from the Tanzi District Office, another from the Tanzi District's mediation committee, and the final two teams comprised students and teachers from Ta Ming High School's Tanzi Art Campus.

The Tanzi District's mediation committee revealed they had started practicing a month before the race. After their mediation sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays, the dragon boat race participants would stay longer to practice together, usually five to eight times, before returning home.

Unfortunately, despite all the hard work and rigorous preparations, one team member accidentally fell off the boat during the quarter-finals, thus losing their chance to compete in the final race.

Ultimately, the team of Ta Ming High School students emerged victorious and secured the first-place position.



👉12位女星減重菜單 小嫻吃澱粉沒復胖


更新時間:2023/06/20 14:25