Taiwanese create new business models in post-pandemic world

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2022/11/15 17:45

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Young Taiwanese are creating new business models to survive in the post-pandemic world. 

Soaring inflation with no hope of salary hikes is prompting more and more people to find a second job or start a business to maintain their lifestyles. 


And many of the jobs that young people are looking for are online. 

According to an job search online platform, vacancies for long-distance jobs have tripled since 2020. 

Since the pandemic started, many jobs have shifted online. Most people think the trend is becoming the new normal, thanks to its convenience and flexible hours. 

More companies are also cooperating with this working mode to decrease business costs. 

更新時間:2022/11/15 17:45
