
Cheng Wen-tsan praises Taichung Mayor Lu as rational

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/13 17:52
Last update time:2024/05/13 17:52
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Cheng Wen-tsan praises Taichung Mayor Lu as rational (TVBS News) Cheng Wen-tsan praises Taichung Mayor Lu as rational
Cheng Wen-tsan praises Taichung Mayor Lu as rational(TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan praised on Monday (May 13) Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen, who is set to attend the presidential inauguration on May 20. Cheng lauded Lu as a rational mayor whose political achievements have been recognized.

Speaking at the 2024 International Vegetarian Culture Festival, Cheng also commended Merit Times, the organization that promotes the International Vegetarian Culture Festival. He said they have successfully brought Taiwan's vegetarian culture to the international spotlight. Visitors to Taiwan can enjoy the best vegetarian culture in Asia, Cheng said, showcasing Taiwan's soft power to the world.


When asked if he had discussed attending the inauguration with Lu while they were having meat with pickled cabbage together on May 3, Cheng denied it, saying that they had only focused on promoting the food culture of Taichung.

Taiwan Affairs

#International Vegetarian Culture Festival# Taipei News# Taichung Mayor# Taiwan Vegetarian Culture# Presidential Inauguration# Cheng Wen-tsan# Lu Shiow-yen# 2024 Vegetarian Culture Festival Taiwan# Cheng Wen-tsan praises Taichung Mayor


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