
Officials face public dissatisfaction, survey shows

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/29 12:15
Last update time:2024/03/29 12:15
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Officials face public dissatisfaction, survey shows (TVBS News) Officials face public dissatisfaction, survey shows
Officials face public dissatisfaction, survey shows (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The latest poll by My-formosa.com reveals that Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua has the highest dissatisfaction rate among department heads at 38.5%. 

Minister of Digital Affairs Audrey Tang follows her at 36.9% and National Communications Commission (NCC) Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang at 30.7%.


The poll also indicates that over half of the respondents are dissatisfied with the Tsai administration's handling of inflation and fraud prevention during its eight-year tenure. My-formosa.com head Wu Tsu-chia suggests that the areas managed by Wang and Tang are precisely where the public's dissatisfaction lies.

Wu also criticizes the Tsai government's green energy policy as a complete failure, calling the Democratic Progressive Party's non-nuclear home policy outdated, a relic from 30 to 40 years ago.

The poll was conducted by My-formosa.com, with survey planning by Dai Li-an, who designed and analyzed the questionnaire. The survey was executed by telephone by the Beacon Marketing and Research Co. The survey covered all 22 municipalities in Taiwan, targeting residents aged 20 and above.

The computer-assisted telephone interviews were based on a computer database derived from the Chunghwa Telecom residential telephone directory, using proportionate stratified random sampling. The sample representation and weighting used the raking ratio estimation method, with population parameters based on gender, household registration, and age data published by the Ministry of the Interior in December 2023.

Taiwan Affairs

#Minister of Economic Affairs# National Communications Commission# Tsai administration# inflation# fraud prevention# green energy policy# Democratic Progressive Party# dissatisfaction rate among department heads# handling of inflation and fraud prevention


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