
Eric Chu focuses on party unity ahead of KMT elections

Release time:2024/02/26 16:44
Last update time:2024/02/26 16:44
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Eric Chu focuses on party unity ahead of KMT elections (Courtesy of KMT) Eric Chu focuses on party unity ahead of KMT elections
Eric Chu focuses on party unity ahead of KMT elections (Courtesy of KMT)

NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu on Monday (Feb. 26) dismissed rumors about potential successors as attempts to sow discord within the party. Chu suggested the speculation may be plots from the Democratic Progressive Party or actions from certain individuals.

The KMT is set to hold chairmanship elections next year, spurring watchers to speculate on whether Chu will seek re-election. Fu Kun-chi, the party's caucus whip, and Lu Shiow-yen, mayor of Taichung, have been rumored to harbor leadership ambitions.


Chu's comments came during a joint media interview at the inaugural ceremony for KMT caucus officers at the New Taipei City Council. 

Chu steered the conversation away from questions regarding next year's chairmanship election, emphasizing the immediate task was ensuring the party's effectiveness in the legislature and successfully addressing citizen concerns in the municipalities under its governance.

Taiwan Affairs

#Kuomintang# Eric Chu# chairmanship elections# Democratic Progressive Party# leadership ambitions# New Taipei City Council# citizen concerns# rumors about potential successors within KMT# Fu Kun-chi leadership ambitions# Lu Shiow-yen mayor of Taichung
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