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  • Earthquake in Hualien causes hotel to tilt

    Discover the aftermath of a magnitude 6 earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan, with significant impacts on local infrastructure, including the tilting of the Fouquet Hotel and the collapse of the Tong Shuai Building. Learn about the ongoing efforts to prevent further damage, the effect on local businesses, and the community’s response to ensure safety amidst continuous aftershocks.
  • Taiwan earthquake fundraiser nears NT$1 billion target

    The "0403 Hualien Earthquake Fundraising Program" has gathered significant support, nearing the NT$1 billion goal with contributions from international and local donors. This collective effort underscores global solidarity in disaster recovery.
  • Taiwan experiences unusual surge in aftershocks

    Taiwan experienced a series of earthquakes on April 23, with magnitudes up to 6.3, linked to an earlier quake on April 3. Experts note an unusual increase in aftershocks, all originating from the same fault system in Hualien County. The public is urged to be prepared as Taiwan enters a period of frequent seismic activity.
  • Taipei mayor urges citizens to report disaster incidents

    Two buildings collapsed in Hualien after earthquakes shook Taiwan. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an urged reporting incidents via 119 or 1999. Taipei Metro slowed trains to inspect tracks before resuming normal operations. District offices are checking buildings for damage. Citizens advised to avoid mountains and water due to incoming weather front.
  • Earthquakes lead to school, work suspension in Hualien

    Hualien County in Taiwan faces multiple earthquakes with magnitudes over 6, leading to widespread aftershocks and disruptions. Officials brace for more seismic activity.
  • 北韓這麼強?疑藉中國外包 為亞馬遜、HBO製作動畫

    美國華府智庫「北緯38度」今天公布的研究報告發現,儘管北韓受到國際制裁,為亞馬遜、HBO Max等西方企業巨擘製作人氣電視卡通的過程中,北韓動畫師可能也插一腳。
  • Earthquake shakes Hualien: A 5.5 magnitude tremor reported

    A 5.5 magnitude earthquake hit Shoufeng Township, Hualien County, at 5:08 p.m. on April 22, followed by four aftershocks, prompting a national-level disaster prevention warning. The quake was felt island-wide, with varying intensities reported across different regions.
  • Lai Ching-te preps for cross-strait relations

    Explore the evolving cross-strait dynamics as President-elect Lai Ching-te and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim engage with the Mainland Affairs Council, amid Beijing’s hardened stance and the anticipation of new leadership in Taiwan’s strait dialogue agencies.
  • 閔熙珍爆想帶NewJeans出走 HYBE氣炸要求卸任

  • Taipower president refutes claims of energy policy failure

    Discover the reasons behind the recent power outages in Taoyuan, Taiwan, as Taipower’s President, Wang Yao-ting, clarifies the situation. Learn about the complexities of Taiwan’s power system, the comparison with Tokyo Electric Power Company, and the ongoing efforts towards green energy development.
  • Premier: Respect for Judicial Yuan’s death penalty review

    Premier Ch’en Chien-jen highlights the importance of separation of powers in Taiwan, respecting the Judicial Yuan’s upcoming interpretation on the constitutionality of the death penalty. A ruling expected in July will determine its future.
  • Taipower president stays amid power outage controversy

    Premier Chen Chien-jen defends Taipower President Wang Yao-ting’s decision to stay on despite power supply issue accusations, highlighting Taiwan’s robust energy policy and the country’s praised power resilience, particularly after the April 3 earthquake. Chen cites significant improvements in reducing power outages, emphasizing the government’s commitment to renewable energy and power system enhancements.
  • CWA issues quake alert for Hualien and surrounding areas

    Discover the urgent alert issued by the Central Weather Administration for a significant earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan, affecting multiple regions and urging residents to prioritize safety and stay informed.
  • 母親節優惠!寢具買1送1 百貨「滿萬折千」加碼抽酒店住宿券

    下個月就是母親節了!各業者都推出母親節檔期優惠,統一時代百貨台北店即日起推出「母親節Love mom」檔期,即日起到4月28日全館指定櫃位滿3000送400,家電區滿3000送300,滿額還可加碼抽桃園大溪笠復威斯汀度假酒店住宿券,換HELLO KITTY寢具卡友禮;東妮寢飾也推出滿萬現折千元的折扣,更首次母親節推出床包組買1送1。
  • DPP criticizes Ma’s proposal to amend Anti-Infiltration Act

    The Democratic Progressive Party criticizes Ma Ying-jeou’s proposal to amend the Anti-infiltration Act, highlighting its importance in preventing Chinese interference in Taiwan’s elections and resisting efforts to weaken the legislation.
  • 豪砸千萬幫老婆慶生!貝克漢揹維多利亞離開 網讚老公天花板

    貝嫂Victoria Beckham本月17日踏入50歲,貝克漢(David Beckham)連日為老婆舉行慶祝活動,而日前(20日)就在倫敦私人會所舉辦派對。除了湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)之外,伊娃朗格莉亞(Eva Longoria)、地獄廚神戈登拉姆齊(Gordon Ramsay)、莎瑪海耶克(Salma Hayek)、4位辣妹合唱團成員全部到場,可謂星光熠熠。眾人玩得盡興,凌晨2點半離開時,貝克漢就揹著疑似喝醉的老婆走出會所,獲網友激讚為明星老公天花板!
  • 已經敗選98次!印度7旬翁自嘲將自費參選100次:死前要贏

    印度79歲老翁哈斯努拉姆(Hasnuram Ambedkari)1985年首次參選以來,從未贏過任何一場選舉,至今已連輸98場。不過,接連挫敗並未澆熄他的從政熱忱,近日他決定投入第99次選舉,目標邁向百次,並誓言:「離世前一定會實現當選目標。」
  • La Niña likely to shape Taiwan’s climate in 2024

    Lin Te-en predicts a high chance of La Niña in 2024, potentially affecting Taiwan’s weather with fewer typhoons, altered rainfall patterns, and cooler temperatures, based on a U.S. study.
  • Taiwan to open marine conservation education center in July

    The Ocean Conservation Administration (OCA) renews its MOU with the National Museum of Natural Science and the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium to boost marine conservation and science education, announcing the opening of a new marine conservation education center in Central Taiwan by July 2024. The collaboration, deepened on World Earth Day, aims to enhance marine wildlife habitat and wetland conservation efforts, alongside a sea turtle rehabilitation project showing significant success in wildlife rescue endeavors.
  • NBA/鎖死「英雄哥」開胡!塔圖姆讚哈勒戴:數據無法說明他的好

    聯盟龍頭塞爾提克在今(22)日首輪季後賽第一場比賽以114:94大勝熱火,此戰除了塔圖姆(Jayson Tatum)繳出23分10籃板10助攻、完成季後賽生涯首次大三元,主控哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)在防守端限制熱火得分後衛「英雄哥」赫洛(Tyler Herro)更是關鍵。對此,塔圖姆賽後也極力盛讚老大哥一番。
  • 盼打更多HR! 大谷翔平MLB176轟出爐 超越「大松井」

  • 北海道夯景點遊客亂闖 孤獨聖誕樹周邊居民喊苦

  • Taipower president reverses resignation decision

    Explore the story of Wang Yao-ting, President of Taiwan Power Co (Taipower), who retracted his resignation to continue leading the company amidst recent power outages and supply challenges in Taoyuan. Discover his commitment to Taipower, supported by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Taipower’s acting chairman, and learn about the company’s efforts to manage power supply through demand response mechanisms and the call for societal support in power plant construction for a stable power system.
  • Taiwan to face six days of unpredictable weather ahead

    Explore the forecast for Taiwan as it faces six days of rain starting April 23, with a warning from Daniel Wu of National Central University about unstable atmospheric conditions due to a lingering front and strong southwestern winds. Prior to the rainy period, hot temperatures and potential thunderstorms are expected, with precautions advised against sunburn and heatstroke. The weather pattern is predicted to continue with the front’s movement around Taiwan.
  • ILLIT「粉絲名」與前輩同音遭轟 急改再撞Lisa網傻眼

    南韓女團「ILLIT」自今(2024)年3月出道以來,人氣始終居高不下,他們首張迷你專輯的主打歌《Magnetic》,目前已經得到8個打歌節目一位,同時也是成為最快進入Billboard Hot 100排行榜的韓國歌手,日前經紀公司HYBE娛樂,透過直播宣布了ILLIT的粉絲名,卻引發了不小的爭議。
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