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    triumph 結果共15筆

  • Han Kuo-yu clinches victory in legislative speaker election

    Han Kuo-yu of the Kuomintang (KMT) emerged victorious over You Si-kun of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the 11th Legislative Yuan Speaker election, securing 54 votes compared to You’s 51 votes. The KMT also nominated Johnny Chiang, while the DPP fielded incumbent speaker You and deputy speaker Tsai Chi-chang. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presented Huang Shan-shan as a candidate. After the first round of voting, no candidate had a majority, leading to a second round between Han and You. In the second round, all eight TPP legislators were absent, and the results mirrored the first round. Han’s win confirmed him as the 11th Legislative Yuan Speaker, with the deputy speaker election scheduled for later in the day.
    2024/02/01 14:38
  • Taipei mayor’s approval rating at 65% on first anniversary

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s approval rating has jumped from 39% to 65%, according to data from Taipei City Government’s Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission. On his first anniversary in office, Chiang held a press conference at the Taipei Dome, discussing his visions for Taipei’s future. Notable achievements include the successful response to the collapse of a residential building in Dazhi and the highest number of births in 28 months in October 2023. Chiang sees the completion and operation of the Taipei Dome as a shared triumph for citizens, allowing for large-scale events. When asked about his performance rating, Chiang deferred to the judgment of the citizens. He expressed his hope to lead the ’Taipei Team’ for the next three years, aiming to give residents a chance to experience a different city.
    2023/12/25 18:37
  • Sadaharu Oh roots for Taiwan in Asia Baseball Championship

    Sadaharu Oh, Taiwanese-Japanese baseball legend, expressed his wish for the Taiwan team to triumph over South Korea in the Asian Baseball Championship. He hopes that in three years, Japan and Taiwan will join forces in the World Baseball Classic finals. Oh praised the Taipei Dome’s facilities and believes that players competing in such an exceptional environment will feel more confident, enhancing their ability to bring glory to their country and Asia. Reflecting on his own experiences in the Tokyo Dome, Oh emphasized the importance of a great setting in nurturing heroes and predicted that the presence of the Taipei Dome will improve the future of Taiwanese baseball.
    2023/12/02 17:21
  • National Day celebration glitters with athletes’ triumph

    Taiwanese athletes steal the spotlight at Taipei’s National Day celebration. Asian Games champions join the festivities, adding extra shine to the event. Notable sports figures like Judoka Yang Yung-wei and swimmer Wang Kuan-hung make an appearance, receiving a warm welcome from an enthusiastic crowd. The day features a precise military parade and lively performances, blending sports and national pride.
    2023/10/10 18:20
  • 母親節禮物還沒買?無印滿千折百 黛安芬內衣第二套7折

    2023/05/07 12:46
  • 大S韓國尪是車控!具俊曄偏愛車款曝 這輛要價369萬

    大S徐熙媛與韓國團體「酷龍」成員具俊曄曾經因為難敵遠距力而分手,如今於2022年3月8日傳出喜訊,不僅復合而且宣布即將步入禮堂。具俊曄在韓國對於兩輪車頗為熱愛,從其個人IG來看,其擁有包含單車、Vespa速克達與Triumph打檔車,且時常會在示範自己身穿潮服Model照時與愛車入境。此外,具俊曄似乎還擁有一輛Land Rover Range Rover Sport,顯見本人對於英國車有一定程度的熱愛。
    2022/03/08 21:54
  • 凱旋復古賽車Speed Triple 1200RR登場 經典子彈頭造型超搶眼!

    Triumph日前發表了全新Speed Triple 1200RR,這款車採用了新世代造車技術,同時也具備更多復古元素,創造出古今交融的特殊感受。從外觀上可以見到包含有分離式把手、子彈頭造型整流罩以及圓形頭燈。這或許跟車迷心目中所想像的RR車型有點落差,不過如此的搭配確實挺有個性,甚至還有點咖啡味。建議售價方面Speed Triple RR的售價為20,950美元,約合新台幣58萬元。
    2021/09/24 16:43
  • 凱旋2022年式Speed Twin亮相 動力、操控一次補強!

    英國機車品牌Triumph日前發表全新2022年式Speed Twin車款,這是一款融入現代設計與英式古典元素的車型,具有濃厚的個性風格,無論是用來通勤或者是享受性能都相當適合。為了進一步提升Speed Twin的產品魅力,Triumph也替這款車進行升級,透過細節上的雕琢,預計將帶來更勝以往的騎乘體驗。
    2021/06/10 13:03
  • Moto2等級跑車台灣買得到! Daytona Moto2 765報價160萬元

    Triumph在2019年中旬在英國發表了Daytona Moto2 765 Limited Edition,是第一輛得到Moto2 Dorna Sports.SL官方認證市售車款,採限量生產及販售,同時亦是Triumph家族Daytona車系在2017年停產後重返中排量跑車市場之作。根據Triumph台灣表示,目前已將Daytona Moto2 765 Limited Edition引進台灣,建議售價為新台幣160萬元,預計在年底前可正式掛牌。
    2020/12/04 12:24
  • 小改MT07動力與坐姿同步微調 海外售價22萬元

    Yamaha近期陸續發表了MT-03、MT-09改款車型,緊接著日前終於在北美、歐洲地區發表改款MT-07,換上與MT-09相似的家族造型、全新儀錶,且針對引擎內部及懸吊系統進行優化,而騎姿也有微幅調整。官方公布海外售價比現行款稍微上調來到7,699美元,折合新台幣約為22萬元,與日前剛上市的競爭對手Triumph Trident 660售價相近。
    2020/11/05 15:53
  • Triumph中量級「三缸」街車 Trident 660海外售價22.8萬元起

    Triumph在經過兩個月預告期後,終於在10/30透過線上發表Trident 660,外型結合復古及運動設計,且搭載目前同級距唯一的三缸引擎,能輸出81匹最大馬力及6.5公斤米峰值扭力,並導入許多電控系統,包含Road、Rain兩種騎乘模式、切換循跡控制功能、滑動式離合器、藍芽連線功能等配備;此外,Trident 660在海外售價為7,995美元,折合新台幣約為22.8萬元,是相當具有競爭力的價格。
    2020/11/04 17:40
  • 你有重機夢嗎? 四款紅牌街車推薦給你

    2020/07/09 18:40
  • 美密蘇里州肉品加工廠 驚傳373人無症狀群聚感染

    美國密蘇里州一間名為Triumph Foods的豬肉加工廠傳出有373名職員和約聘員工雖然沒有出現症狀,但採檢2019冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)都驗出陽性反應。
    2020/05/04 14:16
  • 貨櫃輪巨無霸啟航 高雄港估明年可停靠

    2017/03/29 13:46
  • 挑戰時速601公里 英品牌推最速摩托車

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