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    sense 結果共41筆

  • China slams Taiwan’s DPP for banning Chinese products

    China’s TAO criticizes Taiwan’s DPP for hindering Chinese products, emphasizing the benefits of Chinese electric vehicles and drones. Amidst these tensions, a significant ancestral worship ceremony in Henan aims to foster a sense of unity and cultural heritage among Taiwanese and Chinese compatriots.
    2024/04/10 14:42
  • President Tsai discusses pressures of leadership

    President Tsai Ing-wen reflects on her presidency during a visit to National Penghu University of Science and Technology, emphasizing the daily pressures of her role and her re-election in 2019 as a sense of accomplishment. She praises the university’s role in talent development and regional growth, expressing hope for continued progress and swift resolution of campus safety issues.
    2024/03/29 13:44
  • Taiwan businesses prioritize swift action for profitability

    Read about the latest insights from the 2024 Taiwan Business Leadership Survey by PwC Taiwan. Discover how Taiwanese business leaders are navigating challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing economic landscape, with a focus on sustainability, competition, and transformation. Gain valuable perspectives on the future outlook and industry-specific trends shaping Taiwan’s business environment.
    2024/03/27 16:52
  • 電商女帝嚇壞!朝聖小松美羽個展「畫作是活的」 想收藏得等5年

    日本藝術家小松美羽打造「聖•悟 Sense of Sacredness」個展,今(2)日至4月20日於白石畫廊開展,昨開幕特別場邀來曾寶儀、電商女帝瑪菲司、視網膜、旅行攝影作家小林賢伍及金曲主持人陳明珠搶先欣賞,瑪菲司對畫作很有興趣,得知預定要等4、5年且價值不菲,仍頻頻向老公H先生明示、暗示:「想收藏!」
    2024/03/02 16:13
  • 超有sense!潤娥飆唱孫盛希神曲 不排斥來台拍戲:給我劇本

    2024/02/04 21:01
  • Taiwanese conscripts worry about salary gap despite raise

    Taiwanese conscripts have expressed concerns that their monthly earnings still fall short of the country’s basic labor wage despite a recent salary increase. Privates, the lowest military rank, now receive a monthly salary of NT$26,307, including insurance and meal expenses. However, this amount is still lower than the standard basic labor wage of NT$27,470. Last year, President Tsai Ing-wen extended the mandatory conscription period to one year, and the wage adjustment for privates gained significant attention. Under the new system, privates can earn up to NT$20,320, consisting of a base wage of NT$10,130 and an additional NT$10,190 for specialized skills. In addition to their salary, they also receive military insurance (NT$1,240), national health insurance (NT$1,839), and a meal allowance (NT$908), bringing the total payment to NT$26,307. The first batch of 670 army conscripts for the one-year service started their eight-week entry training on January 25. Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an encouraged the privates to form sincere friendships, develop disciplined habits, and cultivate a sense of responsibility during their military life.
    2024/01/25 15:11
  • 好萊塢男星墜機亡!半空驚吐「遇到麻煩」 父女3人全罹難

    好萊塢男星、德國知名演員克里斯汀奧利弗(Christian Oliver)驚傳墜機身亡、震驚圈內外人士;51歲的克里斯汀奧利弗近期在加勒比海度假,未料卻搭乘飛機在島嶼間穿梭時,發生不明意外墜毀,導致機上4人盡數罹難、除了克里斯汀奧利弗之外,還有他12歲、10歲的兩名女兒,以及當時駕駛飛機的飛行員。詳細事故原因仍待進一步調查釐清。
    2024/01/06 07:27
  • Taiwan can win international trust, says DPP’s Hsiao

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim expressed confidence in Taiwan’s ability to gain international trust and recognition despite global pressures. She emphasized the importance of maintaining a diplomatic balance, using the analogy of a cat’s sense of balance. Hsiao also highlighted the need for a fair and balanced Taiwan-U.S. trade relationship. She believes that promoting mutual benefits between Taiwan and the U.S., including in areas of national security and economics, will safeguard Taiwan’s democratic freedoms. Hsiao acknowledged the differences between Taiwan and Israel but suggested that Taiwan could learn from Israel’s innovations in military training. She also emphasized the extension of compulsory military service in Taiwan to ensure peace and build strength.
    2023/12/26 11:39
  • Unveiling the struggle: A peek into homelessness in Taiwan

    Exploring the often-overlooked issue of homelessness in Taiwan, this story delves into the challenges faced by the homeless, particularly the elderly, and the efforts of organizations like Homeless Taiwan and Do You a Flavor to provide support and foster a sense of community.
    2023/12/21 18:03
  • Taichung Mayor backs moral education, traditional virtues

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen expresses support for enhancing the morals of Taiwanese nationals and promoting traditional virtues of propriety, righteousness, integrity, and a sense of shame. This goal is seen as beneficial for the nation’s development and transcends political leadership and time. City Councilor Lin Pi-hsiu highlights the removal of an essay on ’integrity and shame’ by Gu Yanwu from the 108 Curriculum Guidelines, sparking widespread discussion. Lin endorses the adoption of the school motto ’propriety, righteousness, integrity, and shame’ and expresses concern about the distortion of moral values among many people. Mayor Lu emphasizes the importance of character and integrity in children, stating that schools should impart character education alongside regular subjects. Promoting the common school motto is seen as pivotal in elevating the quality of citizens.
    2023/12/12 17:34
  • Ko Wen-je rejects de-Sinicization of Taiwanese culture

    Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je opposes the removal of Chinese culture from Taiwanese society, expressing concern that future generations may not be able to differentiate between historical figures like Zhang Fei and Yue Fei. During a press conference on transportation policy, Ko emphasized the inappropriateness of completely separating contemporary society from Chinese culture. He specifically mentioned revered figures in religious beliefs, such as Mazu, Guan Gong, Baosheng Emperor, and The Third Prince, who primarily originate from China. Ko also responded to a statement by DPP former legislative speaker You Si-kun, defending the concept of a "sense of honor" with a history spanning over two millennia.
    2023/12/12 13:34
  • Hsiao Bi-khim cautions against taking election lightly

    Hsiao Bi-khim, the Democratic Progressive Party’s vice-presidential candidate, warned against complacency during her campaign stop in Taichung, Taiwan, emphasizing the intense electoral competition across the country. She embarked on her first-ever campaign sweep in a specialized vehicle provided by the National Security Bureau and joined forces with Legislator Lin Ching-yi of Taichung’s 2nd electoral district. Hsiao visited Lin’s campaign headquarters in Wuri District and held a press conference with the legislator. She then boarded a high-security campaign vehicle, complete with bulletproof glass and guarded by national security personnel. Hsiao’s campaign received presidential-level support, including a motorcade of ten vehicles and police motorcycles dedicated to her protection. Reflecting on the challenges of the campaign trail, Hsiao acknowledged the contrast to her past electoral experiences in Hualien. This visit to Taichung was significant for Hsiao, as she expressed her honor in supporting Lin, a colleague known for her strong sense of justice and camaraderie. Hsiao and Lin have long championed foreign affairs and gender equality issues together. Today’s itinerary will take Hsiao through four electoral districts in Taichung, underscoring the importance of each district in her campaign tour.
    2023/12/04 17:31
  • Hsiao Bi-khim set for Hualien rally, aims to revitalize DPP

    Hsiao Bi-khim, a former lawmaker, is set to launch her first campaign rally in Hualien, reigniting her political efforts in the region. Despite facing setbacks in the past, Hsiao has spent a decade building strong ties in Hualien. In 2016, she made history for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) by capturing more than half of the votes, defeating the former Kuomintang legislator Wang Ting-son. However, her 2020 bid for re-election ended in defeat. Nevertheless, Hsiao’s passion for local engagement, campaign experience, and oratory skills are highly regarded within the DPP. As she prepares for the joint rally with Lai Ching-te, there is a renewed sense of vigor and unity within the party. Hsiao’s exceptional achievements in international diplomacy make her an ideal candidate to lead Taiwan forward and ensure national security and stability.
    2023/11/25 16:28
  • French YouTuber obtains permanent residency in Taiwan

    A well-known French YouTuber, Ku, has been granted permanent residency in Taiwan after residing in the country for over five years. With a passion for Taiwanese cuisine and culture, Ku’s YouTube channel, "Ku’s dream酷的夢," has gained a substantial following of 1.61 million subscribers. Meeting the eligibility criteria of staying more than 183 days annually in the past five years, Ku expressed that obtaining permanent residency in Taiwan is a validation of his sense of belonging. He also praised the convenience, efficiency, and creator-friendly environment of living in Taiwan. Ku’s connection to Taiwan has deepened following his residency approval, and he aims to promote Taiwan, boost Taiwanese nationals’ confidence, and foster a sense of identity.
    2023/11/13 19:32
  • 謝典林退黨傷侯友宜 王鴻薇:都是郭台銘的參選動作

    2023/08/01 12:25
  • 物價飆漲又蛋荒!美女發言人批2官「沒sense」:不知民間疾苦

    2023/03/20 11:34
  • Survey: COVID-19 symptoms may last even after recovery

    The pandemic is gradually stabilizing in Taiwan. According to doctors, however, many COVID patients have lasting symptoms, such as frequent insomnia and an abnormal sense of smell and taste. Doctors are urging high-risk groups, such as elders over 65, to get vaccinated.
    2022/12/27 10:36
  • 《熔爐》翻版?陳時中爬廁所廣告惹議 柯志恩:匪夷所思

    2022/09/05 15:48
  • 挑這些買就對了!10大新居落成入厝禮 教你送進心坎裡

    懂送系朋友94你! 去別人新家該送什麼?親友閨密、上司同事的新家終於落成,總不能兩手空空去拜訪,貼心準備好喬遷禮物,才是一位有sense的人!只是「入厝禮」究竟該怎麼準備,才能代表自己的心意呢?
    2022/05/17 10:01
  • 哪句中英夾雜聽了最火大?網一致點名「它」:拳頭都硬了

    現代人講話時常中英夾雜,其中有些用語聽了會讓人拳頭瞬間硬起來。有民眾指出,最常在職場上聽到4種句子,其中「總total」、「這很不make sense」最令原PO火大,他也好奇詢問大家,有沒有特別討厭哪種中英用語?
    2022/03/24 20:07
  • 昔好萊塢票房保證 布魯斯威利慘被《金酸莓》封影帝

    現年66歲,入行達42年的好萊塢影星布魯斯威利(Bruce Willis),曾經是票房保證,由他主演的《終極警探》系列(Die Hard),足令他跟史特龍及阿諾·史瓦辛格齊名,成為8、90年代三大動作影星,就算後期動作片熱潮減退,一部《靈異第六感》(The Sixth Sense)又為他更上一層樓。
    2022/02/09 12:22
  • 接連出席「2支職棒球隊活動」 陳芳語惹議:不專業、沒sense

    2021/11/08 18:08
  • Toyota Alphard花費150萬變臉動感雙生車 邢男:年輕熱血爸爸設定

    Toyota Alphard在台灣是相當熱門的MPV車款,而這次《地球黃金線》帶來一台特別的Alphard,車主將其外觀更換成日規雙生車Velfire的外觀套件,對改裝MPV相當有研究的達人邢雨龍表示,日本Velfire是Alphard的雙生車,與Alphard內外氣派豪華風格不同,Velfire外型走動感風格,內裝配備則較為簡單,在日本許多年輕爸爸會選擇這台車做為家用車。
    2021/09/27 14:29
  • 油電皮卡王者Toyota Tundra擁有超狂扭力! 載貨、越野都跟喝水一樣簡單

    Toyota Tundra睽違了十幾年才終於迎來這次的大改款車型,雖然先前就已將在網路上曝光過照片,不過全面更新過後的Tundra可說是誠意十足,換上了模組化底盤不說,動力系統導入渦輪引擎加上油電動力,並且在主動安全的配備上升級不少,越野性能以及拖曳能力更是增加許多,加上內裝滿滿的大螢幕配備,可以說是用盡好料在這輛車上面。
    2021/09/24 14:24
  • 花40萬保養!薔薔竟「被猜51歲」 怒嗆:品味有夠低

    2021/08/22 15:10
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