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    sauce 結果共8筆

  • Premier orders crackdown on tainted chili powder scandal

    Premier Chen Chien-jen orders a thorough inspection of chili powder contamination issues in Taiwan, involving multiple government agencies like the Ministry of Justice and MOHW. Over 21,000 kilograms of tainted chili powder distributed to 13 businesses across nine cities are being investigated, with a focus on a food factory in Nantou. Chen calls for stringent measures to remove non-compliant products from shelves and promises robust action against offending manufacturers to safeguard food safety.
    2024/03/11 17:23
  • FamilyMart Taiwan sees fresh food sales jump 10% annually

    FamilyMart, a leading convenience store chain in Taiwan, has experienced significant growth in its fresh food sales, with an annual increase of at least 10% over the past three years. In 2022 alone, revenue from fresh foods reached NT$25 billion, accounting for over 30% of the company’s total revenue. Huang Cheng-tien, FamilyMart’s Fresh Foods Operations Manager, considers fresh foods a crucial strategic asset and has launched branded products targeting various market segments and trending categories. The focused brands, such as ’uno pasta’ for Italian pasta and ’minimore’ for desserts, have yielded impressive results, with pasta sales growing by 20% annually and dessert sales in 2022 skyrocketing by over 40%. FamilyMart has also made significant efforts to cater to health-conscious consumers, implementing structural reforms since 2016 that encompass ingredients, equipment, packaging, and processes. These reforms have contributed to the success of products like the tuna onigiri, which saw a 19% sales growth in 2022. Additionally, FamilyMart has collaborated with renowned restaurants and chefs, including Din Tai Fung, resulting in the sale of over 20 million co-branded items. These collaborations aim to create differentiated products by incorporating key ingredients from partners, such as a spicy sauce by Din Tai Fung used in unique offerings like grilled rice balls and fried noodles. In the first half of this year, FamilyMart’s fresh food revenue grew by an impressive 20%. The company’s General Manager, Hsueh Tung-tu, strives to attract more customers by offering unique products, following the motto "What others don’t have, we have; what others have, we excel in."
    2023/12/20 15:32
  • Fuyuan Peanut Butter denies exceeding Aflatoxin levels

    Fuyuan Peanut Butter, based in Hsinchu, has denied allegations made by the Hong Kong Consumer Council that its products contained excessive levels of Aflatoxin. The company clarified that the tested products were expired and argued that the allegations have caused significant damage to its reputation. Fuyuan Peanut Butter emphasized that its products are freshly made without preservatives and have a three-month shelf life. In a separate test conducted by the Hsinchu City Public Health Bureau, Fuyuan Peanut Butter, along with its Sichuan-style peanut sauce and Peanut Butter with Deep Ocean Salt, were found to have Aflatoxin, Aflatoxin B1, and Ochratoxin A levels within the regulated limits. The company remains committed to upholding the highest quality and safety standards for its consumers.
    2023/11/19 16:08
  • Soy sauce factory workers rescued in tank trap accident

    Three workers fell unconscious in a soy sauce tank at the Chung Kung Soy Sauce factory in Tainan due to low oxygen levels. The Tainen Fire Bureau successfully rescued the workers, but two remain in critical condition. The incident occurred when one worker entered a ventilation hole to clean soy sauce residues, and his colleagues collapsed when they entered to assist. The factory usually cleans the tank from above but decided to enter it this time. The lack of ventilation led to the unfortunate consequences.
    2023/11/08 19:08
  • 知名餐廳池先生「FIG羅吔醬」甜味劑違規 百公斤退運銷毀

    食藥署今(4)日公布邊境檢驗不合格名單,當中驚見知名馬來西亞餐廳池先生的「池先生中央廚房有限公司」進口的「FIG羅吔醬(ROJAK SAUCE)」檢出甜味劑含量不合規定,總共100公斤退運或銷毀。另外還包括日本進口的鮮蜜瓜、SAPPORO ICHIBAN一番5入包麵-芝麻風味,也都有檢出不合格。
    2022/10/04 15:23
  • Google小姐歪了?神祕「關鍵字發音」網友聽完笑翻

    2018/04/24 22:19
  • 燒聲又分岔!Google小姐唸「這單字」狂破音

    2018/02/24 09:14
  • ​獅子頭也走馬卡龍風 從醬汁創意下手

    2015/02/08 21:25
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