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    Vast 結果共13筆

  • Jacky Cheung adds 3 more concerts to Taipei shows

    Jacky Cheung, the "God of Songs" from Hong Kong, adds three more concerts to his highly anticipated "60+ World Tour Taipei Station" due to overwhelming demand, with tickets going on sale April 21. The nine total shows at Taipei Arena from May 31 to June 16 mark a new personal record for the legendary singer, who will deliver captivating performances featuring his vast repertoire of classic songs spanning different styles and eras.
    2024/04/15 17:37
  • Explore Taoyuan’s new children’s art center for free

    Discover Taiwan’s first children’s art center, the Taoyuan Children’s Art Center (TCAC) in QingPu, featuring modern art and a vast 2000-ping area. Enjoy free entry until September and explore four levels of exhibition halls, a children’s art library, workshops, and more. Don’t miss themed exhibitions, markets, and lectures in April. Future ticket prices announced by the Taoyuan Department of Cultural Affairs.
    2024/03/06 11:44
  • Geothermal nations offer a roadmap for Taiwan’s energy woes

    Explore how Taiwan is positioned in the global geothermal energy landscape. Professor Song Sheng-rong categorizes leading nations and advocates for robust policies to unlock Taiwan’s vast underground potential, aiming to elevate the island into a sustainable energy powerhouse.
    2024/01/22 18:28
  • New Taipei City boosts sanitation workforce and bonuses

    The New Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau plans to add 197 sanitation workers to its workforce in response to the heavy workload caused by the city’s vast jurisdiction. Currently, the sanitation team in New Taipei City consists of 5,298 staff members. City council member Huang Shu-chun emphasizes the need for increased staffing and highlights the improved work efficiency achieved through the use of GORE-TEX breathable raincoats in 2019. Director-General Cheng Ta-wei confirms plans to update the raincoats and increase staff numbers. The Ministry of Environment has also announced an increase in cleanliness and safety bonuses for sanitation workers employed by local governments. The cleanliness bonus cap will be raised from NT$8,000 to NT$10,000, and the safety bonus maximum will increase from NT$600 to NT$1,500, funded by local government budgets. These measures aim to improve the wellbeing of sanitation workers and maintain the cleanliness of the city.
    2023/12/12 21:25
  • 神秘創作雙人組台中開唱藏彩蛋! 暖場嘉賓竟和他們有這緣分

    神秘創作雙人組合Vast & Hazy(簡稱VH)去(2022)年發行第2張專輯《文明》大獲好評,除在Zepp New Taipei打造出道以來最大型演唱會,也2度入圍金曲獎最佳演唱組合,聲勢銳不可擋。隨著專輯發行邁入周年,他們日前加開《文明》演唱會台中Legacy場次,甫加盟添翼的新生代歌手呂允更擔任暖場嘉賓,首次公開露面就獻給Vast & Hazy。
    2023/02/15 13:13
  • 孫藝真卸貨!玄彬爆在國外「沒陪妻生產」 經紀公司急發聲

    2022/11/29 12:57
  • 金曲33/7組樂團搶首座金曲 動力火車、新寶島戰年輕組合

    第33屆金曲獎將於今(2)日晚間揭獎,本屆金曲最佳樂團與最佳演唱組合入圍名單中,有不少經典的熟悉面孔,以及滿滿的獨立新聲,樂團獎本屆有6團入圍最佳樂團,分別是「美秀集團」、「野東西」、「無妄合作社」、「Flesh Juicer 血肉果汁機」、「TRASH」、「13月終了」,無論哪團得獎都是其第1座金曲樂團獎;最佳演唱組合呈現出一個世代的分水嶺。「動力火車」、「新寶島康樂隊」仍是經典原味,「Vast & Hazy (VH)」、「三牲獻藝」、「影子計劃 Shadow Project」、「恐龍的皮」則代表全新的音樂世代。
    2022/07/02 11:39
  • 金曲33/動力火車9度入圍 拼陳昇「新寶島」戰新世代演唱組合

    第33屆金曲獎將於7月2日揭曉最終得獎名單,本屆最佳演場組合名單中,呈現出一個世代的分水嶺。「動力火車」、「新寶島康樂隊」仍是經典原味,「Vast & Hazy (VH)」、「三牲獻藝」、「影子計劃 Shadow Project」、「恐龍的皮」代表全新的音樂世代。《TVBS新聞網》替讀者整理介紹本屆各入圍者的背景及作品亮點。
    2022/06/25 12:00
  • 玄彬「3月急辦世紀婚禮」爆內幕!友洩孫藝真趕進度實情

    2022/02/11 07:52
  • 玄彬、孫藝真世紀婚禮「婚期曝光」 新婚傳入住上億豪宅

    2022/02/10 21:10
  • 2020【搖滾台中 ROCK IN TAICHUNG】線上音樂節卡司搶先看(一)

    『STEP UP ! 做伙勇敢!』線上音樂節,今年邀請到的陣容包括了:魏如萱 | 宇宙人 | 麋先生 | Suming 舒米恩 | 大象體操 | 告五人 | 無妄合作社 | P!SCO | Vast & Hazy | 康士坦的變化球 | I Mean Us 今年,搖滾台中要用不同以往的方式跟大家見面了。
    2020/06/29 12:00
  • 玄彬要來啦!時隔6年再辦亞洲巡迴 台灣粉絲有眼福

    南韓演藝經紀公司VAST娛樂今天透露,旗下演員玄彬4月13日起將相繼在首爾、台灣、香港舉辦粉絲見面會LOG INTO THE SPACE,這將是玄彬時隔6年再次舉辦亞洲巡迴粉絲會。
    2019/03/05 14:11
  • 循環百遍也不厭倦! 20大拯救靈魂的台灣女聲

    2018/12/22 11:20
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