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    QR 結果共294筆

  • 旅日免排隊!「通關神器」備好20分就出關 過來人:紙本更快 

    最近許多人熱衷於出國旅遊,尤其是前往日本的風潮更是盛行。有些旅客在入境日本時會使用「Visit Japan Web」,在出發前透過網站填寫資料,並取得QR Code以便入境時使用。然而,有網友建議最好也準備紙本的入境資料,以免浪費時間在排隊上。 一位網友在臉書社團分享了自己的入境日本經驗,雖然已經在網上填寫資料取得QR Code,但仍帶備了紙本入境表格。在關西機場入境時,發現排隊人潮擁擠。儘管地勤人員收走了紙本入境表,但並未使用QR Code。 該網友後來發現,持有紙本入境表的旅客排隊時間較長,而持有QR Code的旅客則可直接通關。原PO表示,他整體出關花了約一小時。許多網友也分享了他們的入境經驗,有些人認為準備好QR Code和紙本入境資料效率較高,而有些人則認為在海關申報時,使用QR Code和紙本入境資料的差異不大。
    2024/03/25 13:48
  • 上海推純淨版QR Code 防洩漏用戶個資

    掃QR Code可能有洩漏個資問題,因為大陸不少停車場、餐廳在繳費、點餐時,要求民眾掃QR Code,但掃了之後,要輸入一堆個資,否則無法下單,而這些被收集的個資,存在高度洩漏風險。上海有停車場推行純淨版QR Code,掃了之後,只需填車牌號碼,直接繳費。另外,大陸社交媒體近期出現一堆AI復活已故藝人影片,引起爭議,多數影片沒經過家屬同意,已經侵犯肖像權。
    2024/03/20 19:49
  • 傻眼!吸毒真人「佛祖」持假綠卡住宿 證件一掃是購物網站

    日前有一名44歲的羅姓男子,本名叫「羅某某佛祖」,到高雄大鬧旅宿業者,其稱因和女友吵架,把房間弄得亂七八糟,業者嚇壞報警,警方也起獲毒品,將其移送法辦,近日羅男稱自己是「英國醫生」,但持假綠卡要在台中住宿,飯店人員無法確認其身分,因此報警,警方又在其房內找到毒品,且其綠卡QR Code 一掃,竟是購物網站,讓員警相當傻眼,將其依法送辦。 ​​​​​​​
    2024/03/16 11:44
  • 4小孩養不起!港男星公開要錢遭轟 認了:生之前沒想好

    39歲香港男星張致恒,曾因為劈腿5女而被港媒封為「世紀渣男」, 2019年和粉絲雯雯結婚,兩人生下4個小孩,不過夫妻倆經濟不穩定,近日張致恒還直接在IG上貼出收款QR code要求大家幫忙,卻遭外界砲轟,對此,張致恒也火速澄清自己有2份工作,但真的沒有足夠餘力照顧4個小孩。
    2024/03/05 08:03
  • 狗玩偶藏暖心QR碼 掃描跳出「收容所網站」

    來自瑞典的連鎖家具賣場,其中一款狗玩偶是熱門商品,近日就有顧客發現,標籤上附的QR Code可以連結收容所資訊,讓不少人直呼暖心,另外日本的居家品牌則是在推車上,貼上流浪動物的照片,吸引顧客目光,關懷流浪動物議題。
    2024/03/03 19:20
  • 欠債養4小孩! 劈腿男星貼「收款QR code」:真的撐不住

    2024/03/03 08:47
  • 高鐵2024助學計畫倒數!符合條件捐款可獲「造型毛巾袋組」

    2024「高速傳愛 助學計畫」自1月1日起拉開序幕,台灣高鐵公司感謝社會各界將愛心轉化成實際的力量,共同守護孩子們的秘密基地。距離活動截止日3月2日僅剩一個星期,台灣高鐵公司與中華民國快樂學習協會期盼能幫助更多弱勢孩童,誠摯邀請各界持續響應,利用高鐵列車座位網袋內的捐款信封、車站捐款箱或用手機掃描捐款信封上的QR Code等方式踴躍捐款,讓弱勢的孩子們放學後都能獲得生活上關懷與課業的指導,繼續「快樂學習 零距離!」。
    2024/02/25 07:35
  • 3月起遊名古屋.帶手機! 地鐵時刻表改掃碼

    氣溫逐步回升,日本櫻花陸續綻放,今年的日本旅遊季預備開跑。不過3月如果要到名古屋,搭地鐵要特別注意。「名古屋市營地下鐵」節省成本,撤除了部份路線月台上的看板型時刻表,改以手機掃瞄QR code。而東京都營地下鐵,為提升乘車安全,全面加裝月台門;使用的是QR code系統,費用從20億日圓減到只要200多萬,足足省了99%。
    2024/02/21 19:58
  • IKEA delights shoppers with hidden pet adoption QR code

    Discover a heartwarming surprise at IKEA! A customer found a QR code on a golden retriever plush toy that leads to the National Animal Shelter Management System. Scan the code to find your perfect furry companion waiting for adoption. IKEA’s thoughtful initiative has touched hearts online.
    2024/02/15 10:43
  • IKEA狗狗玩偶藏「暖心彩蛋」! 全場看哭了:好感人

    瑞典家具品牌IKEA,以其親民的價格和多樣化的傢飾產品,吸引消費者的眼球。然而,近日有名喜愛玩具區的民眾發現,IKEA黃金獵犬絨毛玩具上的QR Code,竟藏有隱藏彩蛋,讓她體驗到購物以外的驚喜,消息曝光後,更是讓網友們直呼感人。
    2024/02/15 08:52
  • 專攻2千元刮刮樂!YTR驚「機器不顯示」 爽中大獎撈回74萬

    2024/02/09 08:21
  • 別亂掃QR Code!LINE、拍賣網站都淪陷 「掃碼詐騙」自救3招快學起來

    詐騙手法日新月異,近期有許多不肖人士透過LINE QR Code進行詐騙,除了直接透過LINE對話傳送外,在購物網站上也經常出現假借驗證碼名義出現的QR Code詐騙。《DailyView網路溫度計》整理了幾個經常出現的QR Code詐騙手法,提醒大家特別注意。
    2024/02/07 10:34
  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • 掃碼加LINE好友當心!帳號「恐被登入」  3招自保 

    現代人經常使用LINE交換聯絡方式,而有時會透過掃描QR Code的方式加好友。日前LINE官方就示警,若收到來路不明的行動條碼,千萬不要急著掃;若不小心掃了,有三招可自保。
    2024/01/30 15:32
  • Taiwan reminds youth correct use of ’Culture Points’

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture has launched the "Culture Points" program, which allows Taiwanese youth aged 16 to 22 to receive at least 1,200 points, with each point equivalent to one New Taiwan dollar. These points can be used for various cultural and artistic experiences and consumption, such as museum tickets, community cultural center activities, music exhibitions, and art performances. However, there have been controversies as some vendors have violated the regulations by presenting beauty and nail care products as artistic and cultural items. Investigations have been launched, and the disqualified vendors have had their funds withdrawn. It is important to note that the Culture Points cannot be resold, bought, or cashed, and violators will be legally prosecuted. The points are valid until December 31, 2024, and recipients are required to scan the QR code at relevant venues or present the QR code for scanning. Receipts or invoices equivalent to the original value must be issued by stores during purchases made with Culture Points, and violating shops may be reported to the National Taxation Bureau.
    2024/01/25 16:37
  • 注意詐騙新手法!稱掃QR碼可領2千 超商禮券係假的

    2024/01/18 19:02
  • 赴日簡化手續!外國入境只要掃一次QR碼 羽田機場1月試用

    後疫情時代赴日本旅遊的外國遊客愈來愈多,過去必須手寫入境表格與申報單,日本政府推出「Visit Japan Web」網站,讓遊客出發前先在線上填好資料,入境時只需出示QR碼讓海關查驗即可。《NHK》22日報導,為了更簡化流程並加速入境程序,日本決定把入境檢查與海關申報合併,只需在同一台機器進行查驗,不需要再分別查驗浪費時間,藉此減緩當前等待時間過久的問題。東京羽田機場將是第一個測試地,將從2024年1月試用。
    2023/12/22 16:08
  • 台大女星宣布「放棄台灣國籍」!媽赴大陸秒崩潰:活不下去了

    2023/12/10 11:38
  • 吃火鍋曬照曝光點餐碼!她慘被惡作劇「下單190萬元酒菜」

    網路發文要小心!近日,中國大陸雲南昆明發生了一起惡作劇事件,一名王姓女子在和朋友聚餐時,將照片發到網絡上,沒想到意外露出店家的QR Code,有網友藉此惡作劇,竟然瘋狂點了43萬人民幣的菜(約190萬新台幣)!
    2023/11/25 10:49
  • 才掃QR Code!7旬嬤帳戶「秒蒸發51萬」 扛千筆債崩潰

    QR Code已融入日常生活當中,有時需要填寫問券、蒐集或查看資料時都相當便利,不過來路不明的QR Code務必特別當心。一名71歲的英國婦人有天在停車場掃描了QR Code,沒想到就此掉入詐騙集團的陷阱,更慘噴了1.3萬英鎊(約新台幣51萬),讓她不敢再相信任何人。
    2023/11/18 22:40
  • MOA to reward catering industry serving healthy vegetables

    The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) in Taiwan has announced that starting in January next year, food service businesses will only receive rewards up to NT $14 per serving if they agree to use organic or traceable agricultural products for 12 varieties of fast-growing vegetables, including bok choy and water spinach. However, the catering industry has expressed concerns about potential price increases during typhoon seasons or cold weather, which could make certified and organic products even more expensive. In response, MOA officials have confirmed that subsidies will be offered to mitigate the impact of vegetable price hikes, with school lunch allowances per serving potentially increasing from NT $3.5 to NT$10, and remote schools eligible for an allowance of up to NT $14 per serving. Chen Mig-hsin, Director of Taiwan’s Food Catering Association, has called for the approval of integrating QR-code usage for verified products during natural disasters, emphasizing the need for additional reward systems to better prepare domestic food suppliers for weather disturbances. Agriculture and Food Agency (AFA) Deputy Director Su Mao-hsiang has acknowledged the efforts made by catering businesses to support the MOA’s goals of promoting healthy and affordable school lunches. Currently, over half of the 3,800 tons of vegetables purchased weekly are organic and traceable products, and Su anticipates that the expanded purchase of healthy agricultural foods will further incentivize farmers to produce them.
    2023/11/16 19:50
  • Integrated payment system TWQR unveiled in Taiwan

    Explore the revolutionary TWQR system in Taiwan, a milestone in electronic payments. TWQR unites various payment providers, offering seamless QR code transactions and a unified payment experience for consumers and businesses. Dive into how this innovative platform is shaping the future of digital transactions in Taiwan.
    2023/11/11 16:38
  • 掃碼支付逐成日本消費主流 台人用街口可刷PayPay

    台灣民眾到日本旅遊,經常可見當地商家有「PayPay」行動支付條碼,不同於以往習慣使用現金的風情,近年日本也開始流行電子支付,拿起手機一掃QR Code就能付款。而PayPay是目前日本掃碼交易金額市佔最大的電子支付業者,除了付款以外,也支援帳戶間轉帳;值得注意的是,習慣使用街口支付的台灣人,現在也能透過街口掃PayPay付款,相當便利。
    2023/11/10 17:29
  • 越在地越國際 台灣茶王成台東月曆主角之一

    有別於美女猛男的月曆,台東縣政府今年推出《慢享果好日》2024台東良品月曆,精心挑選一年12個月中台東當令且具代表性的物產,包括釋迦、夏雪芒果及茶葉等為主題,以拍攝及插畫兩種設計形式呈現,掃取QR Code還可觀看各物產代表業者的訪談影片,連曾經獲選台灣茶王的茶農陳錫卿,都是這次月曆的主角之一。
    2023/10/30 16:21
  • 各種支付好複雜 這張「TWQR」QR Code整合所有Pay

    台灣將迎接QR Code共通支付時代,為解決市面上各種支付QR Code規格各異、無法互通問題,財金公司串聯銀行及電支機構兩大支付體系,正式推出「TWQR」,未來民眾不管使用哪一個支付APP,只要掃同一張「TWQR」就能支付,預計明(2024)年第一季國內將有15萬個以上商家可適用。
    2023/10/25 13:19
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