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    Nancy 結果共419筆

  • Taiwan’s gender equality achievements praised by Hsiao

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim praised Taiwan’s achievements in gender equality at the Taiwan Women Impact Summit, highlighting progress in political representation and resilience in the face of geopolitical challenges, which have won international support.
    2024/04/11 10:16
  • 日票選「韓國最美女星」榜單!周子瑜只輸她 2寶媽擊敗Jisoo

    美國知名電影網站「TC Candler」每年都會公布全球百大美女排名,韓國女團成員往往佔據一大比例,也曾多次榮獲冠軍,2023年就由MOMOLAND的成員Nancy收下第1名。最近日本網站也公布民眾票選「韓國最美女藝人」的榜單結果,人氣居高不下的IVE成員張員瑛,意外跌出前5名,反而剛挺過前男友詐欺風波的朴敏英躍上第5名,一向廣獲愛戴的周子瑜、Jisoo也都順利入榜,但仍不敵「少女時代」的她。
    2024/02/10 17:00
  • 李玟冥誕!李媽媽含淚宣布「重磅消息」 嘆:不要忘記她

    李玟(CoCo)今(17)日是她過世後第一個生日, 愛她的歌迷們從世界各地匯聚到武漢,和以前一樣,為她準備了生日會,並邀請了李玟的家人一起參加,許多歌迷早早就來到了石門峰紀念公園李玟紀念園,為她準備了鮮花和禮物,鮮花佈滿了整個紀念 園,形成一片花海。
    2024/01/17 17:26
  • Premier lauds Hsiao Bi-khim’s achievements in Washington

    Premier Chen Chien-jen praises the performance of Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan’s representative to the U.S., emphasizing her recognized contributions by both American and Taiwanese authorities. Chen commends Hsiao’s collaboration with Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, which has led to significant progress in Taiwan-U.S. relations. Former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly praised Hsiao’s outstanding performance. Chen believes Hsiao is a suitable candidate for the upcoming elections and will respect the party’s decision on her successor. In response to the recent protest march by medical personnel, Chen assures that the government deeply cares about the rights and interests of healthcare workers and is willing to engage in dialogue. The establishment of a regular communication channel has been agreed upon, and discussions on the demands of medical personnel are underway to provide better rights protection and a safer working environment.
    2023/11/20 17:48
  • U.S.-China Summit: Tensions and talks over Taiwan, elections

    In a pivotal summit in Woodside, California, Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping discussed escalating U.S.-China tensions, focusing on Taiwan and the upcoming U.S. elections. The meeting, significant for its diplomatic communications, highlighted the ongoing complexities in U.S.-China relations and the looming concerns over Taiwan and election interference.
    2023/11/17 16:50
  • MOFA Minister Wu discusses Taiwan-China tensions on BBC

    In an exclusive interview with BBC World Service flagship program Newshour, Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, discussed the increasing disturbances in Taiwan-China relations. Minister Wu highlighted the significance of international support, citing the visit of then-US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a positive diplomatic move. He also drew attention to China’s efforts to hinder Taiwan’s participation in international events. Wu welcomed the wave of international visitors expressing support for Taiwan, including the Vice President of the European Parliament and legislative speakers from Czechia and Lithuania. He urged democratic countries to be vigilant against potential interference from China in the upcoming presidential election and to voice their discontent over sensitive issues. Minister Wu drew three valuable lessons from the Ukraine-Russia conflict, commending the Ukrainian people’s commitment to defending their homeland, acknowledging the effectiveness of asymmetric warfare tactics, and emphasizing the importance of global support for invaded nations.
    2023/11/02 21:26
  • 麥卡錫下台是她的錯? 裴洛西被要求清空國會辦公室內幕曝

    美國原共和黨眾議院議長麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy),慘遭自家保守派提案報復,以些微差被罷免下台,沒想到他的暫時繼任者,發布的第一道命令,竟然是要求前任議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)即刻搬出私人辦公室,交給眾議院重新分配使用。共和黨議員向媒體表示,裴洛西目前使用的辦公室,是專屬「前任議長」的,如今麥卡錫成為前任議長,那這個辦公室使用權,將由麥卡錫接手。
    2023/10/05 09:47
  • 李玟離世後第一個中秋節! 二姊李思林悲喊「月亮不圓了」

    2023/09/29 13:36
  • 拒表態力挺賀錦麗 裴洛西:副總統不太重要

    前眾院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)上週宣布她將競選2024年的國會連任。在接受CNN採訪時,裴洛西被問及美國副總統賀錦麗「是否適合擔任拜登競選總統連任的副手?」時拒絕表態,並表示副總統這個職位「沒那麼重要」。
    2023/09/14 18:06
  • 裴洛西宣布競選連任美國會代表 「老人政治」現象引關注

    前美國聯邦眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)今天宣布,她將尋求競選連任國會代表。
    2023/09/09 08:32
  • 李玟長眠地曝光?親姊爆現身武漢探勘福地 84歲母親也在場

    2023/08/25 17:08
  • 解放軍圍台軍演畫面曝光 中共海空聯合演習

    中國大陸國防部東部戰區今(19)日早上宣布,將在台灣周圍組織「海空聯合戰備警巡」和「聯合演訓」,成為繼蔡英文過境美國、裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)訪台後,再度大動作實施圍台軍演。官方隨後也發布軍演影片,海空兩軍配合演習加上「解放軍火箭軍」,模擬「全向圍島」。
    2023/08/19 13:33
  • 劍指賴清德!解放軍宣布圍台軍演 警告「台獨分裂勢力」

    副總統、民進黨總統候選人賴清德12日出訪友邦巴拉圭,期間先後過境美國紐約及舊金山。雖然賴清德此行考量到美方顧慮,全程相對低調,但依舊引來北京不滿。中國大陸國防部東部戰區今(19)日無預警宣布將在台灣周圍組織「海空聯合戰備警巡」和「聯合演訓」,成為繼今年蔡英文過境美國,去年8月裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)訪台後,第三度實施圍台軍演。
    2023/08/19 10:51
  • Shen reflects on Nancy Pelosi’s landmark visit to Taiwan

    Former legislator Shen Fu-hsiung shared his thoughts on the impact of Nancy Pelosi’s historic visit to Taiwan in an exclusive interview with TVBS on Friday (Aug. 4).
    2023/08/04 20:02
  • 裴洛西訪台一週年發表聲明 強調美國與台灣人民同在

    美國前眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)在造訪台灣滿一週年的今天發表聲明,強調在台灣保衛自身及其自由之際,美國與台灣站在一起。
    2023/08/03 09:21
  • 李玟丈夫Bruce現身火葬場喊「一生愛她」 粉絲氣炸追打:你沒善待她

    2023/08/01 20:51
  • 丈夫Bruce、2繼女現身李玟追思會! 甄妮、蕭亞軒淚崩致悼念詞

    2023/07/31 19:11
  • 李玟入夢了!親姊揭84歲媽媽傷透心 悲嘆:以後不過生日

    2023/07/28 13:39
  • Experts analyze growing threats to Taiwan

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu emphasizes cooperation between all democracies to prevent China’s status quo change in the latest TVBS Meeting Room with Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper on Monday (July 17).
    2023/07/20 10:38
  • 確定了!李玟告別式7/31舉行「這4個小時公祭」台粉絲自辦追思會

    2023/07/15 19:38
  • 不捨李玟驟逝!百名粉絲現身追思會 她爆哭怒轟富商尪:就是凶手

    2023/07/15 17:46
  • 確定了!李玟告別式7/31舉行「這4個小時公祭」 台粉絲自辦追思會

    2023/07/15 14:12
  • 英文名字怎麼取?網籲「這些地雷」別碰:一聽就感覺很老

    2023/07/12 17:36
  • 真愛不晚!78歲翁難忘高中戀人 隔60年「自備枕頭」下跪求婚

    面對昔日對象,有人早已忘懷,也有人終身念念不忘。美國佛州78歲老翁湯瑪斯(Dr. Thomas McMeekin)日前在機場向60年前交往的高中戀人南希(Nancy Gambell)求婚,他不僅自備枕頭單膝下跪,還拿出老花眼鏡深情唸出證詞,最終成功打動芳心;整段求婚過程被放上Tiktok後爆紅,感動無數網友。
    2023/07/11 17:49
  • 不捨李玟離世!二姊喊話「在台立碑紀念」 文化部回應了

    2023/07/11 15:49
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