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    Mac 結果共192筆

  • AI浪潮!OpenAI蘋果布局 73歲議員攻讀學位

    2024/04/15 20:00
  • 蘋果計劃升級Mac產品線 配置具AI處理能力晶片

    2024/04/12 12:08
  • 蘋果再更新iPhone官方回收價 1平價機型逆勢上漲

    蘋果日前突襲線上發表全新M3版MacBook Air,隨後就調整了Mac舊換新的價格,近日官方則是針對iPhone舊機回收價格進行調整,是今年第2次調整iPhone舊換新的換購價格,其中iPhone 13 Pro Max的價格大跳水,一口氣被調降3000元。
    2024/03/07 13:26
  • 傳蘋果本周推新品 MacBook Air晶片升級、OLED版iPad Pro問世

    消息指出,蘋果公司(Apple)本周將發布新產品,具體內容不得而知,很可能是新iPad、Mac或配件產品。《彭博社》科技記者葛曼(Mark Gurman)則認為,蘋果不打算舉辦傳統發布會來推出這些產品,而是計劃在「網站上」透過「一系列線上影片和行銷活動」推出,時間點是3月或4月。
    2024/03/04 10:49
  • 30年前大麥克好便宜? 他闖「廢棄麥當勞」見菜單超震驚

    麥當勞是許多人用餐的首選之一,不過近年其價格屢次調升,讓民眾苦不堪言,近期有國外的探險網紅來到位於阿拉斯加(Alaska)的1間廢棄麥當勞,他找到30年前的麥當勞菜單後,對過去低廉的價格感到震驚不已,以最具代表性的大麥克(Big Mac)為例,當年只要價2.45美元(約新台幣77.6元)、加套餐也只需4.59美元(約新台幣145.4元)。
    2024/02/28 17:09
  • MAC concludes Kinmen speedboat case: No detention needed

    The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) completed the legal investigation into the Kinmen speedboat case, determining no need to detain the two Chinese survivors. The survivors were repatriated in the interest of human rights. MAC clarified the repatriation process and procedures followed by the Fuchien Kinmen District Prosecutors Office and Coast Guard Administration. The incident involved a speedboat pursuit by the Coast Guard Administration in Kinmen waters, resulting in two deaths.
    2024/02/22 11:54
  • NBA/灌出唯一滿分!「飛越俠客」反手暴扣 麥克朗衛冕灌籃王

    NBA2024明星賽次日,在技術挑戰賽、三分大賽結束後,於壓軸階段迎來灌籃大賽,經過首輪的對決後,由塞爾提克布朗(Jaylen Brown)與效力於魔術G聯盟的麥克朗(Mac McClung)進行最終廝殺,最後由麥克朗飛越「俠客」歐尼爾(Shaquille O’Neal)、灌出全場唯一滿分奪下獎盃,如願衛冕灌籃王,成為史上第五位灌籃大賽二連霸的球員。
    2024/02/18 15:36
  • 又一時代眼淚!最後一款光碟機MacBook Pro走入歷史

    蘋果每年都會將部份過舊產品列入「過時產品」或「停產」清單,近日蘋果更新了這份清單,將MacBook Pro 13吋(2012)列入停產清單,而這款MacBook Pro也是蘋果最後一款內建光碟機的Mac。
    2024/02/02 08:23
  • MAC slams Beijing for ’dollar diplomacy’ to sway Nauru

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) strongly condemns Beijing’s attempt to lure the Republic of Nauru into resuming diplomatic relations, accusing China of disrupting international order through "dollar diplomacy." The MAC criticizes China’s actions as an attempt to suppress Taiwan’s international status and sovereignty, despite its successful presidential election. Beijing’s attempts to snatch away Taiwan’s diplomatic allies will not earn it respect from the international community but will instead highlight Taiwan’s democratic achievements and contributions. The MAC calls on Beijing to stop this zero-sum thinking and emphasizes that the ROC government will continue to strengthen Taiwan’s resilience, unite society, and safeguard its international status and rights.
    2024/01/16 12:29
  • 蘋果怪物級Mac傳今年現身!頂規機型將有80顆GPU

    蘋果去年推出了M3、M3 Pro和M3 Max等3款晶片,大幅提昇了Mac的效能,傳出蘋果今年將發表M3 Ultra晶片,可能會搭載高達80 顆的GPU核心(圖形處理器),成為M3系列中效能最強大的晶片。
    2024/01/09 10:31
  • 這些周邊竟還買得到!盤點蘋果7大在售「過時」產品

    2024/01/08 08:48
  • i15銷量低迷!遭巴克萊降評 蘋果股價暴跌創7週低點

    2024/01/03 10:26
  • China’s tariff move to hit Taiwan’s petrochemical exports

    The Customs Tariff Commission of China’s State Council has announced that starting from January 1 next year, it will suspend the application of preferential tariffs for 12 categories of chemically imported goods from Taiwan, including propylene and paraxylene. China claims that Taiwan violates ECFA regulations by imposing discriminatory trade measures for products exported from China, and a trade barrier investigation by China’s Ministry of Commerce confirmed these restrictions as a trade barrier. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) accuses China of political manipulation and bypassing WTO dispute mechanisms. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) states that the export value of ECFA’s early harvest list to China has been decreasing, projected to retract to pre-ECFA levels by year-end. The MOEA proposes managing cross-strait economic disputes under the WTO mechanism and encourages China to do the same.
    2023/12/21 21:42
  • 97% of Hong Kong residency bids approved: MAC

    The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) announced that over 97% of Hong Kong residents applying for residence permits in Taiwan have been approved, with nearly 75% of them obtaining permanent residency permits. From 2018 to October 2023, around 46,564 Hong Kong residents and 6,196 Macau residents have acquired residence permits in Taiwan. MAC official Lu Chang-shui stated that the government welcomes and values those who aspire to settle in Taiwan, emphasizing that the rigorous review of applications aims to protect Taiwan’s systems and environment rooted in freedom, democracy, and openness. Lu also mentioned that the government provides assistance and guidance to applicants whose settlement applications are still under observation.
    2023/12/20 18:29
  • Taiwan slams China for ’distorting’ cross-strait exchanges

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) accuses the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of manipulating and inducing Taiwanese grassroots through hospitable receptions, while distorting the goodwill of cross-strait exchanges. The MAC’s statement was in response to the claim by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) that "the momentum of cross-strait exchanges is unstoppable." The MAC harshly criticizes the CCP for creating artificial obstacles to cross-strait exchanges, fabricating charges, unlawfully detaining people, and practicing autocratic rule. The controversy revolves around allegations that 41 village chiefs from Taipei accepted travel to China at preferential prices and then returned to Taiwan to promote specific candidates. The TAO spokeswoman did not address whether the TAO provided funding for the travels, but claimed that frustrations among Taiwanese citizens have been fueled by the policies of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government. This exchange reflects the ongoing tension in cross-strait relations, with Taiwan expressing concern over the CCP’s influence operations and China promoting closer ties.
    2023/12/20 17:18
  • No aid request for Taiwanese writer detained in China: MAC

    Taiwanese writer Lo Sen has been missing in China since November last year and is suspected to be detained by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) stated that neither Lo Sen nor his family have sought assistance from any Taiwanese authorities, including the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF). Lo Sen, known for his adult novels, was recently reported to have been sentenced to 12 years on charges of profiting from privately publishing pornography. The MAC highlighted the CCP’s intensified internal security management, which has resulted in disruptions and restrictions on personal freedom for Taiwanese citizens and foreign enterprises in China. The MAC urged Taiwanese citizens to register with the "Mainland Travel Dynamic Registration" system before traveling to China to facilitate assistance in emergencies. The SEF has received reports of Taiwanese citizens being interrogated upon entry into China, with various reasons for the scrutiny, including the possession of religious-related books, posing challenges to cross-strait exchanges.
    2023/12/11 12:12
  • Chrome瀏覽器曝高風險零日漏洞 谷歌急釋出更新檔修補

    2023/11/30 08:11
  • 不是只有自研晶片!外媒爆蘋果還想自行開發6大關鍵零件

    蘋果近年致力整合軟硬體,除了iOS作業系統之外,也逐漸研發自家專屬的硬體產品,如Mac電腦的M系列晶片以及iPhone 15 Pro的A17 Pro晶片;外媒《彭博社》近日指出,除了晶片之外,蘋果還想掌握更多零件,並點名未來6大關鍵零件可能都會自行研發。
    2023/11/21 10:00
  • SK-II、YSL、愛馬仕彩妝3折賣!國外代購其實是「淘寶假貨」

    知名美妝品牌Estee Lauder(雅詩蘭黛)、MAC、CHANEL(香奈兒)、SK-II的商品深受民眾喜愛,但價格也相對比開架品牌高,因此不少人會上網尋求代購,不過可要小心了,因為很可能你買到的根本就是假貨!保二刑大偵查隊日前接獲民眾報案,表示有網拍業者自稱「國外代購彩妝保養品」,實際上卻是拿假的來賣,用起來根本就有問題。警方進一步循線搜索,鎖定雙北市兩處店家倉庫,前往搜索逮人,查扣18種品牌、超過2000件商品,粗估侵權市值至少100萬。
    2023/11/17 12:18
  • MAC urges Taiwanese travelers to China to register online

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) minister has stated that multiple channels have been used to raise awareness of the "Online Registration System for Taiwanese Citizens Visiting Mainland China." The system was implemented in January 2023 to improve emergency assistance services for travelers. However, out of over one million Taiwanese nationals who visited China from January to September, only around 2,000 registered with the system, resulting in a usage rate of just 0.19%. MAC Minister Chiu Tai-san acknowledged the low uptake and stated that efforts have been made to promote the system, including engaging travel agencies. Legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung highlighted that in August alone, over 200,000 people traveled from Taiwan to China, but only 554 registrations were made. Minister Chiu explained that registration is voluntary, and if citizens do not anticipate encountering problems in mainland China, it is challenging for the ministry to enforce it. In response to calls for increased promotion, Chiu promised that MAC colleagues would intensify efforts to raise awareness about the registration system.
    2023/11/13 19:40
  • 果迷頻敲碗盼這款Mac電腦重生 蘋果罕見證實不會有新產品

    蘋果日前舉行第2場秋季發表會,推出了效能更加強悍的M3系列晶片,以及搭載M3晶片的14、16吋MacBook Pro筆電與24吋iMac桌機,由於24吋iMac是時隔900多天後再度獲得更新,不少果粉也敲碗盼蘋果能夠讓已停產的27吋iMac重生,但根據蘋果近期向外媒透露的消息,果迷們可能要失望了。
    2023/11/07 13:44
  • Taiwan to potentially lift travel group bans to China soon

    The Travel Agents Association Chairman, Hsiao Po-jen, has announced that the Taiwanese government may lift travel group bans to China before Chinese New Year in 2024. Minister Wang Kwo-tsai of Transportation and Communications and Mainland Affairs Council revealed that the MOTC Tourist Administration Director General, Chou Yung-Hui, confirmed plans to lift restrictions on Taiwanese travel groups just before the holiday next year. The ban on private arrangement of group tours to China has been in place since the Covid-19 pandemic, making this decision a significant move to enhance diplomatic relations between the two states. The MAC has also announced plans to restore cross-strait group tours, initially allowing 2,000 visitors per day from China. The lift on travel restrictions may come earlier than expected if China expresses goodwill to welcome tourists from across the Strait.
    2023/11/05 15:04
  • 蘋果「快到嚇人」Mac發表會 首搭載3奈米製程晶片

    2023/10/31 20:30
  • 蘋果MacBook Pro搭M3晶片「太空黑」美翻 7色iMac可選

    蘋果第2場秋季發表會在台灣時間今(31日)早8點登場,主題為「快得可怕(Scary Fast)」。執行長庫克(Tim Cook)開場便表示此次發表會的主角是Mac,蘋果推出了M3、M3 Pro、M3 Max三款全新晶片,新品包括搭載新晶片的14吋、16吋MacBook Pro及24吋iMac,其中MacBook Pro還有質感的「太空黑」新配色。
    2023/10/31 10:00
  • 新Mac要來了?蘋果發表會下週登場 4大亮點一次看

    蘋果(Apple)發表會將於31日登場,這次罕見於台灣時間上午8點舉行,根據蘋果的邀請函資訊,預計推出Mac相關新產品,彭博社記者Mark Gurman透露,發表會中將有4大新品亮點,包括新一代的M3晶片、搭載M3晶片的MacBook Pro和iMac,以及USB-C配件;至於MacBook Air、iPad及AirPods,則要等到明年才有機會亮相。
    2023/10/28 14:05
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