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    Dragon 結果共199筆

  • 李多慧空降小龍女惹議!首吐接任隊長真相 認:一定要做一次

    首位進軍台灣的韓國啦啦隊女神李多慧日前離開樂天女孩團隊,改當味全小龍女的「Captain」。她也發長文透露轉隊原因,是因為「一直想實現當隊長的目標」,並感謝桃猿對她的照顧。不過味全龍先前已官宣由小映擔任隊長,李多慧的身分則是「Captain LEE」,儘管領隊丁仲緯解釋兩人定位不同,但小映在社群媒體上發文「我不知道~」,仍引發不少議論。但就在最近李多慧更新YT影片,驚見她開心合體小映,以行動化解流言,她也坦言真的很想當上隊長,因為能在味全龍當隊長,才決定來到這裡。
    2024/04/21 15:05
  • IU必聽神曲Top 10! 陪你度過「演唱會後遺症」

    2024/04/09 11:09
  • BIGBANG大聲首爾開唱「GD、太陽現身了」 驚喜宣布5月來台北

    2024/04/05 12:47
  • Art school student loses top art award for using AI

    Fuhsin Trade and Arts School in New Taipei City revokes first prize from student Lin for suspected use of AI in artwork titled "Causing Havoc in the Dragon Palace." Lin admits to improper use of AI after three-day absence. School to reassign award based on scores.
    2024/04/01 10:42
  • 林襄暴瘦體重「低於四字頭」! 認了胸部縮水「穿內衣空空的」

    中華職棒「啦啦隊女神」林襄先前宣布從樂天桃猿「Rakuten Girls」轉戰至味全龍當「小龍女」,為中職啦啦隊生態投入一顆震撼彈。中職35年開幕戰在即,林襄近日非常積極的團練與備戰,除了啦啦隊應援工作,也跨界時尚服裝秀、錄節目、拍電影,工作行程滿檔。林襄昨(22)日林襄在Threads上曬照公開體重,顯示39.4公斤,數字令網友震驚留言「倒過來都比我瘦」,身材突然暴瘦讓自己也嚇到了。
    2024/03/23 11:49
  • 李多慧親揭離開樂天女孩真實原因 淚喊「從沒想離開台灣」

    中職味全龍球團今日宣布,李多慧以「Dragon Beauties Captain」的全新身分正式入團,球團表示,這位舞技超群、活力滿分的強力外援,將在3月30日至31日的台北大巨蛋開幕戰與小龍女一同登場,為龍隊應援加油。李多慧稍早也發文,親自解釋會離開樂天女孩選擇加入味全龍的原因。
    2024/03/22 15:13
  • 味全龍官宣李多慧加盟 大巨蛋應援、粉絲見面會日期在這天

    中職味全龍球團今日宣布,李多慧以Dragon Beauties Captain的全新身分正式入團,球團表示,這位舞技超群、活力滿分的強力外援,將在3月30日至31日的台北大巨蛋開幕戰與小龍女一同登場,為龍隊應援加油。
    2024/03/22 12:04
  • 啦啦隊女神賴可驚曝「想找點麻煩」! 曬比基尼辣照羞吐寂寞心聲

    「棒籃雙棲」超人氣啦啦隊女神「賴可」,目前是味全龍啦啦隊Dragon Beauties及福爾摩沙夢想家啦啦隊Formosa Sexy的成員,擁有清新甜美的童顏及絕頂傲人身材,鄰家女孩般的親切氣質,再搭配個性開朗活潑的個性,深受球迷喜愛,個人IG至今已狂吸超過12萬追蹤。近期她趁白色情人節放送福利,曬出性感指數破表的泳裝辣照,並鬆口表示想擺脫多年單身、談個戀愛。讓網友看了爭先留言報名「我要改名叫麻煩了」。
    2024/03/17 16:12
  • 最正MC「上衣太薄被看光」!火辣身材原形畢露 吐舌放電征服全網

    林艾融(Irene)過去曾是中職啦啦隊「Lami Girls」成員,後來卸下啦啦隊女孩身分,目前轉往樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls」擔任主持人MC,擁有甜美外型和火辣身材的她,被封為「最正MC」,去年回鍋加入T1聯盟「台啤永豐雲豹」啦啦隊,人氣更上一層樓。艾融昨(16)日曬出最新系列美照,結果白色上衣似乎太過單薄,內搭黑Bra全被看光,性感程度破表。
    2024/03/17 13:17
  • 替代役吸大麻薪水不夠用 24歲「毒品界權志龍」墮落賣毒

    2024/03/16 13:15
  • 鳥山明神作《七龍珠》十大人氣角色 他改邪歸正成重要角色

    永遠的經典神作《七龍珠》 日本經典少年漫畫《七龍珠》(ドラゴンボール/DRAGON BALL)的作者鳥山明於8日傳出逝世消息,《七龍珠》系列官方網站發出公告,表示鳥山明已於1日因急性顱內出血病逝,享壽68歲,許多動漫迷們都感到不捨與惋惜。《DailyView網路溫度計》透過《KEYPO大數據關鍵引擎》輿情分析系統,調查出其代表作《七龍珠》系列的10大人氣角色,回憶經典的同時,也感謝老師所留下的美好故事。
    2024/03/11 09:49
  • 遭爆熱戀小12歲「韓國小姐」!GD出道17年罕見正面回應

    2024/03/10 11:23
  • 林襄「瘦到見骨」!照片曝光嚇壞眾人 網驚呼:骨頭要斷了

    「啦啦隊女神」樂天女孩前成員林襄大跳槽,加入味全龍啦啦隊「Dragon Beautie」,消息引起不少粉絲的譁然;沒想到,有網友昨(8)日在網路上分享林襄出席活動時的照片,身材本來就纖細的林襄,在照片裡看起來簡直是瘦到皮包骨,造成不少的討論。
    2024/03/09 14:58
  • Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama passes away at 68

    Acclaimed Japanese manga creator Akira Toriyama, known for "Dragon Ball," passed away at 68 due to a cerebral hemorrhage. His legacy in manga and anime, especially with titles like "Dragon Ball" and "Dr. Slump," has left an indelible mark on the industry. His works have been translated into multiple languages and have a global circulation of 200 million copies. His untimely death has left unfinished projects and a significant void in the manga world.
    2024/03/08 12:14
  • Taoyuan Lantern Festival goes out with a bang

    The Taoyuan Lantern Festival concluded with breathtaking dragon dances, music, and circus acrobatics, connecting two venues with the Taolin Line Bikeway and setting the stage for the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival.
    2024/03/03 16:33
  • 林襄甜吻小鮮肉!「被咬下巴」照驚曝光 網羨炸:換我來

    中華職棒樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls」前成員林襄身材火辣,且臉蛋甜美,獲封「新一代啦啦隊女神」,日前退出樂天後,重磅加盟味全龍啦啦隊「Dragon Beauties小龍女」。她近日曬出春節連假與親友的聚會照,一張小鮮肉「咬下巴」照掀起熱議。
    2024/02/28 09:35
  • Dazzling New Taipei Lantern Festival draws record crowds

    Explore the vibrant atmosphere of the 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, featuring a stunning 12-meter-high dragon lantern, international and indigenous art displays, and diverse activities for attendees. Join in the celebration of the Year of the Dragon and the Spring Lantern Festival at New Taipei Metropolitan Park.
    2024/02/24 17:00
  • Anping Art Light District shines in Tainan

    Discover the vibrant atmosphere of the Anping Art Light District in Tainan during the 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival. Immerse yourself in 30 unique light installations set against a historical backdrop, complemented by sea breeze, humanities, and history. Join over 3 million visitors in enjoying aerial performances every weekend until March 10. Experience the magic of the "Dragon Comes to Taiwan" centerpiece lighting up Tainan’s High-Speed Rail Light District on Feb. 24.
    2024/02/19 11:43
  • 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival: tradition meets innovation

    Experience the magic of the 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, where tradition meets innovation with captivating displays, cultural performances, and a 12-meter dragon lantern. Explore themed zones, enjoy VR/AR experiences, and indulge in a diverse food market until March 3!
    2024/02/17 18:09
  • New Taipei City launches dazzling 2024 Lantern Festival

    Experience the enchanting 2024 Lantern Festival in New Taipei City, featuring a 12-meter high dragon palace lantern, mythical beasts, AR technology, and interactive art. Join Mayor Hou Yu-ih and officials at the festival until March 3 for a visual feast and cultural celebration.
    2024/02/17 12:56
  • Taiwan left with 2 consecutive holidays post Lunar New Year

    Discover Taiwan’s holiday outlook for 2024! With only two sets of consecutive holidays remaining, find out how this reduction impacts domestic travel and accommodation. Learn how travel providers can capitalize on the upcoming breaks to attract visitors and boost profits.
    2024/02/16 16:26
  • Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival set to dazzle in two sessions

    Experience the enchanting 2024 Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in New Taipei City! Join us on Feb. 17 and Feb. 24 for two sessions filled with the mesmerizing sight of lanterns illuminating the night sky. The first event, held at Ping Xi Junior High School, features nine launches of 100 lanterns each, totaling 900 lanterns. The second event, taking place at Shihfen Square, showcases nine launches of 150 lanterns, totaling 1,350 lanterns. Lantern vouchers will be distributed from 10:30 a.m. until they run out, allowing two to four people to launch a lantern. Don’t miss this unforgettable celebration, where artist Hu Min-shu’s stunning lantern designs, including a dragon and a tiger, will be on display.
    2024/02/16 13:35
  • 觀點/龍年「Dragon」改稱「Loong」就是文化自信?

    2024/02/15 13:37
  • 馬斯克發文賀龍年 遭陸網指正「此LOONG非DRAGON」

    隨著甲辰龍年到來,近來中國網路上開始討論起龍的英文翻譯,官媒與民眾紛紛捨棄過往的「Dragon」,改用「Loong」(龍的音譯),稱中國龍與西方龍「形像有別。」特斯拉(Tesla)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)10日在網路上發文拜年時,用英文寫下「The Year of the Dragon」,也被中國網友指正,應該是「The Year of the LOONG。」
    2024/02/12 11:06
  • 稱西方龍惡醜!陸媒改龍年翻譯「Loong」 

    2024/02/11 14:18
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