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    TVBS 結果共10,000筆

  • Lai Ching-te appoints key figures in Taiwan-China relations

    President-elect Lai Ching-te appoints Chiu Chui-cheng and Cheng Wen-tsan to key cross-strait relations positions, signaling a cautious yet hopeful approach towards maintaining stability with China while supporting Taiwanese businesses and citizens. The strategic move aims to extend goodwill and manage economic interdependence, with the true impact dependent on Lai’s inaugural speech on May 20.
  • 餘震讓水源消失! 住家變明天過後場景 花蓮縣磯崎村百人無飲用水

  • Taiwan grateful for U.S. security support legislation

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanks U.S. President Joe Biden for signing the "Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024," highlighting its significance in enhancing Taiwan-U.S. security cooperation and maintaining Indo-Pacific stability. The act provides military aid to Taiwan, reinforcing its defense capabilities and the U.S.’s role in the region. The MOFA commits to defense reforms and continued cooperation with the U.S. and allies to preserve peace in the Taiwan Strait and the Indo-Pacific.
  • Philippines and US commit to peace in Taiwan Strait

    The 11th Philippines-United States Bilateral Strategic Dialogue concluded in Washington D.C., emphasizing peace in the Taiwan Strait and opposing force in territorial disputes. The dialogue focused on maintaining a free Indo-Pacific and expanding cooperation in digital, space, and democracy sectors, with plans to sign the GSOMIA by year’s end.
  • Lai praises national talent across eras for Taiwan security

    Lai Ching-te, the President-elect of Taiwan, announces the sixth wave of government appointments, emphasizing the importance of national talent across different eras for the development of democracy, peace, and prosperity. He draws parallels with U.S. administrations to highlight the continuity in national security teams and welcomes talents from all backgrounds to contribute to the nation’s future.
  • 地球解方 永續設計行動年會 世界地球日共同關注全球塑膠公約 縮短價值行動差是永續溝通的最大挑戰

    《地球解方 2024永續設計行動年會》由主辦單位5% Design Action,聯合跨領域的五大策略夥伴:電通傳播行銷集團、Kantar凱度集團、聯合線上、TVBS、DreamVok意集設計,已連續四年於世界地球日4月22日舉行。世界地球日辦公室也連續四屆錄影支持年會,世界地球日活動經理Evan Raskin 再次強調今年的主題「多一塑不如少一塑」(Planet vs. Plastics),舉例說明塑膠汙染帶來的全球性影響,包含有毒的塑膠垃圾幾乎存在於地球上的每個角落,從地表最高處珠穆朗瑪峰頂到馬里亞納海溝無處不在。據估計,每年有多達1億隻海洋生物因塑膠汙染而死亡。且塑膠微粒已進入人類食物鏈,平均每人每週攝取約5克的塑膠微粒。研究顯示,長期暴露於塑膠化學物質中,可能導致荷爾蒙失調、神經系統損傷、糖尿病、肥胖,甚至癌症等健康問題。因此世界地球日呼籲到2040年將塑膠生產減少60%,減少使用一次性塑膠用品已經刻不容緩!
  • President-elect Lai unveils sixth wave of cabinet reshuffle

    President-elect Lai Ching-te unveils the sixth wave of cabinet and national security appointments, featuring Joseph Wu as Secretary-General of the National Security Council and Lin Chia-lung as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The team, praised for its professionalism and commitment, includes a total of 34 appointments with an average age of 62.5.
  • Indonesia eyes Taiwan’s excellent earthquake response

    Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin commends Taiwan’s disaster management, urging Indonesia to adopt similar strategies and technology for improved disaster response and prevention.
  • Joseph Wu: From top diplomat to national security chief

    Joseph Wu Jaushieh, with over six years as Taiwan’s foreign minister, is set to become the National Security Council’s secretary-general. Known for his "unconventional" approach and handling of crises like the China-US trade war and COVID-19, Wu significantly enhanced Taiwan-US relations and worked on expanding ties with Central and Eastern Europe. Despite losing eight diplomatic allies under China’s pressure, his extensive international experience is seen as a valuable asset in his new role.
  • 《TVBS新聞網》網路投票/您是否同意廢除死刑?

    37名死囚及他們的代表律師認為死刑違憲,而聲請釋憲,憲法法庭4月24日開庭辯論,最快今(2024)年7月下旬做出判決。死刑存廢再度成為台灣社會關注議題。對此,《TVBS新聞網》舉辦網路投票,想了解民眾是否同意廢除死刑?(5/2 23:59截止投票)
  • 林莎和卞慶華「男女共浴超養眼畫面」外流 驚曝:什麼都沒穿!

  • Taiwan to toughen penalties on illegal migrant worker hiring

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, proposes stricter penalties for illegal employment of migrant workers to curb the rising number of missing cases, including banning employers with violations from hiring and increasing application process duration.
  • Taiwan inches closer to China, debunking drift rumors: CWA

    The Central Weather Administration of Taiwan corrects misconceptions about the island drifting away from China due to earthquakes, clarifying that Taiwan is moving closer to China at a rate of 4 to 8 centimeters annually. This adjustment is based on the movement of tectonic plates, with Taiwan’s position at the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates’ junction contributing to its gradual shift towards China.
  • T閱讀/《步步為營》 看美中台三角關係下,台灣如何開拓未來發展道路

    近期,國際焦點主要集中在即將於2024年底舉行的美國總統大選上,這場選舉的結果將直接影響未來美中台關係的走向。與此同時,由卜睿哲、何瑞恩、葛來儀等三位學者合著的《步步為營:解讀美中台未來七種情境》一書,也從政治、經濟、軍事等多個不同層面深入探討了美中台可能的發展趨勢。TVBS網路訪談節目「T閱讀」特別邀請了政治大學外交系教授黃奎博,以及美國共和黨前亞太區主席Ross Feingold方恩格等專家來賓,就當前國際局勢進行分析。
  • Taiwan struck by twin quakes, no link to past tremor

    Discover the details of two significant earthquakes striking off Taiwan’s eastern coast, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. Learn about the seismic events’ magnitudes, timing, and unique characteristics, emphasizing their independence from earlier tremors. Explore the geological context provided by experts, highlighting Taiwan’s position at a plate collision point and the implications for its earthquake preparedness.
  • 2024賴清德內閣名單完整出爐!新內閣成員背景一次看

  • TVBS與BBC Earth獨家合作 呈現史詩級生態紀錄片

    史上收視最高的自然生態紀錄片地球脈動再次回歸,同樣請來英國重量級的生態節目主持人大衛艾登堡爵士擔任旁白,奧斯卡最佳配樂得主漢斯季默負責用音樂說故事。TVBS與BBC Earth合作,取得BBC Earth頻道播映的地球脈動III精華版,看看南非的羅伯格半島,數千隻非洲毛皮海獅與環境變遷抗爭,努力為生存而戰,完整地球脈動III,請鎖定BBC Earth頻道。
  • 韓黃牛票猖獗 熱門演唱會用「搶票神器」牟利

  • 地震速報APP推薦!比國家級警報更準更快?6款地震APP設定教學

  • 4.7 magnitude earthquake shakes Hualien, felt across Taiwan

    Discover the latest on the significant earthquake off Hualien County’s coast, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. With a magnitude of 4.7, this quake impacted various regions across Taiwan, prompting alerts for potential aftershocks. Stay informed on the seismic activity affecting Hualien, Nantou, Taichung, and beyond.
  • 專訪/成勛聊到一半告解「我是渣男!」 連夜追完《3體》成狂粉

    睽違超過5年,有《焦急的羅曼史》、《完美的結婚公式》等作品的韓國演員成勛,3月底來台舉辦粉絲見面會,活動上他不僅帶來難得一見的DJ SHOW演出,面對粉絲抱抱、合照等要求都來者不拒,可說是相當寵粉。不過他接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪時,居然突然直呼:「我簡直就是渣男!」
  • 獨/陳依依不藏了!遭爆懷孕「曬清晰大肚照」 穩交納豆6年想生三胎

  • 陳亞蘭身世之謎曝光 「同父異母」妹妹竟是好萊塢巨星

    TVBS星藝象藝人陳亞蘭是台灣原生劇歌仔戲重要推手,更以戲劇《嘉慶君遊台灣》拿下金鐘影帝。而日前網友發現她與英國女星艾蜜莉布朗(Emily Blunt)十分相似,這次電影《特技玩家》首映特別邀請到陳亞蘭出席,陳亞蘭本尊被問到自己與英國女星艾蜜莉布朗相似,她開完笑直說:「其實她真的是我同父異母的妹妹!」
  • 斷層是什麼?斷層帶房子能買嗎?台灣斷層帶查詢&活動斷層一覽

  • Taiwan reduces exams for students, emphasizes life skills

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education reduces the maximum number of regular exams for first and second graders to two per semester, emphasizing life habits and moral cultivation. The amendment aims to boost confidence and study abilities, suggesting schools use diverse assessments for a more flexible education approach, including digital learning for those unable to attend in-person classes due to various reasons.
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