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    戲劇捐款年輕男女全中運辛龍Julio Alcantara-Santiago台灣地震Christian Garcia●【爆廢公社二館】●下雨
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    H 結果共10,000筆

  • 閔熙珍講到氣哭!怒控HYBE背叛又抹黑 強調與GFriend解散無關

  • 惹毛全場媒體!閔熙珍現身記者會「要全場別拍」 網吼:裝受害者

  • 田馥甄登陸解禁!預告天津開唱「小粉紅跳針台獨」 主辦急喊一家人

  • Hebe是心靈導師!Ella合體吐逼瘋自己內幕  認陷迷惘淚崩

    陳嘉樺(Ella)在Hit Fm聯播網主持的期間限定節目「ELLA’S RADIO SHOW」,昨(24)晚播出最後一集,邀請好姐妹田馥甄(Hebe)暢談。Hebe過去受訪時,曾用大樹來形容Ella,「小鳥都停在樹上,棲息築巢,幸福歌唱,所以Ella要扛的重量很重,風吹雨淋都不能動搖,樹蔭還能保護著樹下生物」,Ella深記至今,更感嘆Hebe把她看得很透徹,Hebe表示看透別人,卻不一定能看清楚自己,所以才需要朋友,如明鏡一般映照彼此。
  • 4.7 magnitude earthquake shakes Hualien, felt across Taiwan

    Discover the latest on the significant earthquake off Hualien County’s coast, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. With a magnitude of 4.7, this quake impacted various regions across Taiwan, prompting alerts for potential aftershocks. Stay informed on the seismic activity affecting Hualien, Nantou, Taichung, and beyond.
  • 閔熙珍「掏空ADOR」物證曝光! HYBE要告了:今以背信罪提訴

  • 去泰國玩別中暑!曼谷發「極端高溫」警報 體感恐飆破52度

    泰國當局24日向曼谷發出「極端高溫」(Extreme Heat)警告,敦促人們在氣溫飆升時留在室內以確保自身安全,更預估氣溫將達到驚人的攝氏39度,體感更能飆升至攝氏52度以上,曼谷市政府將其列為「極度危險」的等級。
  • 柏金包超搶鏡!謝淑薇搭頭等艙配大滿貫金盃 網喊:再打10年

    網球女雙世界球后謝淑薇今年在澳洲網球公開賽連奪女雙、混雙兩冠軍,獎金平分計算可獲得約新台幣920萬元。她昨(24)天在臉書「Su-Wei Hsieh 夢遊寫真人謝淑薇」曬出搭乘阿聯酋頭等艙返國的照片,並帶著大滿貫冠軍盃回家的照片,引起網友關注。
  • 零股也可領!宏達電16萬股東快看 紀念品「進化版抗UV機能帽」

  • Sinologist Dali Yang discusses new book on pandemic

    Dali Yang, an American sinologist, discusses his book "Wuhan" which analyzes China’s initial Covid-19 response. He highlights the need for transparency and the impact on international relations.
  • 山本彩首度亞巡6月在台北! 感動連2天開唱:很多台灣人支持我

    號稱「彩姐」的山本彩2018年從偶像團體畢業,之後就全力投入音樂生涯,2024年宣布將展開個人第一場亞洲巡演「Sayaka Yamamoto Asia Tour 2024 -彩–」,台北場將在6月1日、2日連兩天於花漾Hana展演空間精彩登場,門票將從4月27日開賣。對於本次的台灣行,山本彩也表示「知道台灣有很多人在支持我,很高興有機會能再見到大家!」
  • Taiwan reduces exams for students, emphasizes life skills

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education reduces the maximum number of regular exams for first and second graders to two per semester, emphasizing life habits and moral cultivation. The amendment aims to boost confidence and study abilities, suggesting schools use diverse assessments for a more flexible education approach, including digital learning for those unable to attend in-person classes due to various reasons.
  • Audrey Tang confident in new minister’s digital expertise

    Audrey Tang, Taiwan’s Digital Affairs Minister, confidently initiates the transition to Huang Yen-nun, an expert in cybersecurity and AI, with hopes for new legislation on electronic signatures and cybersecurity to be passed before Huang takes office.
  • Taiwan eases citizenship rules for foreign experts

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan advances amendments to the Nationality Act, easing citizenship requirements for highly skilled foreign professionals and stateless minors, aiming to attract global talent without renouncing original nationality.
  • Taiwan’s economic surge amid digital revolution

    Explore Taiwan’s optimistic economic future through the eyes of NDC Minister Kung Ming-hsin, highlighting the nation’s digital transformation, resilience against natural disasters, and robust foreign investment growth amidst geopolitical challenges.
  • DPP skips KMT-led talks on halting electricity price hike

    Discover the ongoing political debate in Taipei as the DPP abstains from KMT-initiated talks on freezing electricity prices amid rising costs due to the Russo-Ukrainian War, highlighting the clash over addressing structural unfairness in charges.
  • 真脫韁野馬!英皇家近衛騎兵馬匹暴走 市區亂撞至少5人傷

    英國皇家近衛騎兵(Household Cavalry)今(24)日上午舉行晨練時,5匹馬疑似受驚暴走,在倫敦(London)市中心橫衝直撞,其中一匹馬甚至撞上汽車,身上的士兵當場鮮血四濺,痛苦倒地。目前3個不同地點估計有5人受傷。
  • FDA probes 54 cases linked to red yeast product

    Explore the ongoing controversy in Taiwan over Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s red yeast product, as the FDA investigates 58 cases of adverse reactions without confirmed causality, amidst reports of kidney disease and deaths in Japan. Taiwan responds with preventive recalls and consumer protection measures.
  • Foxconn’s climate goals approved by SBTi

    Foxconn Technology Group achieves a significant milestone in environmental sustainability by receiving approval from the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) for its net-zero emissions goal, making it a leader in Taiwan’s high-tech hardware industry. This commitment aligns with the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global warming to 1.5˚C by reducing greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain by 2050.
  • President-elect Lai clarifies Rolex watch allegations

    Taipei’s President-elect and DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te dismisses allegations of undeclared Rolex watches, clarifying he owns two, each valued at NT$100,000. Amidst KMT’s scrutiny over his assets, Lai explains the origins of his watches and addresses the accusations at a DPP meeting.
  • Taoyuan faces 18-hour water shutdown, over 76,000 homes affected

    Emergency water shutdown impacts over 76,000 households in Taoyuan due to maintenance at Longtan water plant, affecting multiple districts for 18 hours on April 24. The shutdown was part of a significant project involving electrical equipment inspection and network monitoring enhancements.
  • Taiwan’s ongoing struggle for WHA participation continues

    Taiwan could be excluded from the World Health Assembly for the eighth consecutive year, with no invitation to the 77th WHA in Geneva. Despite this, an action team led by Minister of Health and Welfare Chiu Tai-yuan will still attend for health exchanges. Efforts to regain WHA participation have been ongoing since 1997, but Taiwan has faced barriers since 2017. The exclusion continues despite Taiwan’s previous WHO membership before 1971.
  • China demands U.S. halt arms to Taiwan amid new bill

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office demands the U.S. to halt military support for Taiwan, citing the issue as China’s internal affair and a violation of the "One China principle." The call comes in response to a U.S. Senate bill providing military aid to Taiwan, among others.
  • Taiwan invests NT$20B in TPASS to boost public transport

    Explore Taiwan’s commitment to enhancing public transportation with the TPASS monthly ticket policy, backed by a NT$20 billion investment from 2023 to 2025, aiming for nationwide coverage including offshore islands.
  • 台灣狂地震「台積電產線恐中斷」 韓媒:三星、SK海力士有望受益

    台灣自4月3日發生規模7.2地震後,至今大小餘震不斷,台積電日前也說明,地震導致一定數量的生產中晶圓受影響,認列30億新台幣損失。對此,南韓媒體表示,三星(Samsung)與SK海力士(SK Hynix)有望因此受益。
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