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    national rescue team 結果共3筆

  • Medical tycoon donates equipment to boost rescue team

    Chang Ju-shan, chairman of a renowned medical group, donates equipment worth millions to the National Fire Agency’s Special Search and Rescue Team. The donation, motivated by the team’s efforts during an international humanitarian mission in Türkiye last year, includes life detectors, drones, and CPR training devices. Chang also provides two search and rescue puppies, covering all training costs, to join the team. His contribution aims to enhance the team’s mission effectiveness and strengthen Taiwan’s role in international humanitarian rescue efforts.
    2024/01/25 10:54
  • Taiwan readies aid after Gansu Quake

    Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen and Premier Chen Chien-jen have been alerted and instructed to prepare for emergency relief efforts following a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Gansu Province, mainland China. The earthquake resulted in the deaths of 105 people and damage to 4,782 homes. Taiwan’s Minister of Interior, Lin Yu-chang, announced that a 160-member search and rescue team, including a structural engineer, doctors, nurses, and search dogs certified in International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation (IRO) rubble search, is ready to provide assistance. Communication has been established with mainland China through the Mainland Affairs Council to coordinate rescue needs. If requested, Taiwan’s National Fire Agency will collaborate with the Disaster Relief Foundation to activate a special charter flight mechanism for humanitarian rescue missions. Additionally, an earthquake in Qinghai Province resulted in the deaths of 13 individuals, bringing the total earthquake death toll in mainland China to 118. Taiwan’s quick mobilization demonstrates its readiness to provide humanitarian assistance despite the complex political relationship with Beijing.
    2023/12/19 16:52
  • Taiwan-U.S. marine ties strengthened as 155 ships join AMVER

    The Ocean Affairs Council (OAC) has announced the establishment of a national rescue team in Taiwan, with 155 local crews from the nation’s flagged vessels joining the U.S. Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System (AMVER) program. This worldwide reporting system, run by the U.S. Coast Guard, aims to initiate swift rescue missions upon detecting ships in distress. The move represents a crucial step in deepening marine affairs cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. The AMVER program allows governments worldwide to respond efficiently to maritime emergencies, boosting mutual cooperation levels among neighboring countries. Since its inception in 2001, the program has successfully rescued 4593 vessels and 25,319 people. The establishment of a national AMVER rescue team signifies strengthened cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. on international maritime safety.
    2023/11/10 20:44
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