被123國禁用!白宮批准援烏「集束彈」 覆蓋範圍多5倍
烏克蘭向俄羅斯發動反攻,但行動的進展速度比預期還要慢,烏克蘭不斷喊話美國提供更多援助;美國官員週四(6日)透露,政府計畫向烏克蘭提供覆蓋面積達傳統彈藥5倍、在123個國家被禁用的「集束炸彈(cluster munitions)」,加強烏軍轟炸覆蓋面積與火力、以對抗俄羅斯。美媒《華盛頓郵報》最新報導指出,白宮已經批准援助烏克蘭集束炸彈。2023/07/07 15:48 -
Ex-NSC official urges stronger missile arsenal for Taiwan
WASHINGTON D.C. (TVBS News) — Former White House National Security Council official Ivan Kanapathy has shared his insights on how Taiwan can enhance its defense capabilities in a recent interview with Commentator Wenchi Yu on TVBS Meeting Room.2023/04/22 16:42 -
Taiwan’s top weapons maker unveils drone development project
Taiwan’s National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) unveiled part of its drone development project that includes the development of anti-radiation drones and loitering munitions Tuesday.2023/03/15 19:02 -
U.S. approves US$619 million Taiwan arms sale
The U.S. has approved a US$619M arms sale to Taiwan with munitions and equipment for F-16 fighter jets.2023/03/07 10:35