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    live 結果共620筆

  • Twins 14場香港巡演開跑 阿Sa率粉絲慶祝阿嬌生日 

    Twins一連14場的《TWINS SPIRIT SINCE 2001 LIVE IN HONG KONG》演唱會在今日(21日)於紅館舉行首場。Twins在演唱會唱出多數經典作品,演唱會期間當唱完《下一站天后》後,蔡卓妍(阿Sa)說:「出道22年還可以開演唱會真是奇蹟。」鍾欣潼(阿嬌)表示:「作為組合還可以一起好難得,不知道什麼時候是最後一次演唱會。」阿Sa繼續說:「我們不是少女了,會不會是最後一次演唱會。」阿嬌感性表示:「好多人說我們是你的青春,其實你們才代表我們整個青春。」之後她們又唱《拍住上》,瞬間吸引全場歌迷大合唱。
    2024/01/22 11:29
  • T1/雲豹韓職女神抵台!機場大秀性感舞蹈 想去夜市喝珍奶

    2024/01/18 14:58
  • 睽違八年!鼓鼓、蕭秉治終於合體幹大事 預告黃色小鴨要靠港

    鼓鼓呂思緯與蕭秉治組成限定團體「GX」即將在3月16和17日在高雄流行音樂中心舉辦「大玩一票ALL YOU CAN PLAY」演唱會,這是他們成團不到一個月就宣布站上高流,挑戰5千人場地,現在宣布將舉辦他們的第一次簽票會,2月4日在高雄流行音樂中心輕軌側廣場,與歌迷再創多個「第一次」,不只歌迷開心一次就能收集到兩人的簽名,鼓鼓也興奮地說:「不知道有多久沒有跟秉治坐在一起簽名了,好期待。」而兩人同台簽名已是2016年MP魔幻力量時期在西門紅樓舉辦的《我們的主場OURS’ MP 演唱會LIVE DVD》簽唱會,距今已8年之久。
    2024/01/15 17:39
  • 聞女神髮香趁現在!富邦啦啦隊推看球專屬包廂 還送比基尼立牌

    PLG台北富邦勇士Fubon Angels主題日活動包廂即將開賣,臺北富邦勇士將在1月31日、2月3日、2月4日攜手浪LIVE直播舉辦女孩主題活動,其中2月3、4日規劃Angels包廂同樂會,每日限量50名,準備多項好禮與限定專屬活動,包廂門票將在1月22日開賣,球迷可獲得多項周邊商品,還能近距離和啦啦隊互動。
    2024/01/15 16:04
  • BE’O衝下台撩妹「歡迎大家找他私聊」 相約夏天開唱+吃芒果冰

    韓國新生代嘻哈歌手BE’O昨(13)日在台北舉辦人生首場演唱會,開場即以經典歌曲〈Counting Star〉揭開序幕,直接點燃粉絲熱情!為了人生首場演唱會,BE’O做足準備,為粉絲帶來滿滿的驚喜,一連帶來共26首歌曲,還有許多LIVE上少見的夢幻歌曲,甚至還跟粉絲近距離接觸,滿滿的粉絲福利讓台下觀眾尖叫連連。演唱會結束時還以中文祝大家「新年快樂」,並與粉絲約定夏天要再來台灣吃芒果冰、開演唱會!
    2024/01/14 10:10
  • 成軍20年!宇宙人備戰小巨蛋進度曝 過年後重大計畫公開

    金曲樂團宇宙人2023年成績亮眼,舉辦17場「理想狀態」巡迴演唱會、5場2023夏季巡迴演唱會,更參與日本LIVE殿堂Summer Sonic音樂節,還一舉奪下金曲獎,歌曲在KKBOX、Spotify、Apple music共3大音樂串流平台,創下2400萬播放次數,各行各業活動邀約滿檔。
    2024/01/12 11:37
  • KINO從Pentagon單飛「好赤裸」! 3月撲台開唱:來看真實的我

    為了讓大家看看全新的他,Pentagon的KINO決定要與久違的台灣粉絲見面,舉辦「KINO [BORN NAKED] LIVE IN TAIPEI」,單飛後首場台北個人演出將呈現一人企劃公司NAKED的KINO,向粉絲們喊話:「來看最真實的我吧!」
    2024/01/10 19:58
  • 一場接一場!2023轟動全台「10場」演唱會 她連飆24首歌

    Live演出因不完美而完美 2023年演唱會一場接一場,台、日、韓、歐美輪番上陣,讓歌迷們一解相思之苦,盡情享受於音樂的世界當中,Live的魅力來自於感受不同的編曲、沉浸在現場的氛圍,以及與歌手們深刻的情感交流,每一位歌手透過精采、動人的演出,不僅傳達對粉絲的愛,更將各種主題巧妙地呈現在音樂當中。
    2024/01/07 09:10
  • 好心疼!五月天阿信開唱前「突曬打針照」 認了緊急治療

    五月天在台中洲際棒球場開唱,舉辦6場「5525 LIVE TOUR《回到那一天》25週年巡迴演唱會」,今(6)晚第5場開唱前,阿信突在IG曬出手背貼著醫療棉球的照片,似乎因身體不適而打針治療。
    2024/01/06 18:02
  • Kaohsiung’s Siaogang High hosts Hong Kong karate exchange

    The Siaogang Senior High School’s karate team in Kaohsiung hosted a five-day technical exchange and learning session with the City University of Hong Kong’s team. The activity was endorsed by Yun-Yuan Yen, the director of student affairs and coach of the Siaogang High karate team, to enhance live-duration proficiency and pressure-resistance skills among scholars. Hsueh Yu-chin, the principal of Siaogang High, warmly welcomed the Hong Kong guests, emphasizing the importance of sports exchange. The Siaogang High karate team, established in 2000, has extensive competition management and training experience, nurturing national team athletes who have achieved accolades in various competitions. Siaogang High provides comprehensive support for further studies, with students in the sports class benefiting from the "108 Curriculum" for multi-faceted development. Principal Hsueh acknowledged the karate team’s achievements and emphasized the significance of international exchanges in improving technique and personal character. She expressed hope for students to make strides on the international athletic stage.
    2024/01/05 22:20
  • 萬芳唱一半!大咖金曲歌王被拉上台 她大秀電臀獲讚「很有力」

    「心靈系歌后」萬芳舉辦全新巡演「願陽光照耀 WAN FANG Sunshine ON Live Tour」,今(5)晚唱回台北,這同時也是她2024年的新年首唱,奧運金牌郭婞淳低調到場欣賞。她除帶來〈碧海情天〉、〈我記得你眼裡的依戀〉、〈割愛〉等曲,唱到一半,更無預警邀約金曲歌王許富凱上台對唱〈愛情限時批〉,讓全場驚喜尖叫連連。
    2024/01/05 21:38
  • New tax structure aims to ease burden for low-income groups

    The Taiwanese government has optimized the income tax system, allowing certain individuals and families to be exempt from income tax. Single individuals renting housing with a yearly income below NT$626,000 will not have to pay individual income tax when filing next year. Additionally, families with two parents and two young children and an annual income below NT$1.641 million will also be exempt. Approximately 47% or 3.05 million Taiwanese households were exempt from income tax in 2021 due to the optimized scheme, which includes increased deductions. Minister of Finance Chuang Tsui-yun clarified that this exemption is not due to poverty. The deductible amount for single individuals renting outside their home area making less than NT$626,000 could exempt them from taxes. For two-income families renting a house, the deductible amount on income tax could reach NT$1.072 million, while a family of four with two children under six could deduct up to NT$1.641 million. If they live with seniors aged 70 or older, the deductible amount could exceed NT$2 million.
    2024/01/05 18:28
  • 出道11年獻出第一次!原子邦妮預告「這件事」 呼籲搶票啦

    2024/01/03 18:06
  • 五月天阿信不藏了!預告現身夜市突撂話:不要雞婆 粉絲全笑翻

    五月天跨年起一連3天在台中開唱,舉辦「5525 LIVE TOUR《回到那一天》25週年巡迴演唱會」,本週五(1/5)起還有3場次,這幾天五月天除了回歸休息日,主唱阿信也在社群透露展開檢討會議,更預告傍晚要去逛夜市,讓粉絲直呼:「想巧遇野生主唱大大!」
    2024/01/03 17:40
  • 五月天阿信當爸了?開唱「突抱小男孩上台」畫面曝 他認很緊張

    五月天昨(1)元旦在台中洲際棒球場開唱,舉辦「5525 LIVE TOUR《回到那一天》25週年巡迴演唱會」,吸引2.5萬名歌迷到場同樂,尾聲唱及〈笑忘歌〉時,阿信從搖滾區抱了1位身穿瑪利歐服飾的小男孩上場,更單手抱著對方,奶爸架式十足。
    2024/01/02 12:09
  • 五月天阿信怎麼了?丟麥開嗆:我他X的 爆2個禮拜前「臭幹爛譙」

    五月天今(1)晚在台中舉辦「5525 LIVE TOUR《回到那一天》25週年巡迴演唱會」,唱到〈DNA〉時,阿信和全場2.5萬名歌迷比喊聲,要歌迷跟著他一起喊,更爆粗口「我他媽的不用麥克風」,要證明自己聲音更宏亮,隨後他放下麥克風,奮力高喊「安打安打全壘打」,全場歌迷也跟著喊,氣勢完全壓過歌迷。
    2024/01/01 20:35
  • 五月天開車!阿信突喊「1晚2輪」爆台上有10粒 他不忍吐槽了

    五月天今(1)元旦繼續在台中開唱,舉辦第2場「5525 LIVE TOUR《回到那一天》25週年巡迴演唱會」,他們透過音樂細數出道25年的9張專輯,接連帶來〈透露〉、〈瘋狂世界〉、〈恆星的恆心〉等曲,還坐上紅色跑車亮相。眼尖的五迷對這台紅色跑車相當難忘,因為五月天20年前舉辦「恆星的恆心」戶外演唱會時,曾經裸上身搭乘紅色跑車,在這次全新巡演裡復刻經典畫面,讓粉絲笑說:「只差沒脫掉上衣!」
    2024/01/01 19:56
  • 才唱完台北跨年!告五人官宣「重磅喜訊」 日期、地點全公開

    超人氣樂團「告五人」被譽為2023年能見度最高的歌手,橫掃各大串流平台,成億萬播放第1團,「宇宙的有趣」世界巡迴演唱會更襲捲全世界,他們在今(1)日元旦公布重磅喜訊,是3月16日將在宜蘭縣立體育場舉辦「宇宙超有趣SUPER LIVE!巡迴演唱會」,從家鄉再出發,迎接2024新一年度的世界巡迴演唱會。
    2024/01/01 13:00
  • 五月天創紀錄!狠砸6.5億造新巡演 瑪莎認緊張:醜媳婦見公婆

    五月天將邁入出道25週年,今(31)晚起在台中洲際棒球場開唱,舉辦6場「5525 LIVE TOUR 五月天《回到那一天》25週年巡迴演唱會」,6場推估湧入15萬人次朝聖,票房約為3.8億,不過相當重視舞台、視聽效果的他們,成本狠砸6.5億元,相當驚人。
    2023/12/31 23:08
  • 五月天跨年演唱會「竟開飛機登台」 阿信見粉絲1舉動嘆:不禮貌

    五月天今(31)晚在台中洲際棒球場陪伴歌迷跨年,舉辦「5525 LIVE TOUR 五月天《回到那一天》25週年巡迴演唱會」,此次開場VCR氣勢驚人,五月天搭乘由瑪莎駕駛的「25豪華客機」隆重出場,機門打開的那瞬間,恰巧舞台機關也打開,猶如他們真的搭機登台,細看這應是先前五月天傳出和星宇航空合作時而拍的影片。
    2023/12/31 22:35
  • Lai, Hou, and Ko to face off in election debate today

    The 2024 presidential election in Taiwan will feature a live televised debate among the candidates, including Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party, Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang, and Ko Wen-je of Taiwan’s People Party. The debate will consist of four rounds, including candidate speeches, media inquiries, inter-candidate questioning, and conclusions. Lai has criticized the KMT-TPP joint ticket and urged viewers to support him, while Hou has been preparing intensively for the debate to communicate his election concepts and political views. Ko has expressed his intention to question Lai on promoting Taiwan’s independence without U.S. government support. The debate will be co-hosted by Liberty Times Net and other media outlets and will be aired on Public Television Service, with Hu Yuan-hui serving as the host.
    2023/12/30 16:06
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih slams DPP’s COVID-19 response in debate

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticized the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for their mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic during a live presidential debate. Hou specifically targeted DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, accusing him of neglect during the outbreak. Hou further claimed that Lai focused on issues surrounding his family home’s illegal expansion claim instead of caring for the public. As the former mayor of New Taipei City, Hou stated that any pandemic-related advice proposed to the central government was denied. He also criticized the DPP government for shortages of anti-epidemic supplies and food safety issues. Hou emphasized the need to establish a special investigation team to probe malpractices in the DPP’s pandemic approach. Additionally, he questioned Lai’s advocacy for Taiwanese independence, suggesting that it could escalate cross-strait tensions. Hou criticized Lai’s tactics as underestimating the intelligence of the Taiwanese people and disrespecting the Republic of China (Taiwan). He portrayed Lai as ungrateful and not trustworthy for Taiwan.
    2023/12/30 15:23
  • T1/重磅!李多慧韓職隊友加盟台啤雲豹啦啦隊 逆天美腿辣翻

    2023/12/30 14:13
  • 當五月天師弟?Energy爆這時間重返歌壇 網揪2線索嗨翻了

    華人天團「五月天」31日起將在台中洲際棒球場,舉辦6場「5525 LIVE TOUR 五月天『回到那一天』25週年巡迴演唱會」,近來他們所屬相信音樂陸續在社群公布資訊,接連曬出牛奶以及小男孩的圖案,引發網友瘋猜將和Energy再度合體演出!
    2023/12/29 10:19
  • TPP’s Ko advocates for extended employment age

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has proposed the ’Strong Generation’ program, which aims to encourage able-bodied individuals to remain employed and dispel rumors about preventing seniors from retiring. During the Central Election Committee Policy Presentation, Ko elaborated on his initiative, emphasizing the need for reform in the current employment and worker insurance system, which only extends to age 65. He advocates for the elimination of negative stereotypes against the elderly and plans to establish a national research center focused on creating an industrial chain tailored to the needs of the elderly population. Ko’s proposals address Taiwan’s aging population and low birth rate, aiming to shift societal perceptions and create a conducive environment for young people to have children while ensuring seniors can live a more vibrant ’Strong Generation’ life.
    2023/12/26 17:00
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