Taiwan boosts job market with incentives for retirees
Discover the latest employment incentive in Taiwan for retirees aged 45 and above. Learn how the Ministry of Labor’s NT$30,000 reward aims to boost job market reentry. Explore the initiative’s impact on labor participation rates among the over-55 age group.2024/02/17 17:08 -
Taiwan’s female labor force faces challenges post-motherhood
In 2022, 330,000 Taiwanese women withdrew from the labor market to care for their families, highlighting the challenges women face in balancing work and family life. This trend, coupled with workplace stress and inflexibility, is impacting Taiwan’s birth rate and female labor force participation.2023/11/30 10:28 -
Taiwan struggles with low senior labor participation rate
Taiwan’s declining birth rate has given rise to labor shortage problems in various job markets.2023/02/16 18:48