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    jet 結果共59筆

  • JET Opto unveils latest in-car entertainment innovations

    Explore the latest in electric vehicles and in-car entertainment at the Taipei AMPA, Autotronics Taipei, and 2035 E-Mobility Taiwan, featuring industry leader JET Opto.
    2024/04/18 16:44
  • 科幻片成真!首屆「火箭人比賽」登場 穿噴氣裝飛天如鋼鐵人

    人類飛天不只是夢!杜拜體育委員會和英國噴氣裝製造商「重力工業」(Gravity Industries)近日聯合舉辦全球首屆「火箭人比賽」(Jet Suit Race),飛行員們穿上噴氣裝,以每小時136公里的速度翱翔天際,宛如漫威超級英雄「鋼鐵人」一般,讓觀眾看得如癡如醉。
    2024/03/03 15:46
  • 女星尪外遇「邊開車邊啪啪」車禍慘死! 小三沒穿內褲卡在他胯下

    台語歌手李素專的老公車禍身亡,不過發現時小三竟慘死在老公的胯下,讓她非常難堪。李素專日前上JET《新聞挖挖哇》,分享自己在24歲結婚,懷第一胎時就察覺老公外遇,老公常接到BB. Call(呼叫器)後出門不回家,坐月子時期每天掉淚,非常無助,隱忍多年她提離婚,老公竟車禍慘死,遭遇相當離奇。
    2024/02/04 19:20
  • SYM leads Taiwan’s motorcycle market for second year

    SYM Dominates Taiwan’s Motorcycle Market in 2023 with 38.4% Share, Selling 334,589 Units. Kymco and Yamaha Follow with 30.7% and 15.9% Market Share Respectively. Gogoro Holds 6.5% Share. Total of 870,620 Motorcycles Sold in Taiwan. SYM’s December Sales Reach 36,479 Units, Up 66.63% from November. SYM’s Total 2023 Sales Increase by 30.99% from Previous Year. Special Promotion and Phasing Out Older Designs Boost Sales. WOO, Vivo, and Duke Models Lead with 38% Sales Increase. CLBCU and Fiddle See 24% Surge, JET, DRG, and MMBCU with 12% Increase. SYM to Offer Additional NT$2,000 Subsidy in 2024.
    2024/01/03 15:47
  • Pentagon expedites F-16 sales to Taiwan: Hunter

    The U.S. Air Force is actively exploring options to expedite the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Taiwan, with 136 upgraded aircraft already delivered and the final three on the way. An additional 66 new jets are scheduled to be delivered by the end of 2026. Concerns were raised by over 20 Republican members of Congress that the promised deliveries to Taiwan might be delayed due to commitments to Ukraine, Israel, and global security issues. Taiwan’s existing F-16 upgrade program has already faced significant delays due to a lack of crucial parts, and the delivery of the new jets has been postponed by over 15 months due to software development complexities. Lawmakers are committed to collaborating with the Pentagon to ensure the timely delivery of the jets, especially in light of China’s frequent military drills near Taiwan.
    2023/12/22 18:08
  • 余祥銓8個月沒恩愛!撫摸小12歲妻大開玩笑 柔柔暴氣衝出門

    2023/12/18 18:44
  • AIDC hits NT$35.8B revenue, eyes stronger 2024 outlook

    Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) President Ma Wan-june announced that the company’s revenue reached NT$35.8 billion by the end of November 2023. Ma predicts that AIDC’s operations in commercial aviation, defense, and technological services will surpass this year’s figures in 2024. The rebound of the commercial aircraft business has led to a global shortage of aviation parts, benefiting AIDC as it continues to receive inquiries from aviation giants such as Boeing and Airbus. AIDC is also on track to deliver 18 Brave Eagle advanced jet trainers in 2024, indicating strong performance in the military sector. The company met its annual goal by delivering the last four Brave Eagle jets on Tuesday, totaling 17 aircraft deliveries for the year.
    2023/12/12 18:09
  • AIDC meets annual goal, delivers 4 Brave Eagles to Air Force

    Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) has successfully delivered four Brave Eagle advanced jet trainer aircraft to the Air Force base in Taitung, completing their annual contract goal of 17 aircraft. Despite media skepticism, AIDC managed to deliver five aircraft within the remaining month, overcoming challenges caused by the global pandemic. The quartet of Brave Eagles underwent rigorous testing and validation by the Air Force before leaving AIDC’s factory. AIDC’s procurement team negotiated with international suppliers to secure critical parts, ensuring the aircraft’s timely delivery. AIDC’s commitment to national defense missions and emphasis on safety and quality were highlighted by Chairman Hu and General Manager Ma. The Brave Eagle is a significant achievement in Taiwan’s defense autonomy, and AIDC plans to continue delivering aircraft on schedule next year to enhance the nation’s defensive capabilities.
    2023/12/12 13:47
  • EXILE海外首唱「AKIRA現場淚崩」! TAKAHIRO惋惜只能處一晚

    日本最強唱跳天團放浪兄弟今晚6點在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「EXILE LIVE 2023 in TAIPEI」演唱會,雖然中間發生音樂中斷的插曲,但帶來了台北場限定的歌單,還找金曲歌后艾怡良當嘉賓,嗨翻現場4200名觀眾。由於本次是放浪兄弟首度在國外舉辦專場演唱會,對他們而言意義非凡,安可時看到粉絲準備的應援影片時,AKIRA也忍不住淚崩。
    2023/12/09 21:28
  • AKIRA北流開唱「先當林志玲專屬舞男」 TAKAHIRO許願想灌酒

    「國民姊夫」AKIRA明(9)天將率領EXILE THE SECOND、TAKAHIRO與今(2023)年8月剛出道的師弟團在台北流行音樂中心開唱,今(8)天抵達台灣後就馬不停蹄前往會場,彩排前也特別跟台灣媒體見面。對於林志玲先前預告絕對會到場支持,AKIRA稱完全不緊張,就是因為平常在家裡就很常跳給她看!
    2023/12/08 16:06
  • 暴動!國民姊夫AKIRA率最帥師弟團來台 松機大放送合照+簽名

    「國民姊夫」AKIRA回台灣了!明(9)天他將率領放浪兄弟在台北流行音樂中心開唱,今(8)天不只率領團員來台,還帶著最帥師弟團「THE JET BOY BANGERZ from EXILE TRIBE」(以下TJBB)現身松山機場,兩團共16人可說是陣仗浩大,一見面也用中文跟大家打招呼:「你好!」讓現場近百名粉絲尖叫不已。
    2023/12/08 12:10
  • 放浪兄弟12月帶師弟攻北流! 日本狂粉追來台「進貢2千萬」

    2023/11/18 17:49
  • AKIRA認了!台北開唱不找林志玲 親眼見「她」就愛上:立刻聯絡

    「國民姊夫」AKIRA即將在12月9日率領「EXILE THE SECOND 放浪二勢力」、EXILE主唱TAKAHIRO,進軍台北流行音樂中心開唱,這次還特別帶來他親自企劃的新生代男團「THE JET BOY BANGERZ」演出,AKIRA相當自豪成員們都是萬中選一,很開心能帶他們走出日本表演。另外,已經相當熟悉寶島文化的AKIRA深知台灣演唱會一定要準備嘉賓,今(2)天受訪時就搶先爆雷,也不忘透過媒體向五月天喊話!
    2023/11/02 19:47
  • President Tsai reiterates Taiwan’s commitment to peace

    President Tsai Ing-wen meets with a delegation from the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), emphasizing Taiwan’s commitment to not provoke or act rashly amid tense cross-strait relations, and the importance of strengthening relations with the U.S. and other democracies. She highlights Taiwan’s achievements in self-reliant defense, including the development of advanced jet trainers and submarines.
    2023/10/16 16:47
  • 作家H爆遭《挖挖哇》封殺!護愛開槓黃宥嘉霸凌 電視台發聲了

    2023/10/01 17:30
  • Taipei gears up for Double Tenth Day celebrations

    As Taiwan celebrates its 112th National Day on Oct. 10, the capital city Taipei geared up with a ceremony and fighter jet performance rehearsals at the Presidential Office on Tuesday.
    2023/09/26 19:26
  • 越老越難調時差!研究神解「早餐大吃一頓」:生理時鐘秒同步

    在有錢有閒的前提之下,應該沒有人不想坐著飛機環遊世界,而穿梭在世界各地的旅遊行程中,最讓人頭痛的或許就是面臨環境改變時,體內生理時鐘要適應的「時差(Jet Lag)」;對於調整時差,每個人都有各自的小撇步,或熬夜、或想方設法助眠,以盡快讓自己的身體適應「新環境」。如今則有相關研究數據發現,其實「曬太陽」、「吃早餐」能更有效完成時差的調整。
    2023/09/09 05:00
  • 澎恰恰突動彈不得狂哭!許效舜救援 命理師預言他4年還清債務

    2023/09/03 18:05
  • Taiwan’s IDF fighter jet catches fire during Taichung drills

    An IDF Ching-Kuo fighter jet faced an engine malfunction during Taiwan’s military aerial demonstration at Ching Chuan Kang Air Base, reigniting safety concerns. Get the latest updates on this incident.
    2023/08/10 21:19
  • Vice President Lai calls for investment, green growth

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te visited the Taiwan-based JET Optoelectronics (JET Opto), one of the top makers of in-vehicle infotainment systems (IVI systems), on Tuesday (July 18).
    2023/07/18 17:07
  • AMD head to give speech at Taiwan’s university on July 20

    AMD Chair and CEO Lisa T. Su arrived on a private jet at Taipei Songshan Airport around 2 p.m. on Monday (July 17). Her conferment ceremony for an honorary doctoral degree was initially scheduled for the same day and postponed to Thursday (July 20).
    2023/07/17 17:19
  • 鄭弘儀暫別螢光幕!掰了5年《鄭知道了》 節目代班人出爐

    2023/03/09 16:01
  • 鄭弘儀驚爆閃辭手上節目! 主持5年《鄭知道了》火速回應了

    2023/03/09 10:54
  • U.S. approves US$619 million Taiwan arms sale

    The U.S. has approved a US$619M arms sale to Taiwan with munitions and equipment for F-16 fighter jets.
    2023/03/07 10:35
  • 陳淑芳揭「流鶯站壁」遺憾!  奪金仍穿路邊攤:千元手鐲全身最貴

    2023/01/17 17:15
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