第六屆唐獎得主出爐 九月受邀來台領獎
每兩年頒布的世界大獎—唐獎,第六屆得獎人名單正式出爐:「永續發展獎」得獎人為美國化學家奧馬爾,亞基(Omar M. Yaghi);「生技醫藥獎」由喬爾•哈本能(Joel F. Habener)、司維特蘭那•莫依索夫(Svetlana Mojsov) 、延斯•祖爾·霍斯特(Jens Juul Holst)三位科學家共同獲獎;漢學獎授予中央研究院院士,美國匹茲堡大學榮休教授許倬雲;法治獎頒發給曾任律師、愛爾蘭參議員、愛爾蘭總統及聯合國人權事務高級專員,現任元老會(The Elders)主席瑪麗.羅賓遜(Mary Robinson)。這六位新科得主們將於九月底受邀來台領獎。2024/06/22 14:00 -
President Tsai advocates for energy-saving appliances
President Tsai Ing-wen urges manufacturers to assist rural elders in replacing appliances with energy-efficient ones at the Taipei Electronics, Air Conditioning, Audio-Visual, and 3C Expo. The government offers subsidies for purchasing energy-saving appliances, encouraging both individuals and manufacturers to contribute to energy conservation and carbon reduction.2024/03/29 18:17 -
Taiwan offers free pneumococcal vaccine to elders over 65
Taiwanese seniors over 65 can now receive free pneumococcal vaccinations amid a respiratory disease outbreak. The CDC encourages vaccinations against adenoviruses, mycoplasma pneumoniae, the COVID-19 XBB variant, and influenza to bolster the country’s defenses.2023/11/27 17:27 -
Hou Yu-ih proposes health insurance subsidy for seniors
Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih proposes fully subsidizing health insurance for elders above 65, but with a wealth-check standard.2023/09/06 16:27 -
Taiwan struggles with low senior labor participation rate
Taiwan’s declining birth rate has given rise to labor shortage problems in various job markets.2023/02/16 18:48 -
Survey: COVID-19 symptoms may last even after recovery
The pandemic is gradually stabilizing in Taiwan. According to doctors, however, many COVID patients have lasting symptoms, such as frequent insomnia and an abnormal sense of smell and taste. Doctors are urging high-risk groups, such as elders over 65, to get vaccinated.2022/12/27 10:36