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    city 結果共885筆

  • Taipei struggles with bike demand after free ride policy

    Discover how Taipei’s reintroduction of free 30-minute YouBike rides aims to streamline city transportation amid the challenges of meeting increased demand and ensuring sufficient bike availability. The city’s plan to expand the service seeks to enhance convenience and address concerns.
    2024/03/25 18:07
  • Hsinchu City hosts fire safety event for kindergarteners

    The Hsinchu City Government hosts a fire safety experience event for kindergarteners, featuring hands-on activities and interactive demonstrations to instill disaster prevention education in children through engaging activities. The event aims to teach disaster response skills and cultivate a correct concept of disaster prevention, emphasizing the importance of public safety from an early age.
    2024/03/25 17:46
  • Taiwan tightens safety measures in aluminum industry

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chuin, declares the aluminum industry as high-risk following a fatal explosion in Kaohsiung City. Legislative discussions focus on enhancing safety measures and implementing specialized labor inspections in related factories. The Ministry of Labor reports on the number of businesses in the industry and emphasizes the need for strict enforcement of regulations to prevent occupational accidents.
    2024/03/25 15:17
  • Taipei mayor urges empathy over rising electricity costs

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an urges central government to empathize with public and small businesses amid electricity price hike concerns. Young homeowners worried about impact on quality of life. City government working to mitigate effects through increased revenue and reduced expenditure.
    2024/03/25 15:06
  • 美方稱莫斯科恐攻早已示警!俄駐美大使駁:任何通知都沒有

    俄羅斯首都莫斯科(Moscow)的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall)於22日晚間遭恐怖攻擊,目前死傷人數達到至少137人,不過只有62人完成身分辨認。然而美國駐俄大使館表示早於本月7日示警,俄國政府卻置之不理。對此,俄羅斯駐美國大使安東諾夫(Anatoly Antonov)24日反駁,指美國政府並未透過駐俄大使館傳達任何有關恐攻之訊息。
    2024/03/25 14:16
  • New Taipei deputy mayor Liu undecided on election candidacy

    New Taipei City Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan remains noncommittal on potential 2026 election candidacy, focusing on current municipal duties. Liu’s career trajectory from science teacher to deputy mayor discussed in interview with journalist Huang Wei-han. Liu refrains from commenting on potential rivals and emphasizes importance of grassroots discussions in all 29 districts. No decisions made yet on future political plans.
    2024/03/25 12:52
  • 選美冠軍遇恐攻慘死!滿地屍體、母親抱孩子死去 活動沒保全恐有鬼

    俄羅斯首都莫斯科(Moscow)的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall),當地時間22日晚間遭到恐怖攻擊,全副武裝攻擊者先是對人群開槍掃射,之後又縱火焚燒音樂廳,導致143人慘死。莫斯科衛生部已確認了41名罹難者的身份,其中包含前選美冠軍諾沃塞洛娃(Ekaterina Novoselova)、業餘曲棍球聯盟前鋒魯德尼茨基(Andrey Rudnitsky)。
    2024/03/24 13:44
  • ISIS公布音樂廳恐攻「槍手視角」影片 男中槍後遭割喉放血

    俄羅斯首都莫斯科(Moscow)的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall),當地時間22日晚間遭到恐怖攻擊,目前死亡人數增至143人。事發後宣稱犯案的恐怖組織伊斯蘭國(ISIS),稍早公開一名槍手作案時的「第一視角」畫面,一名男子慘遭割喉放血,行徑相當冷血。
    2024/03/24 12:00
  • 俄音樂廳恐攻143死「涉案者影像曝」 俄語差、不久前剛認識

    俄羅斯首都莫斯科(Moscow)的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall),當地時間22日晚間遭到恐怖攻擊,目前死亡人數增至143人。事發後當局火速逮捕11名涉案人士,包括4名直接參與攻擊的恐怖分子, 照片已由俄羅斯聯邦安全局(FSB)公布。俄國媒體發布的影片則顯示,涉案者的俄文說得很差。
    2024/03/24 10:01
  • 俄國音樂廳恐攻逾133死!普欽:4槍手逃往烏克蘭前被捕

    2024/03/23 22:47
  • 俄音樂廳恐攻釀93死!ISIS宣稱犯案 槍手掃射民眾畫面曝

    俄羅斯莫斯科的「克洛庫斯音樂廳」(Crocus City Hall)22日晚間驚傳恐怖攻擊,數名身穿迷彩服、手持AK47步槍的男子闖入後展開掃射,甚至投擲手榴彈讓現場爆炸、陷入火海,目前已造成至少60人死亡、145人受傷,事後伊斯蘭國(ISIS)組織宣稱犯案,而先前美國駐莫斯科大使館便曾發布警告,稱「可能會有極端分子發動襲擊」,沒想到一語成讖。
    2024/03/23 11:06
  • Taipei expo showcases AI’s transformative power in cities

    Explore how the Smart City Summit and Expo in Taipei unveiled AI, IoT, and 5G technologies reshaping urban and rural landscapes, highlighting innovations in disaster response, smart infrastructure, and agriculture for a sustainable future.
    2024/03/22 17:58
  • Smart City Expo features global partnerships, collaboration

    Explore how Taiwan’s Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) brings together global leaders to discuss the integration of smart city themes with ESG trends, fostering innovation, partnerships, and a vision for a smarter future.
    2024/03/21 19:28
  • Seoul and Sapporo highlight green policies at SCSE

    On the third day of the 11th Smart City Summit and Expo in Taipei, Taiwan’s trading partners, including Seoul and Sapporo, highlighted their contributions and innovations in building smart, eco-friendly cities through digital transformation and green policies, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation for a sustainable urban future.
    2024/03/21 17:00
  • 真浪漫之都!巴黎奧運選手村送30萬保險套 每人每天可用2個

    2024年夏季奧運會7月將於法國巴黎(Paris)登場,相較於在新冠疫情陰霾下舉辦的上屆2021年東京奧運,敦促「避免不必要身體接觸」,巴黎政府為貫徹其浪漫之都(City of Love)美名,將提供選手村運動員們30萬個保險套。
    2024/03/21 14:32
  • 限時4天優惠!超商滿額現折百元 咖啡、茶飲買2送2

    7-ELEVEN音樂節品牌「7-ELEVEN 高雄櫻花季」明(22)日至3月24日在高雄夢時代登場,邀請逾30組台日韓人氣藝人輪番開唱;業者也在全台門市推出加碼優惠,OPENPOINT會員量身打造專屬優惠,即日起至3月24日購買飲品、飲料、啤酒、泡麵、零食、糖果等11類商品可享222元折22元、999元折110;同時段還有CITY CAFÉ特大杯美式買2送2、特大杯拿鐵買2送1。
    2024/03/21 13:51
  • Taipei expo showcases new era of smart city tech with 5G, AI

    Discover how Taipei’s Smart City Summit and Expo unveils groundbreaking innovations in 5G, AI, and urban technology, driving Taiwan towards the era of smarter cities.
    2024/03/20 20:09
  • Smart City Summit & Expo showcases innovative technologies

    Discover how Taiwan is advancing towards its 2050 net-zero emissions goal with innovative solutions from corporations like Qualcomm, ProLogium, and Violin Biotech, showcased at the Smart City Summit and Expo.
    2024/03/20 18:52
  • Over 11k runners converge for the gold-label WJS Marathon

    Discover the highlights of the Wan Jin Shi Marathon in New Taipei City, where over 11,000 runners, including international athletes, competed for top honors. Kenyan runners led the pack.
    2024/03/20 13:31
  • Global experts discuss sustainable ecosystems at SCSE 2024

    Explore how the Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) 2024 became a pivotal platform for Taiwan in its ambitious journey toward achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, featuring insights from global experts on sustainable solutions and collaborative innovation.
    2024/03/19 20:47
  • 2024 SCSE in Taiwan showcases global collaboration

    Discover insights from the 11th Smart City Summit and Expo in Taiwan, where global experts gather to explore innovative solutions for sustainability and collaboration in smart city development.
    2024/03/19 19:03
  • Taiwan hosts 2024 SCSE, showcasing global innovations

    The 11th Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) in Taipei, Taiwan, has successfully kicked off, featuring a wide array of exhibitors and international guests focused on smart city innovations and net-zero solutions. The event underscores Taiwan’s leading role in ICT and green transformation, setting a new attendance record and highlighting the importance of global cooperation in achieving net-zero goals.
    2024/03/19 17:10
  • 24小時手搖飲!超商小7x可不可推「珍珠歐蕾」 只有14天

    搶攻手搖飲商機,7-ELEVEN珍珠品牌「CITY PEARL」首次攜手「可不可熟成紅茶專賣店」,聯名監製合作開發「冰胭脂紅茶珍珠歐蕾」,在全台6900家門市上市,優惠價69元,3月20日至3月29日APP還有2杯優惠價110元;業者預期,新品可望帶動相關業績成長逾兩成。
    2024/03/18 16:12
  • Lin Yu-chang weighs in on Keelung mayor recall drama

    Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang comments on Keelung Mayor George Hsieh’s controversial free electric scooter plan for youth amid recall efforts. Lin emphasizes citizens’ judgment in response to Hsieh’s policies.
    2024/03/18 13:10
  • Child Welfare League CEO resigns amid abuse scandal

    Pai Li-fang, CEO of the Child Welfare League Foundation, is stepping down amid controversy over a nanny’s alleged abuse of a child. The Foundation vows full cooperation with authorities and promises reforms to prevent future incidents. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.
    2024/03/18 10:55
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