美網友瘋狂敲碗上架 麥當勞推「雞排大麥克」拯救業績
美國麥當勞(McDonald’s)在推出5美元(約新台幣161元)低價超值餐後,近日又推新的噱頭,仿效他們在英國的夥伴,將經典菜單中的大麥克(Chicken Big Mac),牛肉內餡抽換成雞排,藉此新產品吸引更多消費者願意買單。事實上,當雞肉版大麥克在其他國家上架後,就有不少美國網友留言請願,期望能在美國吃到這款漢堡。
2024/10/09 14:46
International tour of Taiwan cuisine arrives in UK
Chef Chang aims to promote Taiwanese culture via food. Taiwan Gourmet Cuisines tour arrives in the UK. Chefs demonstrated Taiwanese dishes, sharing tips. OCAC official stressed Taiwanese cuisine’s global impact.
2024/09/30 10:00
Chiang reflects on student life, cooking with wife at UPenn
Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an returns to the University of Pennsylvania, reflecting on his student life and Taiwan’s role in global chip production during his U.S. trip.
2024/09/12 16:09
KMT chair celebrates Olympic win with fried chicken giveaway
Discover how Taiwan celebrated its badminton duo’s Olympic gold with KMT Chairman Eric Chu distributing fried chicken, and the promise of more rewards for future victories. Learn about the national pride for athletes and the support amidst challenges.
2024/08/05 14:51
為「先有雞還先有蛋」起衝突 印尼醉漢連捅15刀殺死好友
全世界最知名千年哲學問題「先有雞還是先有蛋」(Chicken or the egg),如今竟成為引發命案的主要原因。印尼警方日前接獲通報,當地有兩名男子,疑似在喝醉狀態下,爭論著先有雞還是先有蛋,其中一人疑似不滿對方的答案和態度,竟持刀對好友連續捅了15刀,造成對方傷重不治。
2024/07/30 14:57
無骨雞翅不等於沒骨頭? 美法院判:可含骨、網友傻眼
美國國內近期一起法律判例,引起當地諸多爭議和討論,俄亥俄州最高法院日前做出裁定,多數法官認為、市售的「無骨」雞翅(Boneless chicken wings)商品,並不保證肉品內完全沒有骨頭。州最高法院以4比3微弱優勢的判決結果,針對2017年纏訟至今的官司,做出最後裁決結果。這個官司還一度被成人動畫影集《特工老爹》(American dad)納入為題材,吐槽美國餐廳販售的所謂去骨或無骨雞翅,其實都有細小碎骨存在。
2024/07/29 14:26
YTR驚爆炸雞店將倒閉!哽咽「太相信人」 遺憾揮別夢想
擁有49.5萬訂閱數的YouTuber阿晋,去年初宣布在台中開炸雞店「Oh!MAMA Chicken 美式炸雞」,合資股東包括另一名YouTuber賤葆,開業後炸雞口味評價不俗,Google評論都有4星以上。怎料昨(24)日他在YouTube發布新影片,稱「夢想結束,炸雞店要結束了」,並透露因他太信任合夥的營運人,導致公司虧損不自知,炸雞店即將倒閉。
2024/06/25 14:33
618購物節超狂!「bb.q CHICKEN」登記抽一年份去骨炸雞
炸雞品牌「bb.q CHICKEN」與「Yahoo購物中心」合作推出618購物節限定活動,即日起至6月19日上午9:59,於Yahoo購物中心不限金額消費並登記,即有機會抽中bb.q CHICKEN一年份去骨炸雞。此外,加入Yahoo購物LINE官方帳號的用戶,還可領取20,000份88元炸物優惠券。
2024/06/17 13:40
Taiwan to destroy 2.2 million expired eggs by April 19
Acting Minister Chen announces destruction of 2.2 million expired eggs by April 19; costs and process to be disclosed on MOA website.
2024/04/17 17:18
Popeyes set to spice up Taipei with first Taiwan store
American fried chicken brand Popeyes is set to debut in Taiwan with its first outlet in Taipei’s Zhongzheng District in the second quarter of 2024. Known for its Louisiana-style fried chicken, Popeyes boasts a global presence with over 3,900 restaurants across 30 countries. With annual revenues surpassing US$5 billion, it ranks as the second-largest chicken fast food chain worldwide. The brand’s success is attributed to its signature Louisiana-flavored chicken and diverse menu offerings. The upcoming Taiwan branch will serve original and spicy fried chicken, cajun fries, macaroni, salad, and desserts, including the popular chicken sandwich introduced in 2019.
2024/03/15 14:19
Celebrity chef’s sichuan chicken recalled for tainted dye
Renowned chef Cheng Yen-chi, known as "Chef Ah-Chi," faces a food safety crisis in Taiwan after his "Sichuan Chicken with Chili Oil" is found to contain carcinogenic Sudan dye. Chef Ah-Chi apologizes for the issue, vows stricter monitoring, and urges authorities to protect consumers. The scandal has led to the removal of affected products from shelves and refunds to customers, impacting other food items and the restaurant industry. Manufacturers are working to address the tainted ingredients and assist affected consumers promptly.
2024/03/13 11:25
Nationwide alert: Toxic Sudan Red dye found in fried chicken
The Taiwan food industry is rocked by a scandal involving the detection of carcinogenic industrial dye Sudan Red in breading and marinade powders used by numerous restaurants across the country. Over two metric tons of tainted powders have been distributed in 11 municipalities nationwide, prompting swift action from health authorities and food businesses.
2024/03/11 18:21
咖哩雞摻1物「吃出人命」!以為沒事爽吃 英男心臟驟停癱死
食物過敏可輕可重,千萬不要「自認沒事」而不忌口亂吃,否則釀成悲劇只會讓人後悔莫及;來自英國、27歲的希金森(Joseph Higginson)只因為在家庭聚會期間,淺嚐了一口印度咖哩雞的料理,竟在眾人的注視下癱倒在地、心臟驟停,被緊急送醫搶救一週仍不幸過世。事後才得知他早就知道咖哩中含有讓自己過敏的堅果類,卻因「以為沒事」而不幸殞命。
2024/03/08 15:01
Tainan farm hit by H5N1 outbreak, over 10K chickens culled
An outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza in a farm in Tainan’s Jiali District led to the termination of over 10,000 chickens. The Animal Health Inspection and Protection Office in Tainan City swiftly responded to contain the spread, culminating in incineration, rendering, and thorough disinfection measures. Efforts are ongoing to monitor connected poultry farms and enhance preventive hygiene practices to prevent further transmission.
2024/02/21 17:48
Cambodia PM condemns Taiwanese YouTubers for kidnap stunt
Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Manet condemns YouTubers "Good Night Chicken" and "Anow" for staging a fake kidnapping in Cambodia, leading to their imprisonment. Former Prime Minister Hun Sen calls for justice, urging the judiciary to deny clemency.
2024/02/19 16:23
超划算!麥當勞、肯德基買一送一 全台7大速食店優惠一次看
全台速食連鎖品牌包羅萬象,不過怎麼吃才最划算又省錢呢?過年前想省荷包看這篇就對了!食尚小編幫大家蒐集7間速食店優惠,通通都有買一送一,不論是人人都愛的麥當勞、拿坡里炸雞桶、肯德基雞塊、必勝客比薩或是韓式炸雞霸主bb.q CHICKEN都有,保證讓大家省得很有感!
2024/01/23 15:18
連13天買一送一!韓式炸雞聯名網紅金針菇 加碼「有龍」免費吃
炸雞控開吃了!韓國炸雞品牌「bb.q CHICKEN」,這回與擁有高人氣的知名網紅「韓勾ㄟ金針菇」聯名,合作推出全新「肯瓊醬炸雞」口味,酸甜尾韻帶點韓式香辣感,搭配新鮮洋蔥碎、糯米椒,口感爽脆不膩口。小編還幫大家問到3種獨門吃法,大家快來嘗鮮!另外,1/18~2/29期間,還有限時買一送一優惠,名字有龍的朋友也有機會免費吃喔!
2024/01/17 22:14
Taichung university uses 3D printing for plant-based foods
A technological university in Taichung has partnered with a biotech company to create plant-based food, such as vegetarian drumsticks and popcorn chicken, using mycoprotein and 3D printing technology. The product has garnered positive feedback for its realistic taste and texture. Plant-based food products are gaining popularity due to increasing environmental awareness, presenting a new opportunity in the vegetarian market. The university highlights the health and environmental benefits of consuming mycoprotein, which promotes gut health and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Replicating the taste and texture of real chicken meat was a challenging process that involved converting mycelium into strands of ’meat,’ but was successfully achieved through extensive research and the use of 3D digital technology.
2023/12/25 18:08
全家旗下bb.q、大戶屋年薪上看20個月 招募5百人起薪最高4萬
2023/12/20 13:10
全家餐飲21日登興櫃!明年調薪3-5% 擴大展店徵才500人
2023/12/20 12:22
Taiwan boosts avian flu checks amid regional outbreaks
Taipei’s Acting Minister of Agriculture, Chen Junne-jih, announced the implementation of a specialized avian influenza prevention program in September, including increased testing frequency to monitor the disease. This comes in response to recent outbreaks in Japan and chicken farms in Yunlin County, raising concerns about egg price hikes and shortages. Chen warned that the situation may worsen with the expected drop in temperature next week. Taiwan has been conducting active and passive surveillance for avian influenza since September, focusing on high-risk areas near migratory bird paths and implementing biosecurity measures at poultry farms. Chen assured that the country’s egg production capability has recovered since the shortage earlier this year, with reserves of liquid eggs available for emergencies. Domestic egg reserves will be released first in the event of increased market demand, with the import of liquid eggs only considered if a severe outbreak leads to a supply shortage. Chen emphasized the importance of maintaining appropriate stock levels through the imported egg project to ensure a stable egg supply despite the challenges posed by avian influenza.
2023/12/12 17:54
6大速食雙12優惠整理! 點心、炸雞通通買一送一
雙12購物節快到了,速食業者也跟上推出限定優惠,甚至優惠強打長達1個整個月,肯德基12月1日起4大人氣夯品買一送一、必勝客「一公尺派對巨飽盒」下殺5折、優惠價1212元,達美樂、麥當勞使用外送平台買一送一,至於bb.q CHICKEN也有年終派對組合。
2023/12/03 15:58
Chicken producers push for enhanced labeling regulations
Taiwanese chicken producers are pushing for stricter labeling regulations for chicken and egg products, similar to those in place for pork and beef. The proposals include labeling the origins of these products in dining establishments. Chen Yu-che, Chairman of the Taichung City Poultry Association, has been advocating for thorough labeling since 2019, particularly for imported chicken. Following the COVID-19 lockdown lift in 2023, there has been a significant increase in imported chicken, reaching 230,000 tons per month, about half the volume of domestic chicken. The government’s importation of large quantities of eggs this year has led to quality issues, prompting industry representatives to call for a review of border management methods and increased inspection rates for imported chicken. Chen emphasizes the importance of clearly stating the origin of imported chicken, disclosing slaughter dates for chicken in the consumer market, and specifying the type of meat used on menus at dining establishments.
2023/11/13 11:55
變裝吃雞!bb.q CHICKEN「免費送」炸雞 3炸物現折49元
愛吃韓式炸雞的人有福了!韓國人氣炸雞品牌bb.q CHICKEN歡慶萬聖節到來,即日起至10/31,推出限時優惠活動。只要穿著萬聖節元素服裝,到店消費滿1500元,即可免費獲得價值369元的「去骨炸雞」1份,超人氣蜂蜜蒜味、韓式甘醬等口味都有。另外,憑指定電影票根,加碼再享炸物加購優惠,超狂44折爽嗑好料!
2023/10/27 11:22
U.S., Japan marching bands join in National Day celebration
The Tokyo University of Agriculture Second High School "Emerald Knights" visit Taiwan to perform at the National Day celebration. President Tsai Ing-wen treats them to Taiwanese salted crispy chicken and lemon aiyu jelly. They join other marching bands for a joint exchange at the National Performing Arts Center. The Emerald Knights will perform an anime medley during the National Day Celebration. The UCLA Bruins Marching Band also participates, making it the first time a U.S. performance group performs on Taiwan’s National Day stage.
2023/10/09 14:44