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    c-car 結果共3筆

  • Pre-IPO event highlights Foxtron’s tripling revenue

    Foxtron Vehicle Technologies, a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., announced that its revenue has tripled compared to last year, indicating promising future growth. The company’s electric bus, Model T, has received overwhelming orders exceeding its production capacity, while its first passenger car, Model C, has been adopted by Luxgen Motor Co., Ltd. with orders surpassing 8,000 units. CEO Andy Lee envisions complete electrification of public buses by 2030, anticipating significant growth for Foxtron products in the coming years.
    2023/10/23 17:34
  • 專門服務名人億萬超跑! 超高檔停車公司達人揭露秘訣

    有人曾經好奇那些名人的億萬名車是怎麼維護保養,甚至怎麼停車的?C羅有這麼多車,難道家裡都停滿了名車,今天心血來潮想開的車為在車庫深處,是不是得要自己先挪半天車才可以開出來?這個問題,一個名叫Matt Farah的男人或許有答案。他創立的Westside Collector Car Storage,就是專門幫名人搞定停車,10年來照顧超過1,500輛汽車,從來沒有過出事紀錄,就連一點刮傷都沒有!
    2021/09/27 16:14
  • 陳建州秀新大G M-AMG G63顏色更黑、速度更快

    P. League+職業籃球聯盟執行長黑人陳建州對於性能車也具有極高熱情,曾被媒體捕獲駕駛Ferrari、McLaren等超跑車款出遊。除了喜歡具有賽道血統的超級跑車之外,陳建州對於具有剽悍越野能力的G-Car也感到興趣。曾入手由知名改裝大廠Brabus所打造的G700車型,並且接受媒體專訪大秀愛車。
    2021/03/26 08:42
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