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    animal rescue 結果共10筆

  • Python found in laundry shop to be adopted if unclaimed

    Discover the story of a 1.7-meter-long Burmese python caught in Changhua, Taiwan, awaiting its owner or adoption. Details on the capture and adoption process inside.
    2024/09/23 22:00
  • Miaoli ramps up fight against illegal animal traps

    Discover how the Miaoli Animal Care and Health Office is combating illegal animal trapping with increased inspections and education, following numerous rescue cases. Learn about the penalties for offenders and the office’s initiatives to protect pets.
    2024/08/14 23:00
  • Hualien earthquake: Uranus Building demolition continues

    Following a devastating earthquake in Hualien, the ongoing demolition of the Uranus Building draws attention as efforts are made to protect trapped animals, with the demolition expected to conclude within two weeks.
    2024/04/12 16:50
  • Over a third of dolphin species spotted near Taiwan waters

    Discover how Kaohsiung Marine Bureau in Taiwan is leading the way in maritime animal preservation and rescue efforts, with over a third of the world’s dolphin and whale species spotted in nearby waters. Learn about their commitment to conservation, education, and successful rescue missions, as well as how they engage students in marine life awareness.
    2024/02/27 17:33
  • Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
    2024/02/02 16:03
  • Hualien animal shelter adjusts hours to boost adoption rate

    An animal rescue shelter in Hualien County, Taiwan, is adjusting its opening hours starting from November 1 to increase pet adoption rates. The Hualien County’s Agriculture Development Department announced that they will reopen applications for residents to schedule adoption appointments. The new adoption hours will be from Tuesday to Saturday, with sessions available from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter, located in Fenglin township, covers 0.88 hectares and can accommodate 330 dogs and 20 cats, significantly expanding the capacity compared to another shelter in Hualien. The shelter will be closed every Sunday and Monday for park organization, medical treatment, and animal disinfection. For more information on making appointments and adoptions, the public can contact the shelter at 03-8421452.
    2023/10/30 15:49
  • Police rescue injured pig from Formosa Freeway

    In a bizarre incident on the Formosa Freeway near Nantou, drivers were surprised to find an injured pig in the middle of the road. The Highway Police and Freeway Bureau were quickly alerted and worked together to remove the animal from the highway. The handlers of the pig were held accountable for violating traffic laws.
    2023/10/04 18:33
  • 有片/貓頭鷹游泳池溺水苦掙扎 救援隊拿網撈鳥成功救出

    美國紐約州長島發生一起動物溺水意外,強島動物救援聯盟(Strong Island Animal Rescue League)主席弗洛里迪亞(Frankie Floridia)上週四(3日)從長島的游泳池裡救出了一隻溺水的貓頭鷹,貓頭鷹在水中掙扎,整個救援過程全被拍下,引發熱議。
    2023/08/09 13:47
  • 家毀了…猩猩肉身阻擋怪手 不慎失足摔落

    國際動物救援組織(International Animal Rescue)於6月5日「世界環境日」上傳一支令人省思的影片,引起廣大迴響;一隻紅毛猩猩為阻止挖土機破壞家園,不慎失足摔落地面,讓觀眾感受到人類的貪婪與進步,嚴重脅迫野生動物的生存。
    2018/06/09 14:21
  • 親眼看見母親遭殺害 猩猩寶寶悲傷絕食

    「嬰兒猩猩Udin是暴力受害者」!親眼目睹媽媽被射殺,一隻可憐的小紅毛猩猩不願意進食,嚴重營養不良、脫水,國際動物救援(International Animal Rescue IAR)上傳一段影片,影片中的主角是在印尼婆羅洲熱帶雨林,一隻野生紅毛猩猩寶寶Udin,在收容所內無辜模樣,整天只黏著蓬鬆的玩具熊,彷彿想念在野外母親的懷抱。
    2015/08/12 10:34
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