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    明天的天氣 市井豪門鍾小平人潮印度神童曲維斯空軍基地學校退場Joeman情侶Mate XT
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    Washington DC 結果共6筆

  • DPP’s Lai and Hsiao photo hailed online as ’virtue’ duo

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential nominee Lai Ching-te and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim are gaining attention online with a photograph of them at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. The photo, which features the slogan "Vote for TAIWAN" and labels them as "Taiwan’s virtue," has received praise from online users. Lai and Hsiao were officially registered as the first confirmed presidential team for the 2024 elections after Hsiao was announced as Lai’s vice-presidential pick.
    2023/11/22 12:42
  • 槍手藏身國會大廈? 華府警大規模搜索:假的!虛驚一場

    美國華盛頓特區(Washington DC)3日有突發報案,911緊急專線接獲民眾通報,「可能」有槍手潛入聯邦參議院內,讓國會警察不敢大意,隨即展開大範圍逐樓層搜索,並在第一時間疏散大廈內所有人員。《路透》(Reuters)報導,經過一小時半搜查後,完全沒有找到任何與槍手有關的痕跡,華府警方隨即恢復國會正常運作,同時向媒體表示,「沒有槍手、沒有受傷,這次通報很可能是一次惡作劇虛假報案(bogus)電話。」
    2023/08/03 09:41
  • Taiwan official calls for more collaborations with the U.S.

    Taiwan’s Minister without Portfolio John Deng and other top officials are in the United States to attend the SelectUSA Investment Summit in Maryland from May 1 to 4. During a visit to Washington DC, Deng met with U.S. government officials to discuss bilateral trade agreement and investment opportunities in Taiwan.
    2023/05/05 20:13
  • Foxconn Founder Terry Gou discusses tech, Taiwan’s economy

    Foxconn Founder Terry Gou departed for the United States on March 27 for a 12-day trip to discuss technology, innovation and Taiwan’s economy with experts.
    2023/03/30 13:45
  • 美男子臉掛女性丁字褲當口罩 遭空服員趕下飛機

    美國佛羅里達州(Florida)一名男子日前搭乘美國聯合航空(United Airlines)飛往華盛頓特區(Washington, DC.)的班機時,不僅未配戴口罩,還在臉上掛著一條亮紅色的女性丁字褲,宣稱這樣也符合「遮掩口鼻」的規定。不過一旁的空服員可一點都不覺得有趣,直接將男子趕下飛機,還將他列入暫時拒絕載客名單。
    2021/12/17 17:28
  • 曾在英上街購物!澳副總理訪美驗出新冠陽性 遭強制隔離

    澳洲副總理喬伊斯(Barnaby Joyce)抵達美國進行訪問行程時,因出現輕微症狀,因此接受新冠病毒檢測,結果竟呈陽性。據了解,目前喬伊斯正在華盛頓特區(Washington DC)進行至少10天的隔離期,並已取消與美國官員的會晤,將在美國滯留到可以安全返國。
    2021/12/09 13:10
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