6 Taiwanese scammers allegedly sent to China from Myanmar
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is currently verifying reports that Myanmar has handed over six Taiwanese telecom fraudsters to China. The MOFA is working with the Ministry of Justice, National Police Agency, and National Immigration Agency to bring these stranded citizens back to Taiwan. Myanmar’s Wa State, known for its independent judicial system and close ties with China, is where the transfer took place. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Myanmar is actively assisting Taiwanese citizens in their return. This is the first public announcement by Myanmar of transferring Taiwanese individuals involved in telecom fraud.2023/11/16 17:13 -
緬甸瓦邦叛軍籲軍政府和談 仰光遭炸彈攻擊1死9傷
與中國關係密切的緬甸叛亂組織「瓦邦聯合軍」(United Wa State Army, UWSA),今天呼籲緬甸軍政府與反政變戰士進行對話,以結束15個月的流血衝突。2022/06/01 09:15