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    Turkey 結果共19筆

  • 有片/2美軍土耳其休假遭15人圍毆 鬧事者吼:美國佬滾回家!

    土耳其西部大城伊茲密爾(Izmir)日前發生一起攻擊事件,兩名休假穿著便服的美軍陸戰隊成員,在市區遭到當地激進份子攻擊,多名當地民眾將美軍圍住,大聲叫囂和出手攻擊,不斷要他們離開土耳其滾回美國。此一攻擊事件隨著現場影像在社群曝光,也引起伊茲密爾政府和美國大使館關注,警方很快就逮捕15名涉案嫌犯。涉嫌發起攻擊的土耳其青年聯盟(Youth Union of Turkey),事後還釋出聲明自認對方「罪有應得」,認為土耳其政府不應該讓這些手染巴勒斯坦鮮血的美軍,踏上玷污土耳其這片土地。
    2024/09/03 13:51
  • Rescue operations in Hualien reach day six after earthquake

    In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Hualien, a Turkish drone team has joined the rescue efforts, providing crucial aerial imagery to help locate missing individuals, including a Singaporean couple believed to be near the Shakadang Trail.
    2024/04/08 16:37
  • Japan ranks last in workplace health conditions report

    A survey conducted by the McKinsey Health Institute (MHI) revealed that Japan ranks last in terms of employees’ physical, psychological, social, and mental health conditions at the workplace. The survey evaluated the health conditions of over 30,000 employees from 30 countries, with Japan scoring a mere 25%. Turkey, India, and China topped the ranking with scores of 78%, 76%, and 75% respectively.
    2023/11/04 10:04
  • Estonia allows Taiwan to establish rep. office in Tallinn

    A survey conducted by the McKinsey Health Institute (MHI) revealed that Japan ranks last in terms of employees’ physical, psychological, social, and mental health conditions at the workplace. The survey evaluated the health conditions of over 30,000 employees from 30 countries, with Japan scoring a mere 25%. Turkey, India, and China topped the ranking with scores of 78%, 76%, and 75% respectively.
    2023/11/04 09:54
  • Chiu Chen-yu reveals heartwarming story of Taiwan Center

    On Feb. 6, a devastating earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, resulting in the deaths of about 47,000 people and leaving approximately 1.5 million people homeless.
    2023/02/27 23:59
  • Taiwan’s search and rescue teams back from Turkey

    Taiwan’s search and rescue teams returned to Taiwan on Wednesday (Feb. 15) after a grueling five-day mission in Turkey. 
    2023/02/16 18:59
  • Taiwan’s Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage kicks off

    The annual Baishatun Mazu Pilgrimage, one of the largest religious processions in Taiwan, kicked off on Sunday.
    2023/02/13 20:00
  • Taiwan Center in Turkey clarifies cash flow of donations

    After the earthquake that occurred in Turkey and Syria on Feb. 6, the Taiwan Center in Reyhanli has been actively providing food and clothing to refugees and quake victims. 
    2023/02/13 19:47
  • Tzu Chi Foundation sends 5.6 tons of blankets to Turkey

    The Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation is shipping blankets to those affected by the Turkey-Syria earthquake
    2023/02/12 11:14
  • Taiwan sends 3rd emergency team to Turkey with new equipment

    Four days after the devastating earthquake in Turkey, Taiwan sent its 3rd search and rescue team to help with disaster relief in the area on Thursday (Feb. 9).
    2023/02/12 11:10
  • Taiwan’s emergency team rescues woman from rubble in Turkey

    Taiwan’s search and rescue team successfully rescued a woman stuck beneath the rubbles of a building in Turkey on Wednesday, after digging for 5 hours.
    2023/02/12 10:26
  • Taiwan President checks on search and rescue team in Turkey

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen hopped on a video call on Wednesday (Feb. 8) to check in on the search and rescue team dispatched to assist in Turkey following a massive earthquake led to thousands of deaths
    2023/02/12 10:18
  • Taiwan ’Prays for Turkey,’ sends 2nd search and rescue team

    Taipei 101 and the Taipei City Government building displayed messages of "Pray for Turkey" on Tuesday night in a show of support for the victims of the disaster. 
    2023/02/08 18:00
  • 土耳其強震女排14人遭活埋!大批運動員失聯 前英超球星失蹤

    土耳其南部與敘利亞接壤的地區,昨(6)日發生芮氏規模7.8強震,已釀成逾3600人死亡悲劇,5000多棟建築物倒塌,根據外媒報導,許多土國國家級運動員失聯,其中包含曾效力英超的足球明星阿特蘇(Christian Atsu),當地更有一支女排隊伍14名球員遭埋在廢墟下方,生死未卜。
    2023/02/07 07:46
  • 別再叫我「火雞」 美國務院同意改用土耳其新拼音

    土耳其的英文國名拼音,與火雞(turkey)同一字,政府多年以來耿耿於懷。現任強人總統艾爾段(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)2021年底下令,國內機構全面變更為土文拼法的「Türkiye」。《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,雖然變更拼音近兩年時間,但西方國家多半沿用原來拼法,讓土耳其政府非常不滿。美國國務院6日宣佈,在安卡拉當局要求下,未來在兩國合作交流的場所,華府將全面改用Türkiye取代Turkey,展現對盟邦的友好與重視。
    2023/01/06 09:41
  • 《TVBS國際+談全球》Kindle退陸只是開端?NBA總冠軍勇士奪下

    2022/06/17 18:29
  • 別再叫我火雞! 土耳其聯合國成功正名「Türkiye」

    土耳其的英文國名Turkey有「火雞」之意,安卡拉當局一直格外介意,為了重塑國際形象,外長卡夫索格魯(Mevlut Cavusoglu)5月31日去函聯合國祕書長古特雷斯(António Guterres),要求在國際場合以土耳其文Türkiye取代英文Turkey,聯合國6月1日發表聲明宣布,指土耳其正名一事從聯合國收到土方來函那一刻開始生效。
    2022/06/06 16:19
  • 不再與「火雞」混淆! 土耳其擬改國名Türkiye

    土耳其傳媒1月18日稱,土耳其總統艾爾段(Recep Tayyip Erdoğan)表示,政府擬在未來數週內正式更改國際公認的官方英文國名寫法,並在聯合國註冊新國名。
    2022/01/20 10:38
  • 僅用「針筒+保鮮盒」 29歲女和男同志室友產下女嬰

    由於醫療科技的進步,希望懷孕生子不一定只有「發生性行為」這個方法,英國1名27歲的男同志湯姆森(Ali Thomson)相當渴望當父親,而大他2歲的女室友艾倫(Kerry Allen)也剛好有生子想法,於是2人透過「火雞滴油管法」(Turkey Baster Method)的人工受孕方式,竟真的成功產下1名女嬰。
    2018/08/29 11:34
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