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    TVBS��������������������������� 結果共10,000筆

  • 修杰楷領TVBS眾藝人「上山種樹」 響應2024世界地球日

    TVBS積極投入永續作為,去年榮獲數位轉型鼎革獎ESG特別獎、Edenred Ideal Green減碳永續獎肯定,並成立「永續發展部」,以身為「ESG轉譯者」為己任。今年四月初更推出ESG全新品牌「TVBS GOOD」,透過深入淺出地倡議永續內容,從民眾的生活日常策動永續。世界地球日前夕,TVBS也呼應今年地球日主題「Planet vs. Plastics」,於17日舉辦「一樹一山」響應活動,號召TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文、TVBS主播黃星樺、葉佳蓉、TVBS星藝象旗下藝人修杰楷、楊銘威、楊晴、林子閎、黃柏峰、鍾岳軒、盧學叡等群起響應,以行動落實環境永續。
    2024/04/18 12:45
  • 蘇丹紅事件懶人包》蘇丹紅是什麼?蘇丹紅產品名單和毒性危害

    2024/04/18 11:32
  • William Lai among TIME’s 100 most influential

    William Lai, Taiwan’s President-elect, and Jensen Huang, Nvidia CEO, have been named among Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2024. Lai, set to take office in May, is recognized in the Leaders category, while Huang is honored as an Innovator. The selections affirm Taiwan’s democratic achievements and Lai’s future role in defending the nation’s democracy and maintaining regional stability.
    2024/04/18 11:04
  • Commuters face delays as heavy rainfall hits Taipei

    Heavy rainfall in northern Taiwan slows traffic as drainage systems struggle to keep up with the unexpected downpour, affecting commutes in Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Yilan, with authorities investigating potential solutions.
    2024/04/18 11:01
  • 贏在說話讓我變得更勇敢

    2024/04/18 08:00
  • 走進TVBS,成為自信主播

    2024/04/18 08:00
  • 獨/山豬多病纏身「片場狂跌倒」 《機智》男星曝心酸內幕

    2024/04/17 19:48
  • 「TVBS GOOD」品牌亮相 從生活策動日常永續革命

    TVBS積極投入永續作為,去年榮獲數位轉型鼎革獎ESG特別獎、Edenred Ideal Green減碳永續獎肯定,並成立「永續發展部」,以身為「ESG轉譯者」為己任。今年四月初更推出ESG全新品牌「TVBS GOOD」,透過深入淺出地倡議永續內容,從民眾的生活日常策動永續。世界地球日前夕,TVBS也呼應今年地球日主題「Planet vs. Plastics」,於今(17)日舉辦「一樹一山」響應活動,號召TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文、TVBS主播、TVBS星藝象旗下藝人,以及企業友好夥伴「日月光」響應,推廣加樹減塑、節能減碳行動,同時新竹市副市長邱臣遠、新竹縣原民處 雲天寶處長、林業保育署新竹分署署長 夏榮生也到場力挺。TVBS總經理劉文硯表示:「非常開心參與此次活動,希望這些樹在十年、二十年、甚至百年後,都能為台灣帶來減碳幫助。今天活動也結合了TVBS志工日,包括很多公司同仁與藝人一起共襄盛舉,一起身體力行支持永續。」
    2024/04/17 19:39
  • Taiwan to destroy 2.2 million expired eggs by April 19

    Acting Minister Chen announces destruction of 2.2 million expired eggs by April 19; costs and process to be disclosed on MOA website.
    2024/04/17 17:18
  • 愛媽咪! 母親節"馬卡龍.康乃馨.紅寶石巧克力"絕美蛋糕

    我愛媽咪! 一年一度的母親節即將到來,想要好好幫媽媽慶祝,除了吃大餐,好吃的蛋糕也不能少,TVBS幫您整理,多款蛋糕,包您媽咪喜歡! 
    2024/04/17 17:01
  • Chinese cargo ship sinks near Kinmen, crew members rescued

    Chinese cargo ship Ruicheng 6 sank off Kinmen amid dense fog; 12 crew members rescued by nearby vessel Tung I 602 and returned to China; 7 tons of heavy oil leaked from sunken ship.
    2024/04/17 16:56
  • Shihmen Reservoir water storage drops below 2021 level

    Shihmen Reservoir’s water storage rate falls to 24.2%, lower than during 2021 drought, due to continued irrigation supply. Taoyuan Mayor hopeful for plum rains, prepares drought resistance measures.
    2024/04/17 16:53
  • EU appoints Lutz Güllner as new representative in Taiwan

    Lutz Güllner, head of the EEAS Strategic Communication Division, appointed as European representative in Taiwan and head of the European Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan, signifying EU’s commitment to strengthening ties with Taiwan in trade and strategic communication.
    2024/04/17 15:43
  • Kritenbrink-Qiu meeting shows Taiwan’s role in US-China ties

    Wang Hsin-hsien, an NCCU professor, speculates that the recent meeting between U.S. and Chinese officials may have involved discussions about President-elect Lai Ching-te’s inauguration speech and personnel arrangements, while TKU professor Alexander Huang believes the visit was mainly to prepare for Deputy Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s visit.
    2024/04/17 15:38
  • Taiwan’s Environment Minister to step down in May

    Meta description: Hsieh Fu-sheng, current Minister of Environment, announces he will not retain his position in President-elect Lai Ch’ing-te’s upcoming cabinet. Hsieh will return to teaching at National Chung Hsing University after May 20 and retire in 2025. He expresses gratitude for his experience and hopes his successor will continue promoting environmental initiatives.
    2024/04/17 15:34
  • Taiwan unveils NT$3B plan to revive tourism after quake

    Discover how Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kwo-tsai, unveils three comprehensive revitalization plans for Hualien following a devastating earthquake. These initiatives aim to support the local tourism industry, provide accommodations for victims, and offer subsidies to tourists, with an estimated budget of NT$3 billion. Learn more about the impact of the April 7.2 magnitude quake on Hualien’s tourism, including hotel closures and layoffs, and the government’s efforts to rejuvenate the area in the coming months.
    2024/04/17 13:19
  • MND head stands by IDS program amid leadership strain

    Taiwan’s Minister of National Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng, supports Huang Shu-kuang amidst his resignation due to exhaustion, emphasizing the collective effort of the Indigenous Defense Submarine program and denying rumors of its disbandment or leadership changes involving Wellington Koo.
    2024/04/17 13:17
  • 陳亞蘭爆胡瓜私下真面目! 情同家人「跟著他就有飯吃」

    2024/04/17 13:03
  • 手刀快搶!行動電源、樂扣吸管杯18元帶走 優惠一次看

    2024/04/17 10:33
  • Blackouts hit thousands in Taoyuan: Faulty cables to blame

    Discover the cause behind the sudden blackouts in Taoyuan and Qingpu, as Taipower investigates faulty cables and fallen high-voltage lines affecting thousands. Learn about the impact on local households and the response from Taoyuan City officials.
    2024/04/17 10:15
  • Taiwan braces for sweltering heat, thunderstorms this week

    Explore the dynamic weather forecast for Taiwan as reported by WeatherRisk: A surge in subtropical high pressure, a front from the Yangtze River region affecting temperatures, potential thunderstorms, and varied wind changes leading to fluctuating weather conditions from hot to brief rainfall, concluding with a weekend of stable, warmer weather before another front approaches, possibly stirring convective responses and increased rain chances.
    2024/04/17 09:46
  • 成為體壇的溝通高手

    2024/04/17 08:00
  • 白癡公主拍電影!合作小薰「寒冬中發抖」突拋:再開咖啡廳

    2024/04/16 17:55
  • Eric Chu urges amendments to Taiwan’s national security laws

    Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu warns against the misuse of Taiwan’s five national security laws for infringing human rights and manipulating elections. Amidst discussions on cross-strait relations and following Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China, Chu calls for amendments to these laws, criticizing their use as tools for political suppression by the DPP. He advocates for dialogue and peace in cross-strait interactions, urging the DPP to prioritize human rights and constructive engagement over ideological rigidity.
    2024/04/16 17:51
  • T1/表弟回來了!卡森斯回歸台啤雲豹明晨抵台 亮相時間曝

    T1桃園台啤永豐雲豹職業籃球隊上個月正式宣佈與卡森斯(DeMarcus Cousins)完成續約,即將強勢回歸,這回搭乘華航CI7航班,預計明(17)天清晨抵達台灣。台啤雲豹執行長張建偉向《TVBS新聞網》表示,本週末對戰台北台新戰神,卡森斯就會再度在球迷面前亮相,暫時沒有其他公開行程。
    2024/04/16 17:41
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