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    TVBS��������������������������� 結果共10,000筆

  • 穀雨節氣4/19報到!「穀雨補老母」習俗做什麼?養生飲食一次看

    2024/04/19 15:37
  • TVBS 響應種樹減碳 黃星樺、葉佳蓉投身參與自封「植物系主播」

    TVBS近期推出全新ESG永續倡議品牌「TVBS GOOD」,同時呼應世界地球日,17日更號召參與「一樹一山」永續行動。包括TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文,以及主播黃星樺、葉佳蓉也都一同現身活動現場,與TVBS星藝象藝人、TVBS志工日活動齊心響應,也為環境永續作出實踐承諾。對此,兩位主播表示能親身參與這項有意義的活動感到非常開心,同時因為兩人姓名中正巧有「草」及「木」字邊,因此兩人更突發奇想自封「植物系主播」,笑翻現場眾人。
    2024/04/19 15:12
  • Taiwan’s SEF awaits China’s ARATS response on capsized boat

    The Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) has not received a response from the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) about a speedboat capsizing near Kinmen. SEF Chair David Lee calls for pragmatic dialogue between both sides of the strait, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the people’s safety. The incident involved an unidentified Chinese vessel and has resulted in a soldier from Kinmen being stranded in China, with efforts ongoing to facilitate his return.
    2024/04/19 14:20
  • China activates new flight routes near Taiwan

    Discover the latest development in cross-strait relations as China’s Civil Aviation Administration activates new flight routes to improve airspace efficiency, sparking concerns from Taiwan over flight safety near Matsu and Kinmen.
    2024/04/19 14:07
  • Wang Mei-hua endorses successor ahead of cabinet change

    Outgoing Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua praises successor J.W. Kuo for his international perspective as he prepares to take over the ministerial role, emphasizing his commitment to public service. The transition comes as President-elect Lai Ching-te prepares to take office, drawing public attention to the new cabinet selection.
    2024/04/19 14:04
  • Significant rainfall possible next week

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including minimal rainfall, rising temperatures, and sunny skies for the upcoming weekend. Special warnings for Taitung and potential heavy rainfall next week are highlighted by the Central Weather Administration.
    2024/04/19 14:01
  • Kosovo delegation visits Taiwan to strengthen bilateral ties

    Explore the strengthening of Taiwan-Kosovo relations as former Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti visits Taiwan, aiming to foster deeper ties in democracy, economy, and education. This significant visit, marked by discussions on cooperation and shared democratic values, underscores both nations’ commitment to advancing bilateral relations and international participation.
    2024/04/19 13:59
  • 《拜託ATM》收視再創新高! 胡瓜樂發團隊10萬獎金「沒想到這麼快」

    由胡瓜與Sandra主持的TVBS 8點益智綜藝節目《拜託ATM》收視屢創新高,前(17)日「旅遊達人最強之夜」這集的25-39歲女性觀眾平均收視率高達0.81,在戲劇與綜藝節目相當競爭的8點時段榮升排行榜第4名,收視高點也飆到1.0;在25-49歲女性觀眾收視率也有0.48的好成績,兩區間皆創節目收視率新高。主持人胡瓜對製作單位允諾頒發10萬元獎金,他笑說:「沒想到日子來得真快!」
    2024/04/19 12:21
  • 2024中鋼紀念品領取懶人包》時間地點、領取資格、最後買進日

    2024/04/19 10:12
  • 《TVBS新聞網》網路投票/對台電維持穩定供電是否有信心?

    2024/04/19 09:02
  • 孩子成長的五種必修課

    2024/04/19 08:00
  • TVBS小小配音員!帶你體驗卡通聲音的奇幻世界

    2024/04/19 08:00
  • 《萌寵明星粗乃玩》又來啦!吳姍儒化身邱比特 曝「挑完美尪」關鍵

    2024/04/18 18:23
  • TVBS好戲不斷!修杰楷曝曾莞婷「私下反差面」 楊晴化身女強人

    2024/04/18 18:14
  • Expert warns of hMPV outbreak amid rising fever cases

    Dr. Li Shang-chien from Landseed International Hospital alerts of a potential human metapneumovirus outbreak, highlighting its global prevalence and transmission methods. He details the virus’s symptoms, which vary by age, and stresses the importance of hygiene to prevent infection.
    2024/04/18 18:01
  • Taiwan’s road safety crisis: A minister’s regret

    Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation, Wang Kwo-tsai, expresses regret over not prioritizing road safety, amidst rising traffic accidents and injuries. Despite efforts to reduce fatalities, Taiwan lags behind Japan in traffic safety. Legislative discussions reveal concerns over the "Road Traffic Management and Penalty Amendment Act" and its impact on police workload, despite advancements in digital reporting of traffic violations.
    2024/04/18 16:54
  • Taipei police near breakthrough in food poisoning mystery

    The Taipei City Police Department is close to a breakthrough in the Polam Kopitiam food poisoning case, with officials stating no poison was found in samples, and only a Vietnamese chef’s hands tested positive for Bongkrek acid. The case remains under investigation, with all possible leads being explored.
    2024/04/18 16:19
  • Taiwan prepares for dual weather fronts next week

    Taiwan prepares for severe weather with two significant fronts expected next week, bringing heavy thunderstorms and strong winds, especially in Taitung and Hualien. Following a severe thunderstorm in Taipei, the Taiwan Integrated Disaster Prevention of Technology Engineering Consulting director, Chia Hsin-hsing, warns of more intense conditions and advises residents to stay informed.
    2024/04/18 15:49
  • NZ, Taiwan strengthen ties through parliamentary visit

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu meets with New Zealand’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Taiwan, expressing admiration for New Zealand and discussing the deepening of bilateral relations in trade, indigenous affairs, agriculture, and culture. The visit aims to strengthen friendship and cooperation between the two democracies.
    2024/04/18 15:47
  • Taiwan to halt public reporting of minor traffic violations

    Minister of Transportation and Communication (MOTC) minister Wang Kwo-tsai announced Thursday (April 18) that the public will no longer be able to report minor traffic violations that carry a maximum fine of NT$1,200 or less. This comes after the Executive Yuan approved amendments to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act.
    2024/04/18 15:09
  • 力拚全球前三AI強國 韓傾國家之力重金投資

    2024/04/18 15:06
  • Thunderstorms cause power outages in Taoyuan

    Thunderstorms cause power outages affecting nearly 10,000 households in Taoyuan; Taiwan Power Company works to restore electricity, citing bamboo brushing against high-voltage switches and feeder lines jumping off as causes.
    2024/04/18 15:01
  • 日本晶片國家隊落腳北海道 Rapidus廠房趕工中

    2024/04/18 14:51
  • Taiwan detects 18 PLA aircraft near its borders

    Taiwan’s MND reports 18 PLA aircraft, 5 PLAN vessels near Taiwan; China to launch rocket over Taiwan’s ADIZ on Apr. 21. ROC Armed Forces monitor situation.
    2024/04/18 13:33
  • J.W. Kuo tackles Taiwan’s power trials ahead of MOEA role

    J.W. Kuo, incoming Minister of Economic Affairs and chairman at Topco Scientific Co Ltd., focuses on assessing Taiwan’s power needs through industry visits, aiming for a comprehensive report on electricity demands and the potential extension of nuclear plants, prioritizing safety and public consensus.
    2024/04/18 13:24
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